wwf rage in the cage finishers

Hong Man Choi , a K-1 Asia champion, will be making his first U.S. MMA appearance at the June 2 event, where he will take on newcomer Lesnar, a North Dakota native who rose to WWE stardom in shows such as WWE Raw, SummerSlam and WrestleMania. Wrestlemania is more than an event that will change the face of sports entertainment. Sandow with a kick to the midsection followed by the side Russian leg sweep and it is time for the Elbow of Disdain and he connects and gets a near fall. Drew says the group is called the Rising, and I guess they're there to take the BDC out. No one on this show could TOUCH how over Cena is. - C.W. Patterson said he was happy to be here but it was strange because tonight he's inducting a "mad dog" and two years ago he inducted an "old bag", Mae Young. You have seen what Dean Ambrose can do. Kane goes up top and this time he connects with the clothesline. Now Cage is in and he traps Gargano with a seated abdominal stretch, then dumps Gargano out to the floor. 1996-02-18 WWF In Your House #6 Rage In The Cage - WWF Intercontinental Title - Goldust VS The Undertaker. He was in the first match. He starts to talk about how he talked to the Board of Directors about making an executive decision after Abyss' interference last week, but he's interrupted by Magnus and Abyss. This was absolutely incredible. TJP tried to rally back. He 'taught the fan a lesson' and the next day, there's big trouble and he needed to go to a police station. Then came The Shield and Bray Wyatt and that started the whispers. Booker goes for the Bookend but Roode avoids that as well. It turned out it was a kid who tried to steal one of the cars because the keys were in it. Nikki with a chin lock and arm bar on Cameron. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you. He said there were too many egos on the other team, and they could take out some of the opposition for Wrestlemania tonight if they work together. Balor came out in full Demon paint and entrance. As Batista entered he passed, and then stared down, John Cena. Ray then focuses on Sting. Lynn drilled him with a steel chair. })(); 1944 - Gray Mask defeats Gorilla Ramos to win the World Light Heavyweight Title in Hollywood, California, ending Ramos' second reign and beginning Gray Mask's second reign. Play WWF Rage in the Cage (SEGA CD) for free in your browser. Byron talked to John Cena about this match. His father went down to see who it was that was stuck. Shingo powered Genki to the mat with a headlock, then shoulderblocked him down. The Wolves mauled Generico and got several near falls. Matt said that when Dragon Gate USA started, it put them on the map. The crowd went nuts when they announced this was a Divas tag with lots of women screaming. Bram says Magnus should come down to the ring and fight him, and Magnus says he wants to fight him in the ring, the parking lot, and anywhere and everywhere. Moxley went for a dropkick but was caught and turned into an Indian Death Lock. It is a privilege to be at Wrestlemania. One time, Hansen's back was bad. They had one of the biggest matches of their career and they ended up destined for stardom. That was awesome. Dreamer clotheslined Moxley for a two count. We start with a video look back at the torment that James Storm has put the Hardys through, then we go right to the ring for our opening promo. He told a story about Virgil picking up their bags and then realizing they didn't have the Million Dollar Belt. Richards catapulted Generico into an Edwards punch. Renee points out we have not seen Undertaker since last year’s Wrestlemania, but has he bitten off more than he can chew. }); var gptadslots=[], googletag = googletag || {}; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; He is asked about the battle royal and he says he is feeling good. Match Number Two: El Local versus Brodus Clay (with the Funkettes). WWF Rage in the Cage for SEGA CD :-) This is such a fun game to play. Wendi told a story of touring Japan and using what she learned there in the United States to become what was then described as a 'rough babyface.' WWE had signs posted warning fans not to catcall and also announcing video streaming was prohibited. Renee asks Kane about Pete Rose’s chances and Kane points out that Pete has not had a lot of success at Wrestlemania. He said Stu worked on a 'handshake deal' and that was rare. Charlotte trapped her in a head scissors and drilled Sasha's head into the mat. Uecker said when he was a kid, his grandma did wrestler's laundry and told a story of putting on Dick the Bruiser's tights. Jigsaw drilled him with a series of kicks and a brainbuster but Nick broke it up. Patterson asked him to tell the story of the night he opened a plane in mid-air. Alberto says that he is going to make it right. Bayley was interviewed after. They have a tense staredown as Abyss walks toward Magnus with the title belt in hand. He said it was the hottest ticket in town and half the roster is back there including Shawn Michaels, Seth Rollins, Cesaro, Stephanie McMahon, X-PAC and even Vince McMahon are all here. He clubbered each of the Wolves but they kicked him in the gut. Charlotte received a standing ovation and the crowd chanted, "Thank you Charlotte.". _comscore.push({ c1: "2", c2: "6035223" }); Cesaro works on the wrist but Kane with a reversal and he sends Cesaro to the mat. Kane joins the panel. .setTargeting('targetPaths', sdpTargeting.targetPaths) The results were: Rusev does not want any of him. Renee mentions Randy Savage getting into the Hall of Fame and she asks Dusty about a Savage Story. They went into a bridge, but Burke used his weight to drive RVD into the canvas. Bret attacked Bad News after the match and destroyed the winner's trophy. Damien says that it is their pleasure to introduce the Divas who will restore class to the division. She says she didn't sign up for this, but Angelina asks if she signed up for being mediocre because that's what she is without Angelina: vanilla. Uecker said that he met Dick Ebersol years ago and mentioned some of the shows he was involved in. Kong with a camel clutch. Kane with a shoulder tackle and Cesaro retreats to the corner. She told the story of seeing wrestling for the first time live because her friend wanted to see it. 1995 - Miss Texas (Jacqueline Moore) wins her 10th of 14 USWA Women's Titles in Memphis, Tennessee, ending Sweet Georgia Brown's third reign. Yep, Kelly Kelly. Now Hero is getting arrogant an starts slapping Busick around before going for the deathblow. The show was simulcast on MTV, the last such event to be done so. Saieed says that it does not matter who wins the fans voting. There was a big "Owen" chant. Big reaction for Bayley after. He said that his father will live on forever now that he's in the WWE Hall of Fame and thanked everyone for that. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The first inductee is Mad Dog Vachon. R-Truth brought out fans for the dance contest they've been doing in all of the towns. Reigns says that the walls of justice will come crashing down on Orton, Show, and Sheamus. It is a spin-off of sorts of LJN's 16-bit WWF games, as the gameplay engine and graphical style are the same as in WWF Royal Rumble for the Super NES and Sega Genesis. We look back at last week when Kurt Angle beat Bobby Lashley for the TNA World Title, and we'll see his championship celebration later tonight. James Storm and Gunner are backstage, and they're...MENTALLY PREPARING! At the end of the day, Cena will have to do what no one else has been able to do. Renee points out that Taker has had a year to stew on his loss last year. The show got a 5.8 rating live from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina. He says that Big Show wanted to bring Orton back with open arms while others did have doubts. Another solid wrestling match, I'm really digging all the technical wrestling I'm seeing on tonight's show. HIs mic didn't work so the crowd chanted, "You f***ed up." Nash and Tomko stare each other down then lock up. Natalya escapes and she starts to work on the ankle. He said Inoki did it as a wrestler. What will happen to the WWE Universe if Cena loses? Morrison got a decent reaction, but almost entirely female. Roman says he can and he will. Shingo is just a beast, throwing around and beating the crap out of Horiguchi. Wrestlemania had a huge buyrate last year, not because of one guy. For pay-per-view pricing and ordering information, viewers should contact their local cable or satellite provider. A limo takes him to Stamford and he meets with the brain trust. He said he was proud to have inducted George into the Hall of Fame. Storm begins perusing the weapons suspended from the top of the cage, but Hardy comes up behind him and hangs from the roof of the cage to hit a Frankensteiner into the ring. There wasn't a lot of psychology in it past the opening minutes but just all out crazy stuff. She finally nailed the Bayley to belly suplex for the pin. Hardy starts to walk toward the cage, but Manik runs out from behind and attacks Jeff. WWF Rage in the Cage - La rage dans la cage. A.J. Burke slammed RVD and hit an elbowdrop for a two count. We may receive commission if your application for credit is successful. Bison Smith & Joey Ryan & Claudio Castagnoli & Prince Nana vs. Necro Butcher & Briscoes & Skullkrusher Raschke Brown. Romero legsnapped him off the ropes. Renee says the champion spearheads the division. Byron asks Roman about his evolution from NXT to the Shield to now. Lynn was busted open. They introduce themselves and then they talk about April 7th. 2008 - TNA broadcast Impact live for the first time ever from Orlando, FL, taking advantage of fans in the Orlando, FL area for the Wrestlemania 24 festivivies. A short but funny and sweet induction. Corino took the mic and said that the fans should be chanting his name, not Jerry Lynn's. Cameron with a forearm and Nikki grabs her leg. They began fencing with chairs. Sting press slams A.J. Sandow sends Orton back into the ring and then he punches Orton in the head. ODB with punches to Kong and attempts to slam her, but Kong falls forward onto ODB instead for a two count. Vince McMahon's reaction? 5) John Morrison beat Dolph Ziggler via pinfall after Starship Pain. For the last 12 years before that he had worked hard and wrestled in no-name towns and one day the WWE calls. Another codebreaker puts Page back on the ring apron and Fox goes for another Ass Destroying Legdrop, but Page nails him before he gets to complete the move and plants him with a Tower of London onto the ring apron. Tornado came back with an elbow that sent Daivari to the floor and a forward running flip over the ropes. El Local with an enzuigiri and then he dives for the knee and he gets a near fall. Allen used his boot to choke TJP in the corner. The news of Flair’s second induction was followed by a firestorm of controversy. Drew plants Uhaa with a sky high for 2, Uhaa nails him back with a sweet leaping enziguiri, but then Drew KILLS Uhaa with a German suplex into the corner and a sick kick for 2. The BDC is backstage and Kenny King and Low Ki are losing their minds over what just happened, but MVP is calm because he has a call to make to somebody who is ready. It is also the last game released under the WWF name as the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in May of that year. The players can also play various tournaments such as King of the Ring and several title tournaments. On the floor, Balor scored with a leaping forearm and tossed Neville back in. Ted said that the success and talent his father had as an in-ring performer is undeniable and the Million Dollar Man character will forever be cherished by those who love the business. Now he tries a springboard and gets caught, but he dropkicks Black to the floor and hits a running dive that effectively takes both men out. Magnus says that MVP can't make any decisions about Abyss because he works for Magnus and not TNA, so MVP says that's fine because that means he can only be out here when Magnus is wrestling and he better not ever put his hands on him again. 5. Roderick Strong comes out with his shoulder taped up and the match is turned into a Three Way for the title. Gamekult. Dueling chants for the two teams. Booker traded punches with Punk, then tagged in Finlay, who took Punk down with a chinlock. Magnus pops up, German suplexes Bram into next week, hammers him with right hands, then gets the turnbuckle and starts beating the crap out of Bram with it. The lIne to get in went waaaay down the block and there was a young energy in the crowd. Shingo caught him with a running clothesline, then nailed a death valley driver off the ropes for a two count. Nikki with a kick to the head when the referee was not looking. Cesaro with punches and the referee warns him. Both men were eliminated from the tournament. WWF In Your House 6: Rage in the Cage Louisville Gardens in Louisville, Kentucky February 18, 1996 There was a scene with Sunny in a silver bikini saying some of this show is too hot for some – viewer discretion is advised. For this character he would fly the best airlines, stay at the best hotels and have a limo take him everywhere he goes. Her bar, arcade machines, and car have all been wiped out,and he asks how the old man is doing, but the girl yells at him for running off to chase his dreams and leaving his family here to drown. Sandow with a reverse chin lock but Orton with head butts. Inoki did his traditional Japanese cheer after explaining it to the crowd and asking them to do it with them. Byron asks Rusev why it took so long to get the match.

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