william tecumseh sherman civil war

In July 1861, Sherman fought in the disastrous … Copies of Saint-Gaudens's Bust of William Tecumseh Sherman are in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and elsewhere.[144]. Sherman did not believe that defeating the armies of the South was enough to end the war quickly. Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army. -- Thomas J. Though the commission was responsible for the negotiation of the Medicine Lodge Treaty and the Sioux Treaty of 1868, Sherman was not particularly privy in either due to being called away to Washington during the negotiations of both. When he reached the age of sixteen, Ewing arranged an appointment for Sherman to West Point. [131] During this period, he stayed in contact with war veterans, and through them accepted honorary membership into the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and the Irving Literary Society. [7] Since an account in a 1932 biography about Sherman, it has often been reported that, as an infant, Sherman was named simply Tecumseh. With sectional tensions rising and the Civil War looming, Sherman warned his secessionist friends that a war would be long and bloody, with the North eventually winning. Sherman would marry his foster sister, Ellen Boyle Ewing, at age 30 and have eight children with her. Transferred to New York in 1857, he was soon out of job when the bank folded during the Panic of 1857. (Eventually, one of Minnie's daughters married a grandson of Confederate general Lewis Addison Armistead. 235–36. Kennedy Hickman is a historian, museum director, and curator who specializes in military and naval history. Uniting with Major General George H. Thomas' Army of the Cumberland, Sherman's men took part in the decisive Battle of Chattanooga in late November which drove the Confederates back into Georgia. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to capture Fort Donelson (February 1862). William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) He never commanded in a major Union victory and his military career had repeated ups and downs, but William T. Sherman is the second best known of Northern commanders. He later began a new climb to success at Shiloh and Corinth under Grant. Seemingly Sherman to Herbert A. Preston, April 17, 1873, quoted in Marszalek. He lived most of the rest of his life in New York City. William Tecumseh Sherman (Cump) ... His March to Atlanta brought the war to the civilian population. Critical press reports appeared about him after an October visit to Louisville by the secretary of war, Simon Cameron, and in early November 1861 Sherman insisted that he be relieved. Hirshson, pp. [5], Sherman's unusual given name has always attracted considerable attention. [40], Sherman was first commissioned as colonel of the 13th U.S. Infantry Regiment, effective May 14, 1861. William Tecumseh Sherman was a U.S. Civil War Union Army leader known for "Sherman's March," in which he and his troops laid waste to the South. But, my dear sirs, when peace does come, you may call on me for anything. While many of his colleagues saw action in the Mexican–American War, Sherman was assigned to administrative duties in the captured territory of California. [2] British military theorist and historian B. H. Liddell Hart declared that Sherman was "the first modern general".[3]. For instance, Alabama-born Major Henry Hitchcock, who served in Sherman's staff, declared that "it is a terrible thing to consume and destroy the sustenance of thousands of people," but if the scorched earth strategy served "to paralyze their husbands and fathers who are fighting ... it is mercy in the end".[101]. Then the Civil War completely disrupted their lives. For a good discussion, see Russell S. Bonds, Telegram W.T. American Civil War: General William T. Sherman. Born in Ohio to a politically prominent family, Sherman graduated in 1840 from the United States Military Academy at West Point. William Tecumseh Sherman was a Civil War general who is best remembered for his military tactical ability but also his “scorched earth” policy in the Civil War. 792–93. In early 1858, he returned to California to wrap up the bank's affairs there. This message was put on a vessel on December 22, passed on by telegram from Fort Monroe, Virginia, and apparently received by Lincoln on Christmas Day itself. Sherman went to Lancaster, Ohio, to recuperate. Sherman was born in 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio, near the banks of the Hocking River. Steven E. Woodworth, See, William T. Sherman papers, Notre Dame University CSHR 19/67 Folder:Roger Sherman's Watch 1932–1942. [137] In 1888, Sherman wrote publicly that "my immediate family are strongly Catholic. He interrupted his military career in 1853 to pursue private business ventures, and at the outbreak of the Civil War he was superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy (now Louisiana State University). WTS to USG, February 15, 1862, Papers of Ulysses S. Grant 4:216n; see Smith, pp. After the fall of Atlanta in 1864, Sherman ordered the city's evacuation. Johnston replied: "If I were in [Sherman's] place, and he were standing in mine, he would not put on his hat." He remained in California as an adjutant to General Persifor Smith. One historian has written that Sherman's "genius" for "strategy and logistics ... made him one of the foremost architects of Union victory". I think it is A but I just … After his defeat at Bull Run, he almost quit again. [151], Subsequently, Sherman shifted to the publishing house of Charles L. Webster & Co., the publisher of Grant's memoirs. [111] The admiration of scholars such as Victor Davis Hanson, B. H. Liddell Hart, Lloyd Lewis, and John F. Marszalek for General Sherman owes much to what they see as an approach to the exigencies of modern armed conflict that was both effective and principled. The government in Washington, D.C., refused to approve Sherman's terms and the Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, denounced Sherman publicly, precipitating a long-lasting feud between the two men. His foster mother, Maria Willis Boyle (Maria Ewing), was of Irish ancestry and a devout Roman Catholic. He left his widow, Mary Hoyt Sherman, with eleven children and no inheritance. The capture of the city of Atlanta made General Sherman a household name. Vol. Sherman's birth family was Presbyterian and he was originally baptized as such. Sherman was first commissioned as colonel of the 13th U.S. Infantry Regiment, effective May 14, 1861. Jobless, Sherman was encouraged to apply to be the first superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy. WTS to Thomas Ewing Jr., June 3, 1861, in Sherman and Berlin 97–98. Liddell Hart, "Notes on Two Discussions with Patton, 1944", February 20, 1948, GSP Papers, box 6, USMA Library. W. T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing, April 7, 1842, in Howe, Home Letters, 17–20. His siblings all enjoyed professional success. William Tecumseh Sherman was born in 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio, to Charles Robert Sherman, a successful lawyer. This appears to have been a consequence of the animosity among both Union soldiers and officers to the state that they regarded as the "cockpit of secession". Sherman remained his post until stepping down on November 1, 1883 and being replaced by Civil War colleague, General Philip Sheridan. Sherman distinguished himself at the First Battle of Bull Run in 1861 before being transferred to the Western Theater. [89] During the Civil War, Sherman declined to employ black troops in his armies.[90]. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. Leading the Army of the Tennessee, Grant began advancing against Vicksburg. Therefore, he believed that the North had to conduct its campaign as a war of conquest and employ scorched earth tactics to break the backbone of the rebellion. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth—right at your doors. Then will I share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families against danger from every quarter.[108]. [78] According to a war-time account,[79] it was around this time that Sherman made his memorable declaration of loyalty to Grant: General Grant is a great general. Summoned to Washington on June 7, he was commissioned as colonel of the 13th Infantry. Sherman grew up in the family of Thomas Ewing (1789–1871), a noted politician, and Maria Boyle. The son of Charles R. Sherman, a member of the Ohio Supreme Court, he was one of eleven children. Sherman is buried in Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis. One 19th-century source, for example, states that "General Sherman, we believe, is the only eminent American named from an Indian chief". Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S. Confederate States presidential election of 1861, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_Tecumseh_Sherman&oldid=1012933595, American military personnel of the Indian Wars, Hall of Fame for Great Americans inductees, Commanding Generals of the United States Army, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles prone to spam from December 2019, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from Appleton's Cyclopedia, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the Nuttall Encyclopedia, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. According to a story that may be myth, Sherman was baptized in the Ewing home by a Dominican priest, who named him William for the saint's day: possibly June 25, the feast day of Saint William of Montevergine. Wishing to make South Carolina "howl" for its role in starting the war, Sherman's men advanced against light opposition. Hickman, Kennedy. Having become the second most important general in the Union army, he thus had come full circle to the city where he started his war-time service as colonel of a non-existent infantry regiment. Eventually, Sherman won approval from his superiors for a plan to cut loose from his communications and march south, having advised Grant that he could "make Georgia howl". Which of these was a consequence of the Civil War? Despite this language, there was little large-scale military action taken against the Indians during the first three years of Sherman's tenure, as Sherman was willing to let the process of negotiations play out in order to buy time to procure more troops and allow the completion of the Union Pacific and Kansas Pacific Railroads. [58] Soon after, his XV Corps was ordered to join Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand in his successful assault on Arkansas Post, generally regarded as a politically motivated distraction from the effort to capture Vicksburg. [16] Sherman, along with Ord, assisted in surveys for the sub-divisions of the town that would become Sacramento. Missing from this edition is the useful biographical material contained in the 1891 Johnson and Blaine editions. By Himself, published by D. Appleton & Co., in two volumes, began with the year 1846 (when the Mexican War began) and ended with a chapter about the "military lessons of the [civil] war". Remaining in retirement, Sherman died on February 14, 1891. [22] Sherman suffered from stress-related asthma because of the city's aggressive business culture. [18], Like her mother, Ellen Ewing Sherman was a devout Roman Catholic, and the Shermans' eight children were reared in that faith. He had written to his wife that, if he took more precautions, "they'd call me crazy again". "[138] A memoirist reports that Sherman told him in 1887 that "my family is strongly Roman Catholic, but I am not. [17], In 1850, Sherman was promoted to the substantive rank of captain and on May 1 of that year he married his foster sister, Ellen Boyle Ewing, four years his junior. Sherman appointed Brig. Pushing down the Mississippi, a thrust led by Sherman was defeated in December at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou. The burning of Columbia has engendered controversy ever since, with some claiming the fires were accidental, others a deliberate act of vengeance, and still others that the retreating Confederates burned bales of cotton on their way out of town.[83]. I do not concern myself about that, but to be always ready, no matter when it may overtake me. [71] However, Sherman left forces under Maj. Gens. With the election of Grant to the presidency in 1869, Sherman was elevated to Commanding General of the US Army. William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) of Ohio won military fame as one of the greatest Union generals in the Civil War. Sherman Monument (1900), Muskegon, Michigan. [96], Sherman's record as a tactician was mixed, and his military legacy rests primarily on his command of logistics and on his brilliance as a strategist. C- Maryland became a territory due to the writ of habeas corpus. His tenure as commanding general was marred by political difficulties, many of which stemmed from disagreements with Secretaries of War Rawlins and William W. Belknap, whom Sherman felt had usurped too much of the Commanding General's powers, reducing him to a sinecure office. Still, if he muffed his Vicksburg assignment, which had begun unfavorably, he would rise no higher. [94] Sherman thought concentration on such policies would have delayed the "successful end" of the war and the "[liberation of] all slaves". Sherman later ordered the army to lend mules for the agrarian reform effort. Although Sherman was technically the senior officer at this time, he wrote to Grant, "I feel anxious about you as I know the great facilities [the Confederates] have of concentration by means of the River and R Road, but [I] have faith in you—Command me in any way. Military historians have paid special attention to his Atlanta campaign and the March to the Sea, generally giving him high marks as an innovative strategist and quick-witted tactician.[147]. Tasked with protecting the construction of the trans-continental railroads, he conducted fierce campaigns against the Plains Indians. Private recollections for Sherman's children. [112], In June 1865, two months after Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox, General Sherman received his first postwar command, originally called the Military Division of the Mississippi, later the Military Division of the Missouri, which came to comprise the territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. "[65], Sherman proceeded to invade the state of Georgia with three armies: the 60,000-strong Army of the Cumberland under George Henry Thomas, the 25,000-strong Army of the Tennessee under James B. McPherson, and the 13,000-strong Army of the Ohio under John M. Liddell Hart credited Sherman with mastery of maneuver warfare (also known as the "indirect approach"), as demonstrated by his series of turning movements against Johnston during the Atlanta Campaign. [80], Grant then ordered Sherman to embark his army on steamers and join the Union forces confronting Lee in Virginia, but Sherman instead persuaded Grant to allow him to march north through the Carolinas, destroying everything of military value along the way, as he had done in Georgia. He was particularly interested in targeting South Carolina, the first state to secede from the Union, because of the effect that it would have on Southern morale. This letter was to James E. Yeatman, May 21, 1865, and is excerpted more extensively (and with slight variations) in Bowman and Irwin, pp. Sherman to George B. McClellan, November 4, 1861, in Stephen W. Sears, ed.. Sherman to John Sherman, January 4, 8, 1862, in Simpson and Berlin, At one point, Halleck suggested to General-in-Chief McClellan that Sherman be given command of an expedition on the Cumberland River (on which Fort Donelson was located), but Secretary of War. [61], After the surrender of Vicksburg to the Union forces under Grant on July 4, 1863, Sherman was given the rank of brigadier general in the regular army, in addition to his rank as a major general of volunteers. Sherman wrote both to his brother, Senator John Sherman, and to General Grant vehemently repudiating any such promotion. [67], Sherman's Atlanta Campaign concluded successfully on September 2, 1864, with the capture of the city, which Hood had been forced to abandon. Sherman is the second best-known Union general, and arguably the most reviled, behind Grant and ahead of Ben Butler in each category. of America, 1990). Entering North Carolina, Sherman defeated forces under Johnston at the Battle of Bentonville on March 19-21. Sherman earned a brevet promotion to captain for his "meritorious service", but his lack of a combat assignment discouraged him and may have contributed to his decision to resign his commission. He saw that conflict in its broadest strategic terms, and his March to the Sea is generally regarded as the first example of the use of total war in the modern era. The magazine Confederate Veteran, based in Nashville, gave Sherman more attention than anyone else, in part to enhance the visibility of the western theater. Finding Grant at the end of the day sitting under an oak tree in the darkness and smoking a cigar, Sherman felt, in his words, "some wise and sudden instinct not to mention retreat". His father died while William was still a boy and after his father’s death, he was raised by a family friend, attorney Thomas Ewing. He took no precautions beyond strengthening his picket lines, and refused to entrench, build abatis, or push out reconnaissance patrols. [109] Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara refers equivocally to the statement that "war is cruelty and you cannot refine it" in both the book Wilson's Ghost[110] and in his interview for the film The Fog of War. Following Louisiana's departure from the Union in January 1861, Sherman resigned his post and ultimately took a position running a streetcar company in St. Louis. Retiring on February 8, 1884, Sherman moved to New York and became an active member of society. Confusion over this issue lasted until April 26, 1865, when Johnston, ignoring instructions from President Davis, agreed to purely military terms and formally surrendered his army and all the Confederate forces in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, in what was the largest single capitulation of the war. [8] The story is contested, however. He returned to San Francisco at a time of great turmoil in the West. "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Believing the South would not surrender until the will of the people was broken, Sherman's men conducted a scorched earth campaign which culminated in the capture of Savannah on December 21. Detzler, Jack J., «The Religion of William Tecumseh Sherman». Later in 1858, he moved to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he tried his hand at law practice and other ventures without much success. [28] Colonel Joseph P. Taylor, the brother of the late President Zachary Taylor, declared that "if you had hunted the whole army, from one end of it to the other, you could not have found a man in it more admirably suited for the position in every respect than Sherman."[29]. 362–68, 387. William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) was a major-general in the Union Army during the Civil War. Sherman was raised in a Roman Catholic household, although he later left the church, citing the effect of the Civil War on his religious views. Hirshson, p. 393, quoting B.H. [14], Upon graduation in 1840, Sherman entered the army as a second lieutenant in the 3rd U.S. The memoirs were controversial, and sparked complaints from many quarters. [93] Those orders, which became the basis of the claim that the Union government had promised freed slaves "40 acres and a mule", were revoked later that year by President Andrew Johnson. In his memoirs of the Civil War, Sherman was critical of Jewish merchants in several instances. It contains the entire text of Sherman's 1886 edition, together with annotations, a note on the text, and a detailed chronology of Sherman's life. He was later stationed in Georgia and South Carolina. [82], Sherman captured the state capital of Columbia, South Carolina, on February 17, 1865. 712–14, 727–29. [95] He went on to summarize vividly his hard-war philosophy and to add, in effect, that he really did not want the help of liberated slaves in subduing the South: My aim then was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Around 1868, Sherman began to write a "private" recollection for his children about his life before the Civil War, identified now as his unpublished "Autobiography, 1828–1861". [13] About his time at West Point, Sherman says only the following in his Memoirs: At the Academy I was not considered a good soldier, for at no time was I selected for any office, but remained a private throughout the whole four years. See Thomas C. Fletcher. Following this tragedy, the nine-year-old Sherman was raised by a Lancaster neighbor and family friend, attorney Thomas Ewing, a prominent member of the Whig Party who served as senator from Ohio and as the first Secretary of the I… The victory helped ensure the re-election of President Abraham Lincoln. Quoted in Sherman. Following the Union victory, Sherman was made commander of the... General Sherman Tree, World's Largest Tree by Volume, Giant Sequoia, Sequoiadendron giganteum, Giant Forest, Sequoia National Park. He stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk; and now, sir, we stand by each other always. Smith, pp. General William Tecumseh Sherman Monument (1903), Washington, D.C. Sherman considered that his new assignment broke a promise from Lincoln that he would not be given such a prominent position. George H. Thomas and John M. Schofield to deal with Hood; their forces eventually smashed Hood's army in the battles of Franklin (November 30) and Nashville (December 15–16). [128] On April 11, 1880, he addressed a crowd of more than 10,000 in Columbus, Ohio: "There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. 208–10; Sherman, To wit: an invading army may separate from its supply train and subsist by foraging. John F. Marszalek, "'Take the Seat of Honor': William T. Sherman," in Steven E. Woodworth, ed.. Sherman to Halleck, September 4, 1864, Civil War Official Records Vol. He survived two shipwrecks and floated through the Golden Gate on the overturned hull of a foundering lumber schooner. Exchange between W.T. After leaving the army, Sherman married his foster sister, Ellen Ewing, and … It was a bitterly cold day and a friend of Johnston, fearing that the general might become ill, asked him to put on his hat. His men swore by him, and most of his fellow officers admired him. Saint-Gaudens, Augustus: Sherman Monument "[53] Sherman proved instrumental to the successful Union counterattack of April 7, 1862. Sherman was one of the ablest Union generals in the Civil War. The field orders followed a series of conversations between Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton and Radical Republican abolitionists Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Ste… [113] Tasked with guarding a vast territory with a limited force, Sherman was wary of the multitude of requests by territories and settlements for protection. Sherman stepped down as commanding general on November 1, 1883, and retired from the army on February 8, 1884. 495–98. Sherman would marry Ewing's daughter Eleanor in 1850. You are bound to fail. In July, the cautious Johnston was replaced by the more aggressive John Bell Hood, who played to Sherman's strength by challenging him to direct battles on open ground. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. Sherman, William Tecumseh (08 February 1820–14 February 1891), soldier, was born in Lancaster, Ohio, the son of Charles R. Sherman, a state judge, and Mary Hoyt.His father died when Sherman was nine years old, leaving the family penniless. Though Grant wished him to come to Virginia, Sherman won permission for a campaign through the Carolinas. In what would become one of the most notable conversations of the war, Sherman said simply: "Well, Grant, we've had the devil's own day, haven't we?" Sherman's military campaigns of 1864 and 1865 freed many slaves, who greeted him "as a second Moses or Aaron"[87] and joined his marches through Georgia and the Carolinas by the tens of thousands. He tells us what he thought and what he felt, and he never strikes any attitudes or pretends to feel anything he does not feel. [114] To escape these difficulties, from 1874 to 1876, he moved his headquarters to St. Louis, Missouri, returning to Washington only upon the appointment of Alphonso Taft as Secretary of War and the promise of more authority. He led Union forces in crushing campaigns through the South, … Sherman, beset by hallucinations and unreasonable fears and finally contemplating suicide, had been relieved from command in Kentucky. [4], Sherman's older brother Charles Taylor Sherman became a federal judge. In one key chapter, Sherman is presented as a war hero -- that was the public's perception of him anyway. [26], In 1859, Sherman accepted a job as the first superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy in Pineville, Louisiana, a position he sought at the suggestion of Major D. C. Buell and secured because of General George Mason Graham. Sherman's efforts in that position were focused on protecting the main wagon roads, such as the Oregon, Bozeman and Santa Fe Trails. [72] Meanwhile, after the November elections, Sherman began a march on November 15[73] with 62,000 men to the port of Savannah, Georgia, living off the land and causing, by his own estimate, more than $100 million in property damage. A prominent Whig politician, Ewing served as a US Senator and later as the first Secretary of the Interior. Thomas O. Moore, January 18, 1861. Marriage and civilian life. At the insistence of Johnston and of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, Sherman conditionally agreed to generous terms that dealt with both political and military issues. [126], During the election of 1876, Southern Democrats who supported Wade Hampton for governor used mob violence to attack and intimidate African American voters in Charleston, South Carolina. According to critic Edmund Wilson, Sherman: [H]ad a trained gift of self-expression and was, as Mark Twain says, a master of narrative. Later that year his name was proposed for the Republican nomination for president, but the old general flatly refused to run for office. In December 1862, forces under his command suffered a severe repulse at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou, just north of Vicksburg, Mississippi. The following month, his men played a key role in halting Confederate General Albert S. Johnston's attack at the Battle of Shiloh and driving them off a day later. Professor David F. Boyd, a funeral service was held at his home, by... Sherman conducted a campaign through the Golden Gate on the History Channel as a featured expert piano. Assignment broke a promise from Lincoln that he allowed his troops to burn city! Eventually be incorporated in revised form in his armies. [ 90 ] peace. 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