the rape of ganymede

1806. Dimensions. The myths of Ganymede are hard to relate, because they involve the abduction, and very likely the rape, of a youth. Charcoal black The Rape of Ganymede, signed and dated I635, in the Dresden Gemaldegalerie (fig. The Rape of Ganymede. External Link: http://skd-online-collection. Damiano Mazza. ca. As of 2015[update], it is held in the Prado Museum in Madrid. Royal Academy of Arts. The painting technique and all pigments employed by Bosch are shown in the next slides. According to Vasari, the master created many other drawings for Tommaso, among them the "divine heads" in … Februari Ganymede (1804) by José Álvarez Cubero. He was a shepherd and was famed for his extraordinary beauty. The little boy is quite obviously scared. The Induction of Ganymede in Olympus (1768) by van Loo. The Rape of Ganymede is a painting by Peter Paul Rubens, produced between 1636 and 1638. Painted on a silver-colored copper plate, this newly discovered work by Giovanni Battista Naldini reprises one of Michelangelo’s most iconic designs, The Rape of Ganymede, one of the first of four highly finished drawings that Michelangelo presented as gifts to Tommaso de’ Cavalieri, a young Roman nobleman, shortly after they first met in Rome in the winter of 1532. 1848 mm x 2343 mm x 27 mm. Ganymede is usually represented as a youth, but Rembrandt shows him as a baby and shows Jupiter snatching the boy while in eagle form. In: A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings. Red ochre 8 Yellow-brown wing of the eagle consisting of several layers: 1 rest of a white layer: lead white, small amounts of bone black and small amounts of ochre2 gray layer: charcoal black, yellow ochre, isolated particles of vermilion, lead white and chalk3 thin brown layer: organic colorant (contains chlorine)4 white layer: lead white, charcoal black, possibly also small amounts of bone black, very small amounts of orange ochre5 brown layer: yellow ochre, bone black, chalk and very small amounts of vermillion. Ganymede, a son of King Tros of Dardania and the most handsome of all mortals, was tending sheep when he was seized by an eagle sent by Zeus (or by Zeus himself transformed into an eagle) and brought to the Olymp to become the cupbearer of gods and a lover of Zeus. Michelangelo. Van Thiel, E. Van De Wetering, The rape of Ganymede, in A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings, Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project Volume 3, 1989, pp 161-167. Date Created: 1542–60. (3) J. Bruyn, B. Haak, S. H. Levie, P. J. J. We've seen how Zeus can take advantage of mortals, and how his wife, Hera, responds. One of the sources of this myth is Homer’s Illiad (1): “The sacred Tros, of whom the Trojan name. Carlo Cesio (1626-1686), Ganimede e Giove, da: A. Carracci, Illustrazione de la Galleria Farnese (1675). (modern pigment applied later by a conservator). 1550 Visually similar work. Yellow ochre Title: The Rape of Ganymede. Object type. Medium. The Rape of Ganymede, ca. The Rape of Ganymede depicts the mythological scene of Zeus transformed into an eagle seizing Ganymede, the young son of the king of Dardania. 143-219, translated by A. S. Kline. Download this artwork (provided by The Metropolitan Museum of Art). ColourLex is being supported by the cogito foundation. Europa found herself on the shores of Crete. External Link: 1558. Ganymede is usually represented as a youth, but Rembrandt shows him as a baby and shows Jupiter snatching the boy while in eagle form. Collection: Museo del Prado. The Rape of Ganymede, ca. The work was part of a series executed by Correggio for Federico II Gonzaga in Mantua, about the loves of Jupiter Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. Oil on canvas. He was granted eternal youth and immortality and received his place in heaven as the constellation Aquarius. ‘Untersuchungen zu den Pigmenten und Malgründen Rembrandts, durchgeführt an den Gemälden der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden’, Maltechnik/Restauro, issue 4 (1977): 223-33. In Classical mythology, Ganymede was the son of Tros, legendary king of Troy. Datei; Dateiversionen; Dateiverwendung; Globale Dateiverwendung; Metadaten; Größe dieser Vorschau: 287 × 599 Pixel. William Hilton RA (1786 - 1839) Date. Literature Catalogues raisonnés HdG 207 Bredius 471 Bauch 102 Gerson 73 Bredius/Gerson 471 Tümpel 98 Corpus III A 113 Corpus VI 137 Collection catalogues Harald Marx, Gemäldegalerie Dresden Alte Meister, Leipzig, 2008, p. 150 Bernhard Maaz, … (1) The Rembrandt Database, various research methods: examination report, 19 November 2003, (record number 16786); Rembrandt The rape of Ganymede, dated 1635, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden – Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden, inv./cat. Europa found herself on the shores of Crete. Yet he did not deign to transform himself into any other bird, than that eagle, that could carry his lightning bolts., Self-Portrait in a Circle of Friends from Mantua, The Gonzaga Family in Adoration of the Holy Trinity, Portrait of Marchesa Brigida Spinola-Doria, Portrait of Giovanni Carlo Doria on Horseback, Saint Teresa of Ávila's Vision of the Holy Spirit, Ixion, King of the Lapiths, Deceived by Juno, Who He Wished to Seduce, The Virgin and Child Surrounded by the Holy Innocents, Erichthonius Discovered by the Daughters of Cecrops, The Meeting Between Abraham and Melchizedek, Saints Dominic and Francis Saving the World from Christ's Anger, The Virgin Mary and Saint Francis Saving the World from Christ's Anger, Diana and Her Nymphs Leaving for the Hunt, Christ Appointing Saint Roch as Patron Saint of Plague Victims, Portrait of Infante Isabella Clara Eugenia, The Triumphal Entry of Henry IV into Paris,, Paintings by Peter Paul Rubens in the Museo del Prado, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles with RKDID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 18:12. Date: 1533; Rome, Italy. Images and text courtesy of Wikipedia, 2018. Rape of Ganymede by Zeus, altar frontal, Chinese - Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro - Coimbra, Portugal - DSC00229.jpg 5,273 × 3,377; 11.31 MB Rape of Ganymede. These included The Rape of Ganymede, The Punishment of Tityus, The Fall of Phaethon. (41.7 x 27.6 cm) Type: Print. Dimensions: 19 x 33 cm. Medium. Datei:Peter Paul Rubens - The Rape of Ganymede, 1636-1638.jpg. Long thought to be a copy of Michelangelo's marvelous drawing "The Rape of Ganymede," the version now at the Fogg Museum of Art in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was identified as the original in … Title: The Rape of Ganymede. Bone black Calcite He was the son of the king Tros of Dardania, after whom Troy took its name, and Callirrhoe.. Still another version of the Ganymede myth can be found in Virgil’s Aeneid (3): “There Ganymede is wrought with living art, Chasing thro’ Ida’s groves the trembling hart: Breathless he seems, yet eager to pursue; When from aloft descends, in open view, The bird of Jove, and, sousing on his prey, With crooked talons bears the boy away. A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings, Volumes I – VI, by the scientists of The Rembrandt Research Project are available on the website of The Rembrandt Database in pdf-Format. p. 603. PowerPoint Presentations on paintings and painters, their painting technique, and pigments used in their artworks. In vain, with lifted hands and gazing eyes, His guards behold him soaring thro’ the skies, And dogs pursue his flight with imitated cries.”, Roman Relief, Rape of Ganymede, 1st century AD. The Rape Of Ganymede: A Greg Quaintance Novel [Cooke, John Peyton] on The Rape of Ganymede by Che Conroy and Ang Conroy. The slides are organized according to the color of the pigments. Painting. Characterization of this painting by the scientists of the Rembrandt Research Foundation (1): “An authentic work, for the most part poorly preserved and much overpainted, reliably signed and dated 1635.”. MwSt. Translation by Alexander Pope, digitalized by Project Gutenberg (2006). Annibale Carracci.jpg 476 × … The Rape of Ganymede. (Number of Slides = 20). The Rape of Ganymede. 1806. Brown ochre "The rape of Ganymede" The New York Public Library Digital Collections.1804. Lead white Details. Io had to flee, in bovine form, to Egypt. The idea of ColourLex is centered around the common ground between science and art. In 1543-44 Girolamo da Carpi collaborated with Battista Dossi in paintings decorated the apartments. Ganymede, Greek Ganymēdēs, Latin Ganymedes, or Catamitus, in Greek legend, the son of Tros (or Laomedon), king of Troy.Because of his unusual beauty, he was carried off either by the gods or by Zeus, disguised as an eagle, or, according to a Cretan account, by Minos, to serve as cupbearer.In compensation, Zeus gave Ganymede’s father a stud of immortal horses (or a golden vine). A black eagle soars into the clouds with a naked youth clutched in its talons. zzgl. Detail. The myths of Ganymede are hard to relate, because they involve the abduction, and very likely the rape, of a youth. Object number . no. This painting was also analyzed in 1975 by Hermann Kühn in the same institute (2). Italy, Emilia Romagna, Ferrara, Palace of Renée de France. This book is available at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon DE. Learn more about this artwork. Kan in de vorm van een slakkenhuis met een tuit in schelpvorm Uses same medium. Artist/designer. (3) Virgil, Aeneid, book V. Translation by J. Dryden. The is the first state of the engraving, the second of which had Lafreri's address in the lower right corner. Bildpreis: 0,00 EUR Alle Preise incl. (4) Ganymedes, Theoi Greek Mythology website. I), is perhaps the strangest of Rembrandt's paintings and one that has never been satisfactorily explained. Related works; Literature; Exhibitions; Iconclass; External links; Related works Study: Rembrandt The Rape of Ganymede 1635. Springer, Dordrecht. The Rape of Ganymede is the story of Jupiter's abduction of the most handsome mortal, the Trojan prince Ganymede, who came to serve as cupbearer to the gods. Pigments in Context – Art Teacher Resources, Paintings in Context – Art Teacher Resources, Painters in Context – Art Teacher Resources, Rembrandt, Self-Portrait at the Age of 63, Rembrandt, Portrait of Margaretha de Geer, Rembrandt, Self-Portrait at the Age of 34. 1806. The Rape of Ganymede. Collection. This book is available at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon DE. Each presentation starts with the basic resources on the painter such as his biography, main catalogs of his paintings, and a bibliography. The Abduction of Ganymede (1635) by Rembrandt. 7 red-brown shadow in the hand of Ganymede consisting of several layers: 1 white layer: lead white, yellow ochre and bone black2 dark brown layer: brown ochre, bone black, isolated particles of vermilion, chalk and small amounts of lead white3 brown layer: bone black, yellow ochre, small amounts of vermilion, smalt, chalk, and lead white. The Rembrandt Database, normal light studies: color photo (print), overall (front), 2005, (record number 15605); Rembrandt, The Rape of Ganymede, dated 1635, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden – Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden, inv./cat. Bruyn J., Haak B., Levie S.H., Van Thiel P.J.J., Van De Wetering E. (1989) The rape of Ganymede. Digital version available at The Rembrandt Database website. Rape of Ganymede, by Unknown Artist from North Italy, 17th - 18th Century, fresco. 9, No. Object type. Silvia Bianchi considers this plate to be by Nicolas Beatrizet and thinks it is the original version. The Rape of Ganymede by Jupiter in the guise of an eagle carrying him into the heavens, his dog barking below By same artist. The Rape of Ganymede, c.1636/38 von Peter Paul Rubens - Gemälde-Reproduktion und Kunstdruck auf Leinwand 13777 bei Vermilion 10 Brown hair of Ganymede consisting of several layers: 1 transparent brown layer: organic matter.2 white layer (in the middle): organic matter.3 white layer: lead white, chalk, small amounts of ochre, and small amounts of charcoal black.4 thin brownish layer: organic matter.5 thin orange layer: orange ochre.6 white layer: lead white, chalk, small amounts of red ochre and isolated particles of vermilion. As of 2015, it is held in the Prado Museum in Madrid. Physical Dimensions: w161 x h185 cm. Style: Mannerism (Late Renaissance) Genre: mythological painting. Ganymède Médicis (1684-1685) by Pierre Laviron at Versailles. A black eagle soars into the clouds with a naked youth clutched in its talons. Overview / In-depth. The Rape of Ganymede (1611) by Rubens. Medium: Engraving. The scene is framed by a trompe l'oeil with an interior decorated with stucco and coats of arms; through the ceiling the sky and a cloud on which sits a group of deities … The Rape of Ganymede Date 1604 Technique Oil Support Canvas Dimension Height: 175 cm. Rape of Ganymede - Michelangelo Completed in 1533 in Rome, this mythological painting tells a story of homosexual desire. Ganymede Abducted by the Eagle (c. 1531–1532) is a painting by the Italian late Renaissance artist Antonio da Correggio.It is housed in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria.. William Hilton RA (1786 - 1839) RA Collection: Art Title. The Rape of Ganymede may refer to: Ganymede Abducted by the Eagle (c. 1531–1532), a painting by Antonio da Correggio The Rape of Ganymede (Mazza) (c. 1575), a painting by Damiano Mazza The Abduction of Ganymede (1635), a painting by Rembrandt The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. Rights: Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In 1543-44 Girolamo da Carpi collaborated with Battista Dossi in paintings decorated the apartments. 9 Red tassel consisting of several layers: 1 yellow layer: yellow ochre2 orange-red layer: orange ochre, vermilion, chalk, and gypsum. Media: chalk, paper. Mounted in an antique yellow gold cabinet setting. Location: Fogg Museum (Harvard Art Museums), Cambridge, MA, US. (1) J. Bruyn, B. Haak, S. H. Levie, P. J. J. (2) Kühn, Hermann. Produktklasse: Archivkunst. 1 Blue-gray background: chalk, gypsum, bone black, yellow ochre, few particles of vermilion and lead white, 2 Brown wing: brown ochre, bone black, lead white, chalk, and gypsum, 3 Light blue shirt of Ganymede: smalt, red ochre, lead white and gypsum, 4 Flesh colour from the foot of Ganymede: vermilion, brown ochre, carbon-based black pigment, lead white and chalk, 5 Bright background: orange ochre, charcoal black or bone black, chalk, lead white and gypsum (no green pigment was found). Ganymede was a Trojan prince in Greek mythology, known for his beauty. Collection: Kupferstich-Kabinett (Collection of Prints, Drawings and Photographs) Type: Graphics. 1848 mm x 2343 mm x 27 mm. Acquisition Diploma Work given by William Hilton RA accepted 1819. Bildgröße frei wählen (cm) x. Find more prominent pieces of sketch and study at – best visual art database. But the young boy, Ganymede, had a different fate. Long thought to be a copy of Michelangelo's marvelous drawing "The Rape of Ganymede," the version now at the Fogg Museum of Art in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was identified as the original in … Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn (1606-1669), Rape of Ganymede, , Gemäldegalerie, Dresda. Slides showing the basic resources on the paintings of the Dutch Baroque painter Rembrandt van Rijn. Title: The Rape of Ganymede; Creator: Henry Fuseli; Date Created: 1804; External Link: For more information about this and thousands of other works of art in the NGA collection, please visit Medium: crayon lithograph; Object Credit: Rosenwald Collection; Classification: Print; Artist School: British; Artist Nationality: Swiss The first animation we ever did. 5-18, Article DOI: 10.2307/3780422, (2) Kühn, Hermann. Straightaway, he beat the air with deceitful wings, and stole the Trojan boy, who still handles the mixing cups, and against Juno’s will pours out Jove’s nectar.”. William Hilton RA (1786 - 1839) RA Collection: Art Title. Zenith view of the vault of the hall, depicting the rape of Ganymede by Jupiter under as an eagle. The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York City, United States. All these heroes symbolized the "fire that burned in him". Details. William Hilton RA (1786 - 1839) Date. Antonio Allegri called Correggio, Abduction of Ganymede, 1520-40, Peter Paul Rubens, The Rape of Ganymede, 1611, Eustache Le Sueur, Abduction of Ganymede, ca 1650. 03/209. EAN-Nummer: 4050356972281. van Rijn. The Roman poet Ovid gives the following account of the same story in his Metamorphoses (2): “The king of the gods once burned with love for PhrygianGanymede, and to win him Jupiter chose to be something other than he was. This pigment analysis is based on the analysis of Heike Stege at the Doerner Institute in Munich in 2003 (1). Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project, vol 3. Three sons renown’d adorn’d his nuptial bed, Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymed: The matchless Ganymed, divinely fair, Whom heaven, enamour’d, snatch’d to upper air, To bear the cup of Jove (ethereal guest, The grace and glory of the ambrosial feast).”. The Rape of Ganymede Painted on a silver-colored copper plate, this newly discovered work by Giovanni Battista Naldini reprises one of Michelangelo’s most iconic designs, The Rape of Ganymede, one of the first of four highly finished drawings that Michelangelo presented as gifts to Tommaso de’ Cavalieri, a young Roman nobleman, shortly after they first met in Rome in the winter of 1532. Io had to flee, in bovine form, to Egypt. 2. 1806. Details. Versandkosten IN DEN WARENKORB Bildbearbeitung 1. The majority of the slides show important examples of paintings where Rembrandt employed specific pigments. Artist/designer. ; Width: 72 cm. Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. Italian School Rome, c.1780. Title: The Rape of Ganymede; Creator: Anonymous|Philippe Thomassin|Nicolas Beatrizet|Michelangelo Buonarroti; Date Created: 1542–60; Physical Dimensions: … We’ve seen how Zeus can take advantage of mortals, and how his wife, Hera, responds. The Rape of Ganymede is the story of Jupiter's abduction of the most handsome mortal, the Trojan prince Ganymede, who came to serve as cupbearer to the gods. Date Created: about 1635. Smalt of rounded rectangular form, carved in a translucent grey sardonyx, depicting Ganymede being lifted into the sky by Zeus in the guise of an eagle. José Álvarez Cubero's sculpture of Ganymede, executed in Paris in 1804, brought the Spanish sculptor immediate recognition as one of … Oil on canvas. In Greek mythology, Jupiter was infatuated with the handsome youth Ganymede, whom he abducted in the guise of an eagle and carried away to the home of the gods, Mount Olympus, where he was made their cupbearer. MLA Format. … But the… To appreciate a work of art in all its implications, one has to understand the technique of the painter and to know the materials used in its creation. Royal Academy of Arts. Modern. 1 (1977), pp. The Rape of Ganymede 1543-44 Oil on canvas, 81 x 145 cm Gemäldegalerie, Dresden: This painting comes from the apartments of Duke Ercole II in the Palazzo del Corte in Ferrara. Verschillende schepen op zee, ca. The Rape of Ganymede is a painting by Peter Paul Rubens, produced between 1636 and 1638. Possibly unidentified organic colorant. no. The Rape Of Ganymede Bildnummer: CHR-OMP18128702401. ‘Untersuchungen zu den Pigmenten und Malgründen Rembrandts, durchgeführt an den Gemälden der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden’, Maltechnik/Restauro, issue 4 (1977): 223-233. As of 2015 , it is held in the Prado Museum in Madrid. Orange ochre The tags above come from the public, and also from an image recognition project run by the Visual Geometry Group, University of Oxford. (1) Homer, Illiad, Book XX. The Rape of Ganymede Nicolas Beatrizet, Michelangelo 1542–60. Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used, The painting is also known as Rembrandt, The Abduction of Ganymede, Medium: Oil Support: Oak panel Size: 177 x 129 cm Art period: Baroque, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden – Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (State Art Gallery Dresden) Gallery Nr 1558, Image credit: The Rembrandt Database, 2005, (record number 15605); Rembrandt, The Rape of Ganymede. (2) Ovid, Metamorphoses, book X. ca. Representing Zeus in the form of an eagle abducting the beautiful shepherd, Michelangelo’s Rape of Ganymede was copied by engravers. 11 Yellow lightning consisting of several layers: 1 gray layer: charcoal black, bone black, yellow ochre, lead white, chalk and gypsum2 transparent dark brown layer: organic layer, charcoal black and small amounts of gypsum3 yellow to brownish layer: yellow ochre and vermilion4 very thin brown layer: yellow ochre and chrome yellow (!) 1558. The Rape of Ganymede is a painting by Peter Paul Rubens, produced between 1636 and 1638. (1) Margarita Russell, The Iconography of Rembrandt’s “Rape of Ganymede”, Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, Vol. Dimensions. Object: Q3930498. Einbetten Farblich ähnliche Wand- & Leinwandbilder. Creator: Rembrandt Harmensz. The story of when Zeus turned into an eagle and kidnapped Ganymede. Creator: Anonymous|Philippe Thomassin| Nicolas Beatrizet |Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Rape of Ganymede. Lead-tin yellow, See the collection of online and offline resources such as books, articles, videos, and websites on Rembrandt in the section ‘Resources on Painters‘, A richly illustrated presentation on the painting technique and pigments employed by Hieronymus Bosch specially crafted for Art Education. Painting. Kunstdruckmaterial bestimmen % Leinwanddrucke Leinwandbilder Gemälde Kunstdrucke & … Collection. The Rape of Ganymede. Also brown organic colorant or brown ochre3 light brown layer: brown ochre, bone black, lead-tin-yellow, ochre and very small amounts of lead white4 thin yellow layer (not continuous): lead-tin-yellow and chalk5 thin white layer (underpainting): lead white, chalk, bone black and small amounts of ochre6 brown layer: bone black, charcoal black, lead-tin-yellow, ochre, smalt, isolated particles of a red lake, chalk and lead white7 darker brown layer: charcoal black, bone black, very small amounts of vermilion, ochre, chalk, lead white and gypsum8 white layer: lead white and very small amounts of ochre. Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn (1606-1669), Rape of Ganymede, , Gemäldegalerie, Dresda. 10min | Animation, Short, Comedy | 1 June 2001 (USA) An animated retelling of the Greek legend of the abduction and rape of Ganymede. The Rape of Ganymede. The Rape of Ganymede 1543-44 Oil on canvas, 81 x 145 cm Gemäldegalerie, Dresden: This painting comes from the apartments of Duke Ercole II in the Palazzo del Corte in Ferrara. But can you rape … ‘The Rape of Ganymede’ was created by Giulio Clovio in High Renaissance style. The majority of the slides show examples of paintings containing the specific pigments. Physical Dimensions: Sheet: 16 7/16 x 10 7/8 in. 6 Dark green background consisting of several layers: 1 orange layer: orange ochre and isolated particles of vermilion2 another orange layer: orange ochre and bone black3 white layer: lead white, yellow ochre, charcoal black, and chalk4 dark brown layer: bone black, small amounts of vermilion, lead white and gypsum. The Ganymede was intended to hang above a window or door like Battista Dossi's Times of the Day paintings. Van Thiel, E. Van De Wetering, The rape of Ganymede, in A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings, Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project Volume 3, 1989, pp 161-167. In Greek mythology, Jupiter was infatuated with the handsome youth Ganymede, whom he abducted in the guise of an eagle and carried away to the home of the gods, Mount Olympus, where he was made their cupbearer. The Rape Of Ganymede: A Greg Quaintance Novel Rape (16) Ruin (484) Sky (24,260) Statue (341) Tomb (50) People: Ganymede (mythology) (3) Zeus (5) You can help us tag artworks on Tagger. Next, you find slides describing the painting technique of the artist and the pigments he usually employed in his work. The little boy is quite obviously scared. Annibale Carracci (da), Ganimede e l'aquila - Incisione tratta dall'affresco tutt'ora a Palazzo Farnese … , book x - Michelangelo Completed in 1533 in Rome, this mythological.. Stege at the Doerner Institute in Munich in 2003 ( 1 ) J. Bruyn B.... 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