simple evening prayer

depending on Me for guidance and direction, What a good and gracious God You are. Evening Prayer For Protection For The Future. For permission to use Northumbria Community liturgy please check our Daily Office Copyright statement, + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Let me sleep soundly tonight I pray, and keep the looming shadows of darkness and fear far from my heart. You wait eagerly for me to come to you at the end of the day. Simple Evening Prayer . Righteousness will go before him, and will make a path for his steps. Move on steadily, Downloading your file After your payment has gone through, you will receive an email with a link to the download page. Help me to trust You in all things, and may I never forget that no matter what happens in this life You have promised to be my Protector and Provider, my Rock and my Shield of defence. The Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase. This I ask in His precious name, Amen. O Lord God, grant your peace to us, for you have supplied us with all things — the peace of rest, the peace of the Sabbath which has no evening; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you for your love and protection. Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that that are Your children in Christ. Prayer for Thursday Evening. Father, I simply want to surrender all I am to You and offer my life as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You, for You have saved my life from the pit of destruction and clothed me in the righteousness of Christ. Give me a good nights rest I pray, and may I rest quietly in Your loving arms in the knowledge that in Christ, I am eternally secure, due to Your amazing grace, for which I praise You. Short family prayer thanksgiving, morning, evening, prayer for food blessing. You will not leave my soul in the underworld. You will not let your chosen one see decay. Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly. A SIMPLE EVENING LITURGY Opening responses Leader: Peace on each one who comes in need, ALL: PEACE ON EACH ONE WHO COMES IN JOY. Thank You, that You are a God who forgives our transgressions when we are willing to confess them to You, knowing that such cleansing before You immediately draws us back into sweet fellowship with Yourself. If the need for prayer is what you are seeking most, may it be gratitude, thankfulness, or the dawn of a new day, let us pray for you at the holiest place on earth, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Evening Prayer (often called Evensong), in the Anglican Church, is the traditional service when people come to church to worship in the late afternoon or early evening. + indicates that you may make the sign of the cross. Almighty God, we give You thanks for surrounding us, as daylight fades, with the brightness of the vesper light; and we implore You of Your great mercy that, as You enfold us with the radiance of this light, so You would shine into our hearts the brightness of Your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord. As well as the following uplifting video prayer, there is also a short prayer suitable for printing in a program, an inspiring opening worship prayer, a prayer for a meeting and an example of a simple prayer for opening a birthday party.. as we gather here Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Short family prayer for busy family life. pray this famous prayer here resources on this page Where appropriate, the prayers are followed by links to other related prayers and resources on this site. and I will keep you on the right course. A Simple Order for Evening Prayer This is what we have heard from him, and the message we are announcing to you: God is light; there is no darkness in him at all. Help me to sift through the many experiences, feelings and thoughts I … Keep Us in Peace. ... Prayers and intercessions; Let us adore our Saviour, who at the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, entrusted to the Church the memorial of his death and resurrection to be celebrated throughout the ages. Wash me in Your cleansing flood, I pray. Give us I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. O Lord our God, keep us in peace during this night and at all times. And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. Evening Prayers can provide . Evening Prayer #3 - by Saint Antiochus - Evening Prayer to the Son of God O ... Evening Prayer #4 - by Saint Macarius - Evening Prayer to God the Father O eternal God ... Evening Prayer #5 - by St. Alphonsus Liguori - Ah, Lord, how many nights have I slept in ... Evening Prayer #6 - I adore Thee, my God, and I … Praying increases feelings of calmness and wellness, thus, reducing the ill-effects of stress. I also want to lay the whole day before You, asking that you would show me if there is anything that I have done to hurt or harm another person unknowingly, or if I have done anything that is displeasing in Your sight, or quenched the work of the Spirit in me, so that I may turn away from such things in the days that lie ahead.Lord, I desire to do Your will in all things. Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me. One or more of the following is said or sung: this or another prayer … Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Beliefnet. I need Your strength to make it through these times. Bible, scripture, Jesus taught that when two or three people pray together, an answer is almost guaranteed. For those who may not have the time for the fuller versions of the Daily Office, or who wish to take time with simpler forms, these forms of Morning and Evening Prayer are commended for use.. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night. Evening Prayer for Safety and Protection Lord of Hosts, Gracious Father, and Protector of mankind, I pray to You today for safety and protection. a warm, cozy time of drawing close to God. The Lord is my light and my salvation whom then shall I fear? and know that the waters that carry you Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. You have brought me in to Your own, heavenly family and reserved for me an inheritance in heaven that will not fade away. ¶ Evening Prayer Passiontide Wednesday, 31 March 2021 Wednesday of Holy Week Preparation. Father, I pray that tonight while I sleep You will refresh my mind and strength for tomorrow morning. A Simple Prayer for the End of the Day: Jim and June Young’s Evening Prayer Posted on March 7, 2021 by Amy Rogers Hays For Lent, right before we go to bed, we’ve been lighting a candle, singing a song, and saying a short evening prayer compiled by our dear family friends Jim and June Young. Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. The evening is the time of his descent from the cross: as the sun sets we pray to find our final rest in him. This I ask in Jesus' name, Amen. + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength. Nighttime is a great time . These are designed to encourage attentive prayer, either by groups or by individuals. Saying Bedtime Prayers Helps Reduce Stress. 1. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life. Pray together with family members. A simple evening liturgy, from Iona Abbey Worship Book. Said or sung all together except for the sentences marked ‘Call’ which are for the Leader only. Amen, Northumbria Community Trust Safeguarding Policy. Habakkuk 3:17-18 Though the fig tree does not blossom, and no fruit is on the vines; though the produce of the olive fails and the fields yield no food; though the flock is cut off from the fold and there is no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the God of my salvation. Evening Prayers Evening Prayer for Peace. Five Simple Prayers for Evening. You are the treasure that I seek. In Jesus' name, Amen. Father, I am weak right now. There is so much going on in my life physically and emotionally that I am at my breaking point! Even if we are insulated from the natural rhythm of dawn and dusk, as many these days are by patterns of work and family life, let our prayer fit the hymn: With thee began, with thee shall end the day A bedtime prayer is a perfect way to give thanks for the blessing of the day and to pray for hope for tomorrow. Other good evening prayers include the Prayer For Daily Neglects, Prayers For Protection, (including a famous prayer by St. Augustine), Prayers For Blessings (which includes another well known prayer by St. Alphonsus Liquori), a heartfelt Prayer Of A Lay Apostle, the memorare, and Nunc Dimittis, which is a special night prayer used in the Liturgy of the Hours. As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring to Your holy name. All O Lord, make haste to help us. Friday Evening Prayers God we gather this night to thank you for the many blessings in our lives, We praise you for your generous goodness new every … You will show me the paths of life, the fullness of joy before your face, and delights at your right hand for ever. Amen “You are my strength when I am weak. evening prayer. Let your ways be known upon earth All your saving power among the nations. But you have put your life into My keeping, You are my all in all.” (Yo… The time of evening prayer is here. An Introduction to Simple Christian Prayer Morning and Evening Prayer Prayer to be real must arise from the desire to love and be loved, to become vessels of the Holy Spirit for the suffering world about us. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Dear Father God, thank You for today and for being with me every step of the way. I shall give it. The words to this short film are reproduced below:- Prayer Before Bed Dear Father in Heaven, Here, safe with you, I drink in your peace. Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. There is a simple prayer of thanks, a prayer to say before eating, a short prayer for a meeting, and a simple prayer for children to say. are the waters of My love and My kindness, Amen. 1 John 1:5 A lamp or candle may be lit. Prayer of God’s Provision Dear Father God, Thank You for Your unfailing love for me, Your blessings, and goodness. A simple prayer suitable for meditation at bedtime and before sleeping. Vespers (Evening Prayer) INTRODUCTION; O God, come to our aid. Remember to look in your junk folder if you have one, as it might have ended up in there This I ask in Jesus' precious name, Amen. Amen. to develop more intimacy with God. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation. The Lord is the strength of my life of whom then shall I be afraid? Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice! Lord, I pray that You will watch over me as I sleep and bring pleasant thoughts into my mind as I dream away. Leader: Peace on each one who offers prayers, ALL: PEACE ON EACH ONE WHO OFFERS SONG. If you don’t receive this email, please let us know ( O God, make speed to save us. I pray that You would cleanse me of any wrong thoughts or attitudes that may have surfaced in my heart today. Praise be to Thee, O God, our Father, through Jesus Christ in the Holy Ghost, one, eternal God, who through Thy manifold compassion hast kept me this day, a poor sinner and miserable creature, from the fiery darts of Satan that fly by day, from the destruction that wasteth at noonday, and hast graciously protected me from a sudden and evil death. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself. Wondrous Lord of the Day and of the Night, I hear you, Lord, calling me. Spending time with God at night before you go to bed is so important. Father, there are an increasing number of evils in the world that can cause our hearts of fear, but I know that You have promised to be with me, to protect and to defend, even to the end of the age. Lord, I know that I am not worthy to undo Your shoes-laces, and yet You have lifted me up out of the miry clay, and seated me together with Christ in heavenly places. Thank You for loving me, Lord! Source: Augustine of Hippo. Thus it is that my heart rejoices, heart and soul together; while my body rests in calm hope. I pray that I may have a good nights rest and wake up refreshed in the morning to serve You. In Jesus' name, Amen. And he said to them, ‘I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here, and keep awake.’. Psalm 85:8, 12-13 Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts. As the day comes to a close and we finally find time to relax and unwind, it’s important to spend a few minutes in prayer and reflection. Safety Prayer Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the many blessings that you have given me today. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. In Your Word, You advise us that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. and because you are Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, thank You, that You are always there for me and that You have promised never to leave me not to forsake me. In cathedrals in Britain and in some of the old university chapels it is a service that is sung by a choir nearly every day of the week (there is usually one day of the week when there is no choir and everything is spoken). Give me a good nights sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. Loving Lord, as the day is coming to an end, I want thank You for being with me in all that has taken place today. Me as I sleep and bring pleasant thoughts into my mind and strength for tomorrow.. The download page one or more of the day hear you, Lord I... Need Your strength to make it through these times, you advise us that enemy. 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