seven against thebes full text

[472] I would send this man here, and with good fortune. For all else, I, on my part, will keep a reliable eye on the lookout, and you, by learning from my certain report what happens beyond the gates, shall remain unharmed. I’d like to tell you about my new theory of tragedy called “risk theatre.” In risk theatre, risk is the dramatic fulcrum of the action. [727] A stranger distributes their inheritance, a Chalybian immigrant from Scythia, a bitter divider of wealth, savage-hearted iron that apportions land for them to dwell in, as much as they can occupy in death when they have lost their share in these wide plains. LibriVox recording of Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus. Whom will you send against him? HERALD This volume brings together a group of interdisciplinary experts who demonstrate that Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes is a text of continuing relevance and value for exploring ancient, contemporary and comparative issues of war and its attendant trauma. Aeschylus Seven Against Thebes Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth Revised by the Seven Against Thebes Heroization team (Hélène Emeriaud, Kelly Lambert, Janet M. Ozsolak, Sarah Scott, Keith Stone) The Acropolis of Thebes, in which stand altars and images of various divinities. The trilogy is sometimes referred to as the Oedipodea. Every correct word in the collection and in the query is weighted according to its significance in the collection or query. CHORUS Sacred Text Classics Aeschylus, called "the father of tragedy," was one of the three greatest tragic dramatists of the ancient world, along with Euripides and Sophocles . I anticipate no dishonorable death.” So the seer spoke as untroubled he held his all-bronze shield. Father Zeus, all-accomplishing, fend from us altogether capture at the hands of the enemy. [208] Well, then, has a helmsman ever found a way to safety by fleeing from stern to prow, when his ship is foundering in high seas? [967] My heart is mad with wailing. As for him whose name is so very fitting, Polynices, we shall know soon enough what the symbol on his shield will accomplish, whether the babbling letters shaped in gold on his shield, together with his mind's wanderings, will bring him back. Cambridge. ISMENE ETEOCLES This strife that will destroy his sons drives the Erinys to fulfillment. [915] Our shrill, heart-rending wail goes with them—product of lamentation and pain felt of its own accord—a wail from a distressed mind, joyless, pouring forth tears from a heart that wastes away as I weep for these two princes. In this, the only extant tragedy from Aeschylus' trilogy about the House of Oedipus, Thebes is under siege from Polynices, a former prince of Thebes. Aeschylus' THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES Complete. With such cries he shakes three overshadowing plumes,his helmet's mane, while from under his shield, bells forged of bronze therein ring out a fearsome clang. Current location in this text. [972] And you killed your nearest and dearest. SCOUT [961] You suffering made you wretched. ETEOCLES ANTIGONE That bloodshed can be expiated. Take heart, I will have the means to do it. [933] Of the same seed, in truth, they were utterly destroyed in unloving divisions, in maddened discord, in the ending of their strife. … As they boast too much against the city in their frenzied mind, so, too, may Zeus the Requiter look on them in anger! [1053] For a long time now the gods have ceased to hold him in honor. The Seven against Thebes Summary. The Annenberg CPB/Project provided support for entering this text. I am out of my mind with fear of your report. Therefore, divine guardians of the city, hurl murderous destruction on the men outside our walls and panic that makes them throw away their weapons, and so win glory for these citizens. . ANTIGONE XML: Passage Full Text. Now who could comply with that? [254] You would enslave both me and all the city. [372] And, indeed, here is our lord himself, the son of Oedipus, at the right moment to hear the messenger's report. Because of his power and occasional obscurity, he might be compared with Shakespeare, and in magnificence, I sometimes think of Richard Wagner as one of his better imitators, albeit a much shallower writer. CHORUS [242] If, then, you hear that men are dying or wounded, do not seize on the news with loud wailing. [792] Take heart, you daughters who were nurtured by your mother. A trophy to Ruin now stands at the gate where they struck each other and where, having conquered them both, the divine power stayed its hand. Tydeus is already storming opposite the Proetid gates; but the seer will not allow him to ford the Ismenus because the omens from the sacrifices are not favorable. May they never hold the free land and city of Cadmus beneath the yoke of slavery! lachai means both “apportioning of possessions” and “digging.”, Theoi Project © Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, New Zealand. He swears by his spear which, in his confidence, he holds more to be revered than a god and more precious than his eyes, that he will sack the city of the Cadmeans in spite of Zeus. And you, Apollo, lord of the Wolf,4 be a wolf to the enemy force and give them groan for groan! [977] O Fate, giver of grievous troubles, and awful shade of Oedipus, black Erinys, you are indeed a mighty force. [103] I see the clash—it is not the clatter of a single spear. ANTIGONE The dust whirling in the air tells me this is so—its message is speechless, yet clear and true. [803] What novel happening will further affect the city? dwelling with emphasis on each separate part of the name. [900] Groaning spreads throughout the city, too: the walls groan; the land that loves its sons groans. ISMENE His prayer is that after he mounts the battlements and is proclaimed king in the land, and shouts the paian in triumph over its capture, he may then meet you in combat, and once he kills you, that he may perish at your side, or, if you survive, make you pay with banishment in the same way as you dishonored him with exile. download 1 file . Ah, now indeed our father's curses are brought to fulfillment. The first two plays (called Laius and Oedipus) and the satyr play which concluded the performance (Sphinx) have been lost. 682 and Verrall, Seven Against Thebes (London I887) Appendix II; also W.D.Woodhead op. I shuddered in fear as he spun a huge disk—the circle of his shield, I mean—I cannot deny it. Man drags off man, or kills, or sets fires; the whole city is defiled with smoke. Now as for me, against Tydeus I will station the trusty son of Astacus as defender of this gate, since he is full noble and reveres the throne of Honor and detests proud speech. CHORUS May the gods destroy them here in our land! Commentary references to this page HERALD By Aeschylus. [166] All-powerful divinities, you gods and goddesses who wield the power to guard the towers of our land, do not betray our city that now toils under the spear to an alien-tongued army. ), Aeschylus and War: Comparative Perspectives on Seven Against Thebes (London: Routledge, 2017), 186–201 It concerns the battle between an Argive army led by Polynices and the army of Thebes led by Eteocles and his supporters. This is how I was commanded to speak regarding him. Does it hearten our army here besieged, when you fall before the images of the gods that guard the city and shout and shriek—behavior that moderate people despise? Therefore, my soul, willingly share his evils, even though they are unwilling, and live in kindred spirit with the dead. It concerns the battle between an Argive army led by Polynices and the army of Thebes led by Eteocles and his supporters. We have records of a famous epic which told this tale, the lost Thebais, but Aeschylus’ version is our earliest full text dedicated to the struggle between Eteocles and Polyneices. This article is of interest to the following WikiProjects: WikiProject Theatre (Rated B-class, Mid-importance) This article is part of WikiProject Theatre, a WikiProject dedicated to coverage of theatre on Wikipedia. What will happen to me? ("Agamemnon", "Hom. [806] Control yourself now and listen. Epigoni. [805] Who? Read More [1009] Ah, where their honor is greatest. [597] Ah, the pity of fate's omen when it makes a just man associate with the irreverent! 13. SCOUT [Exit Eteocles, with citizens. The Seven Against Thebes is a play centered around the prelude to the attack on Thebes by seven warlords, including one of Oedipus' sons. Unfortunately, a good deal of what Dawe offers … [Exit Hyperbius.]. [256] O Zeus, what a breed you have made for us in women! (1): Cross-references in notes to this page Consider the people's offerings, and as you consider, help us. But I trust that the fire-bearing thunderbolt will justly come to him, and when it comes it will not be anything like the sun's mid-day heat. And you, blessed queen Onca,5 on behalf of the city, defend your seven- gated home! [39] Eteocles, mighty prince of the Cadmeans, I have returned with a sure report of the army outside the walls; I myself am an eyewitness of their actions. Seven Against Thebes, 3. [521] I am sure that Zeus' antagonist, since he has on his shield the unloved form of an earth-born deity, an image hated by both mortals and the long-lived gods, will drop his head in death before the gate. Yet Tydeus, raging and eager for battle, shouts like a serpent hissing at high noon, and lashes skilled Oecles' son, with the taunt that he cringes in cowardice before death and battle. Twofold is our distress—double disaster of kindred murder, this double suffering has come to fulfillment. ANTIGONE Ah, the curses that demand death for death! And in addition, keep your distance from the gods' images and make a stronger prayer, that the gods fight on our side. Vol. CHORUS Commentary: A few comments have been posted about The Seven Against Thebes. to a noble family, Aeschylus fought at Marathon and other battles of the Persian war. [982] He showed me when he returned from exile. It remains even into the third generation, ever since Laius—in defiance of Apollo who, at his Pythian oracle at the earth's center, said three times that the king would save his city if he died without offspring—ever since he, overcome by the thoughtlessness of his longing, fathered his own death, the parricide Oedipus, who sowed his mother's sacred field, where he was nurtured, and endured a bloody crop. ANTIGONE Born at Eleusis in 525 B.C.E. (7). [812] Yes, so all too equal was their destiny to them both. The default minimum word length can be changed as described in Section 12.10.6, “Fine-Tuning MySQL Full-Text Search”. AESCHYLUS was a Greek tragedian who flourished in Athens in the early C5th B.C. ANTIGONE Of the 76 plays he is known to have written only seven survive--1. “Seven Against Thebes” (Gr: “Hepta epi Thebas” ; Lat: “Septem contra Thebas” ) is a tragedy by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus, dating from 467 BCE.It is the classic statement of the myth (also covered by Euripides‘ play “The Phoenician Women” ) of the battle for the city of Thebes after the shamed Oedipus relinquished power to his two sons, Eteocles and Polynices Cambridge, MA. [833] O black curse on the family, Oedipus' curse, now brought to fulfillment! Parthenopaeus “maiden-faced.” His mother Atalanta dwelt on Mt. ETEOCLES One reason for this is clear: it is the third play of a trilogy. HERALD GRBS home | Duke University Libraries. CHORUS For if all go aright, … Loeb Classical Library Volumes 145 & 146. [250] Won't you be silent, and speak none of this throughout the city? His shield is decorated in great style: an armored man climbs a ladder's rungs to mount an enemy tower that he wants to destroy. He who reveres the gods is to be feared. download 1 file . (Sophocles 1938c, Oedipus Rex; Aeschylus 1938, the Seven against Thebes). About The Seven Against Thebes And Cypris, you who are the first mother of our race, defend us who are sprung from your blood. Quick, bring my greaves to protect against spears and stones! This one, too, shouts in syllables of written letters that even Ares could not hurl him from the battlements. No symbol was fixed to his shield's circle. AESCHYLUS' SEVEN AGAINST THEBES. [149] Ah! With all sincerity, I think, will they pour forth their fitting grief from their lovely, deep-bosomed breasts. A city, emptied, shouts out as the human booty perishes with mingled cries. ETEOCLES No hollow-bellied wolves will tear his flesh—let no one “decree” that! [332] It is a lamentable thing that modest girls should be plucked unripe, before the customary rites, and should make a loathsome journey from their homes. CHORUS For it may be that a pious man, embarked shipboard with sailors hot for some crime, perishes along with the sort of men hated by the gods; or, a man, though upright himself, when among fellow-citizens who hate all strangers and neglect the gods, may fall undeserving into the same trap as they, and be subdued, struck by the scourge of God that strikes all alike. Keep inside and do no harm! And now to the gods who guard our city's land, both those who dwell in the plain and those who watch over its meeting-place, to Dirce's springs and the waters of Ismenus, I vow that, if things go well and the city is saved, the citizens shall redden the gods' altars with the blood of sheep and sacrifice bulls to the gods—this is my vow—and offer trophies, while I will crown their holy temples with the spoil of the enemy's spear-pierced garments. ... FULL TEXT download. Indeed, Justice would truly be false to her name, if she should ally herself with a man so utterly audacious in his plans. Translated by E. Morshead. [249] am terrified—the crashing at the gates is increasing. There's Statius's Thebaid (although the extent … But it befell as the god had said: on the way he met and slew, unbeknown to himself, his father Laïus: he came to Thebes, destroyed the monster Sphinx that mad havoc on the land, married the Queen, even his mother, and begat two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, and two daughters, Antigone and Ismene. Seven Against Thebes, 3. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper READ PAPER ‘The Destruction of Thebes in Brecht’s Antigone (1948)’, in I. Torrance (ed. Others are hurling jagged boulders at the citizens on all sides. [248] Surely it is enough that I am making plans for this? Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. [36] I myself have dispatched scouts and men to observe their army, and I am confident that their going is not in vain. This work is licensed under a What? [871] Ah, sisters most unfortunate in your kin of all women who clasp their girdle about their robes, I weep, I groan, and there is no feigning in the shrill cries that come straight from my heart. with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. You will not be called a coward if you retain life nobly. We must put up a good defense against the assault of such a man, for already Rout is boasting of victory at the gate. Put an end to your big talk. SCAN FACTORS download. [854] But sail upon the wind of lamentation, my friends, and about your head row with your hands' rapid stroke in conveyance of the dead,17 that stroke which always causes the sacred slack-sailed, black-clothed ship to pass over Acheron to the unseen land where Apollo does not walk, the sunless land that receives all men. [226] So she is, but the power of god is supreme, and often in bad times it raises the helpless man out of harsh misery even when stormclouds are lowering over his eyes. [717] A soldier must not embrace that maxim. endatoumenos, literally “separating,” i.e. CHORUS When Oedipus, king of Thebes, realized he had married his own mother and had four children with her, he blinded himself and cursed his sons to divide their inheritance (the kingdom) by the sword. [997] Yes, to face him with your spear. Mighty Polynices shouts such threats and invokes his native gods, the gods of his fatherland, to watch over his prayers in every way. ; E. S. McCartney, " Puns and Plays on Proper Names," CJ I4 (I9I9) 343-48. I declare that the dead will do better than the captives; for when a city is subdued—ah, ah!—many and miserable are its sufferings. [486] Another, the fourth, has the gate near Onca Athena and takes his stand with a shout, Hippomedon, tremendous in form and figure. SCOUT Ah! Enter a Perseus citation to go to another section or work. CHORUS ISMENE But for those who come after them there remains their property, on which account the strife of those terrible-fated men came to fulfillment in death. Aeschylus' THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES Complete. ETEOCLES because it was sung during the combat of the brothers: “It was for a tomb I framed my song when, inspired by frenzy, I heard (prophetically) . CHORUS FIRST HALF-CHORUS [357] The earth's varied fruits, fallen to the ground, give pain, a bitter sight for the maid-servants. Madness united the frenzied bridal pair. Mad Ares storms, subduing the people and polluting reverence. Your current position in the text is marked in blue. Do you hear me or not? From well-known classics & literary fiction and non … In the final outcome the Curses have raised their piercing cry, now that the family is turned to flight in all directions. [937] Their hatred has ceased. Gorilla Theatre Presents - Seven Against Thebes. This paper argues that the myth of the burial of the Seven against Thebes at Eleusis was not a long-standing Eleusinian tradition with a basis in cult but a relatively late innovation that perhaps appeared first in Aeschylus’s Eleusinians, to which The trilogy won the first prize at the City Dionysia. SCOUT CHORUS [692] A savage desire eats away at you, drives you to murder, blood-sacrifice proscribed by divine law, whose only fruit is bitterness. This article has been rated as B-Class. A hail of stones strikes our battlements from afar. [245] Oh, but I hear horses snorting! Rush with all your armor! ETEOCLES Seven Against Thebes was first produced in 467 BC in Athens, as the third part of a trilogy based on the attack of an Argive army on Thebes. CHORUS ANTIGONE The Aeschylus volumes are still in print and available new at ANTIGONE [174] Beloved spirits, encompass the city to deliver it from ruin and show that you love it. Upload video . You too, Ares—pity us!—guard the city named for Cadmus and make evident your closeness3 to us! This passage has also been taken to deprecate as inauspicious the previous ode (720 ff.) In addition to the translations the volume also contains the source Greek text, Smyth's footnotes and introduction, and an index of proper names. [689] Since God hastens the deed so urgently, let the whole race of Laius, hated by Phoebus, be swept on the wind to Cocytus' destined flood! CHORUS The one has fire-breathing Typhon, while father Zeus stands upright on Hyperbius' shield, his lightening bolt aflame in his hand. But I am afraid and turn away in terror of the citizens. Anxieties border upon my heart and kindle my fear of the army surrounding our walls, as a trembling dove fears for her children in the nest because of snakes that are dangerous bed-fellows. [742] Indeed I speak of the ancient transgression, now swift in its retribution. the audience must know the story well, as the first audience knew it. ANTIGONE This man will not be unburied. We come to you, crying out in prayers for your divine ears. [777] But when, his sanity regained, he grew miserable in his wretched marriage, then carried away by his grief and with maddened heart he accomplished a double evil. For should night fall on this man's eyes as he dies, then to its bearer this arrogant symbol would prove rightly and justly named; and it is against himself that he will have prophesied this outrageous violence. The Seven Against Thebes study guide contains a biography of Aeschylus, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. I shudder to watch the bloody deaths of men, their equal was..., ” they have perished through their bridles, eager to fall against the Neistan gates his mother dwelt. 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