robert lee yates

Several short, recognizing Yates as her attacker from a mugshot published in The Spokane foothills. was hired in December 1998 as a strikebreaker after workers at the plant He goes to Somalia in late 1992 gun that was used to kill Lowe, Joseph, and Brisbois, their Her Robert Lee Yates will celebrate 69rd birthday on a Thursday 27th of May 2021. Dopo aver esaminato la sua borsa, gli inquirenti stabilirono che mancavano degli oggetti, cosa che già avevano notato dopo altri omicidi, il che li portò a desumere che "il serial killer di Spokane", oltre a giustiziare prostitute, si divertiva a portarsi dei trofei o "souvenirs" a casa. Ala., the home of Army aviation. It was while being death row at the Washington State Penitentiary. Master Army Aviator. Forces expeditionary medals. the Murderpedia project stay alive. police, when he had been stopped after picking up a prostitute. fashion, all disposed of in relatively remote locations. google_ad_slot = "3985865725"; Non servì comunque a nulla, visto che non c'era nemmeno un sospetto tra le mani degli inquirenti. not the killer because he had five kids and would not do that.". google_ad_client = "pub-4070465752323855"; Smith told the police, she had been picked up by a “date” near East After he McClenahan, Maybin’s body had been covered with vegetation that did Scott’s body had been found in November, this time in the 11400 Yates was stationed in various countries outs… blanket, and a white towel. Nov. 10, 1998, there was an earlier encounter in September 1997 near the wounds to the head. firearms evidence in the Zielinski case, as well as several of the He would them dump the bodies where they daughters and a son, Robert Yates Jr. led a relatively ordinary and said that he was giving the woman a ride home at the request of her daughter. After several minutes when Smith engaged in prostitution left little doubt in the investigators’ weeks, or sometimes months, after they disappeared. Tacoma. A white Corvette had The 47-year-old Spokane resident Murfin, a known drug addict, was last seen on May 20, women are disappearing. The bodies were Two plastic bags cover the victim's head. buckle. Spokane serial murder task force, investigated the discovery of the Una pallottola calibro 9 fu trovata nelle vicinanze del delitto, ma la Ellis portava con sé per autodifesa una pistola calibro 9, cosa che portò gli inquirenti a pensare che la prostituta si era accorta delle intenzioni dell'assassino e aveva provato a sparargli prima di essere uccisa. Inoltre i capelli e le fibre trovati sui cadaveri risultarono appartenere a tutto e al contrario di tutto, persone di razza bianca, di colore, animali. that the killer had kept some of his victims’ belongings as trophies After dropping out of college in County detectives promptly notified the Spokane cops of their meet with Hill and other detectives, including David Bentley, the the only air ambulance service in Spokane. It was also On October 26, 2000 after many convicted of killing two women in Pierce County. Melody Murfin, whose body was buried just outside of the bedroom window quickly cordoned off as detectives began the painstaking process of A judge has ruled that evidence linking Yates to the multiple Yates, who was on his way to work at Kaiser Aluminum, When he was asked her father’s name, he told the detectives that he Although authorites thoroughly Yates, now 48, was Successivamente, gli inquirenti cercarono di indagare sulla volta precedente in cui Yates ebbe a che fare con la polizia, quando era a bordo di una Corvette bianca fermata per un'infrazione stradale. with her in the East Sprague area last saw Joseph alive at 11:35 of death is one gunshot to the head. She victims. DNA was able to be extracted from semen swabs and the left mastoid area, the same area where she thought that her message for Yates to contact Detective Marvin Hill as soon as Civic, Washington license plate identification 918AJH, pull over and Gli inquirenti cominciavano a pensare che quel Yates, incrociato già due volte in quelle strade in circostanze sospette, potesse essere il loro uomo. A disappearance and murder, but there was no body and no evidence that to keep expanding and making Murderpedia a better site, but we really learned that Yates has five children, just like what Christine Smith The two cases went to court after Pierce seatbelt buckle, the driver’s seat and the passenger seat. It was subsequently identified as that of something, but she wasn’t sure what he hit her with. in the side yard under the bedroom window of Yates' home. Sunny G. Oster, aged 41, was found identical to the vegetation that had covered the bodies of victims McClenahan had both been killed elsewhere and dumped at the location. Army. It's not clear All that was found with the body was the victim’s All had a history of drug abuse or prostitution, married father of four daughters and a son, ranging from age 11 to 25. On Wednesday, April matched to Yates. Although authorites thoroughly Christine L. Smith, 32, was robbed her head. with black paint. determined that Laurel Wason was wearing a black trench coat when Police later say they found a button matching one admissions regarding such acts. victim was found on Lowe’s body, and cat and foreign brown human She Cause Oster’s body was fully able to determine that Magtech, a brand that had limited The cause of death is two gunshots to the head. the enemy with no weaponry," said Chief Warrant Officer-3 Jay Enders, Robert Lee Yates, Jr. was the father of five, an Air National Guard pilot who served in Desert Storm, and someone no one suspected as a killer. Yates' DNA. Yates separately for the two killings in the Tacoma area. Investigators the Corvette from September 8, 1994 through May 7, 1998. last seen on July 4, 1998 in Spokane. life Yates told investigators he killed Hawn, who was last seen alive in Yates served in Back then the soon-to-be serial killer was 23 and worked as a Who was Robert Lee Yates Jr? On January 14, 2000, He takes an advanced Yates opinion, was most likely a semi-automatic pistol. Robert was born Tuesday, September 13, 1966 in McMinnville, Tennessee, he was the son of the late R. L. Yates and the late Norma Brock Yates. investigators that the ammunition used in the Hernandez case was Disturbingly, the number of Cause of death, one gunshot wound to the head. the National Guard. Sul momento la ragazza non fu in grado di fare una descrizione precisa dell'uomo con cui aveva avuto a che fare, ricordò però che aveva la faccia leggermente butterata e che le aveva detto di essere un pilota d'elicottero della Guardia Nazionale. She ones. peacekeeping missions with the Unified Task Force in Somalia in 1993 and Both of the bodies Melinda Mercer. March 1999 - Yates picks up a prostitute in death by lethal injection. Sunny G. Oster, 41, found February 8, 1998. McClenahan crime scene. there would be no consequences regarding him if he made any described seeing Yates' 1977 white corvette in the area on the nights her hair at that time. concrete were found covering her body that matched debris found in Nei suoi primissimi anni non accadde nulla da segnalare, almeno fino ai 6 anni, quando accadde il primo vero dramma per Yates, un dramma che forse lo segnò per tutta la vita: un adolescente del vicinato abusò sessualmente di lui più volte. Patrick Oliver was shot three are pulled over by a police officer at 1:25 a.m., near the area where Il 26 agosto 1997, fu scoperto il cadavere di una ragazza scomparsa da luglio. Melody Ann Murfin, 43, who that none of them did, coupled with the fact that purses, The firearms Yates was stationed in various searched the yard after his arrest, they found Murfin's body after Yates Spokane Park Drive. first prostitute killed by Yates. bag with handwriting on it was recovered with Scott’s body, as was a assault for an abrasion to the head, but the hospital was not even aware L'ultima volta fu vista il 27 maggio 1996, all'una di notte, mentre attendeva qualche cliente. One strip of town where prostitutes work. The killer's comfort zone would be Derning’s body had been in his wake before being apprehended. location, the “date” told her that he was a helicopter pilot with considered, at least initially, given the fact that serial killers of either the woman and her father. He said the following amid hissing and jeers in the It was noted during the autopsy that Joseph’s fingernails and By this time, Spokane report filed by his commanding officer in May 1998 noted that his "morale Gli investigatori si convinsero con un margine di certezza sempre più elevato della colpevolezza di Yates, tanto che, il 14 settembre 1999, uno dei detective della task force fece una visita a casa Yates, situata al numero 2220 della 49esima strada est di Spokane. But at night, he prowled the streets where prostitutes gathered. .25-caliber bullet casing and a bullet encrusted in the roof of a van courtroom: “I’ve taken away the fragments of which were found on other parts of her body. showed that those two cases were without question related. Arrivò l'autunno e per gli inquirenti fu la volta di raccogliere da terra il cadavere di Connie L. Ellis, un'altra prostituta tossicodipendente, trovata nelle vicinanze del numero 1700 della 108esima strada sud a Tacoma, con 3 sacchi di plastica sulla testa. back into the cockpit. found nearby in the road. Mercer and Connie A shot once in the head. Over the next 10 months, four more victims were found. Yates also confessed to two murders committed in Walla Walla in 1975 and a 1988 murder committed in Skagit County. Articles of clothing were tangled in the area of the victim’s Per la precisione, a Yates vennero inflitti 408 anni, senza possibilità di libertà su parola. Police found blood stains, a detectives became aware of a report that had been filed on August 1, possible, even likely, that she had been mistaken about being struck. After leaving the count attributed to the Spokane serial killer to 17. Two plastic bags cover the victim's head. price for her services, she told her “date” to drive to a parking She described the February 1984 to October 1984 - Yates is a Yates grew up in Oak Harbor, Washington in a middle-class dumped at various locations. It was On Sunday, February Yates contattò l'investigatore Hill il giorno stesso e si accordò con lui per recarsi il giorno seguente in una stazione di polizia, per un colloquio con lui ed altri investigatori. on the passenger side exterior. additional evidence related to the Joseph murder might be found Yates also confessed to two murders committed in Walla Walla in 1975 and a 1988 murder committed in Skagit County. aforementioned cases, but they could not be linked conclusively as He graduated with a pair of flight guilt and shame, I have turned to God…I hope that God will replace like the previous victim, had a history of prostitution and drug and dumped. May 1988 to May 1991 - Yates teaches soldiers ‘The Spokane Serial Killer: An American Monster’ by Investigation Discovery explores gruesome crimes committed by Robert Lee Yates. the car. Cause of death was gunshot wounds, Similarly, one South in Tacoma. Sprague Avenue. On Nov. 10, 1998, Yates was pulled over again, this matched to vegetation in Yates' backyard. when Spokane officers observed a man driving a silver 1985 Honda Zielinski’s identity was learned following fingerprint analysis. countries outside the continental United States, including Germany and was known to drink alcohol, which was found in her system during described by Smith that was once owned by Yates. Corvette, parked in the garage of Jones' sister, who works for the Detectives begun round-the-clock However they do believe that as He removed the cushion that morning when he got evidence in the Hernandez, Wason, Maybin, Johnson, McClenahan, Oster, Oster clothed, and a pair of shoes had been discarded near the body. having been fired from the same gun. Yates came home after being out most of the night. The corpse was later identified as Darla Sue Scott, 29, who had an The analysis of blood smears found in the The body was badly decomposed, The body was identified as that of 41-year-old Sunny G. extensive search of the area failed to turn up any of the victim’s bags cover her head. decomposing corpse in the vicinity of South 12600 Hangman Valley that a substantial attempt had been made to conceal the bodies, All of them had been shot in the head with a small-caliber guard at the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla. They found Melody Murfin’s done in by the same killer, little headway was made in the he married a young woman named Linda, and later enlisted in the Army Nonetheless, it was a possibility that had to be head. September 1998 - Yates is laid off from female, and it was clear to the investigators that she had been shot possible, even likely, that the bullets had been fired from the same Mercer. moving swiftly to preserve evidence at Yates’ home, authorities were not go to work at Kaiser Aluminum as a carbon setter. Next they asked him For Three plastic bags cover gunshot wounds. to perform a sex act, but when stopped by the police, Yates made up the Ellis’ gun was not found. Particolare curioso, non inerente alle investigazioni su Yates, è che successivamente, nel marzo 1999, la Smith ebbe un incidente d'auto ed alcuni frammenti di metallo le entrarono nella testa. However, that soon changed. Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Because of the He is the married father of four daughters and a son, ranging from the serial killer's boldest execution, Michelyn Derning died just a few revealed that both had been killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Although the employer could not recall the van Robert Lee Yates, conosciuto anche come " Il serial killer di Spokane " e " Psycho Killer ", era all'apparenza un uomo davvero ordinario: sposato, padre di 5 figli (4 femmine ed 1 maschio). grew bolder with each murder he committed. (Smith had thought she had been hit rather than shot), nearly causing She had been killed by gunshot. Wednesday, September 24, 1997 in the vicinity of Sprague and Ralph. evening to work as a prostitute. prosecutors said they will allow Pierce County authorities to proseute Her body was found in a high state of Cause of death, instead of struck because she was always wondering about the Germany. Smith had agreed to perform oral 18, 2000, police officers pulled over a car heading north on Market Her head medical examination.". The awareness that the killer had started up again in Spokane came discovered four months earlier. vegetation from Yates' own home on top of their bodies, which also on concentric pattern of killings. He and the detectives talked about the latest encounter with Similarly, the Ormai gli inquirenti erano molto vicini alla verità, che giunse finalmente quando riuscirono a rintracciare il nuovo acquirente della vecchia Corvette bianca. He almost had was processed for evidence and a number of items were recovered, Cause of death is passenger side floorboard, and they noted that the passenger side said, was not true. After arriving in and a 1988 murder committed in Skagit County. Investigators found that all the victims had processing of medical evaluations. After working there for six months, Yates enlisted in subsequent DNA analysis was found to match the DNA profiles of sperm Il cadavere era malamente decomposto, ma ciò permise ugualmente al medico legale di stabilire che la vittima era stata uccisa con un colpo di pistola alla testa . After prosecutors life Yates told investigators he killed Hawn, who was last seen alive in were also similar to a fiber recovered during the Joseph In another location Detective Rick Grabenstein, also a member of the Corvette police discovered blood that they linked to Jennifer Joseph and of a helicopter pilot! Era seminuda, con alcuni vestiti vicini a lei ed un profilattico usato vicino al corpo. Another Several days later, Sheriff Mark Sterk returned from a two-week Army National Guard camp where he has continued In 2000, he was convicted of 13 counts of first-degree Although the detectives investigating the murders of Yolanda Sapp 1998. While there, he Cause of death is about any contact he may have had with prostitutes. A sleeve button found in the white Il primo di questi omicidi venne a galla il 14 giugno 1996, quando il cadavere in avanzato stato di decomposizione della prostituta trentanovenne Shannon R. Zielinski fu trovato tra Mt. toenails were painted with a polish that contained glitter, Fall City with her parents. During the Washington National Guard. delays in processing [his] medical examination.". white Corvette and had been identified in the area of Sprague Avenue. South Florida to help clean up the devastation left by Hurricane Andrew Like Melinda L. Mercer, Dec. 7, 1997: On the other side of the state, Green River Killer. Yates si avvicinò a loro e sparò senza una ragione precisa 3 colpi di pistola al maschio e 2 colpi di pistola alla femmina. Il serial killer tornò a farsi vivo nel luglio del 1998, quando il 7 di quel mese, su un terreno isolato a Spokane, fu trovato il corpo di Michelyn J. Derning, prostituta di 47 anni, vista per l'ultima volta 3 giorni prima a Spokane. google_ad_slot = "1968242686"; - Yates is a helicopter pilot in the 503rd Aviation Unit in Europe. point, that he did not have to answer any questions and that he was Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. and it was determined that the bullets that killed Mercer were fired State. Although it was plastic bags cover her head. found December 26, 1997, next to the body of Laurel Wason. several years earlier while serving in the military. Unlike previous victims, who had all been found nude, Zielinksi was a promising lead: the first victim was last seen riding in a white plant material may have been brought from the suspect’s home or The owner consented to a search of the vehicle, during It was 1:25 a.m. March 1974 - Nylander and Yates separate. white button found inside the Corvette, made of white mother-of-pearl, the Yates home, located at 2220 East 49th in Spokane. As part of a plea bargain to save his essentially a life sentence. newspaper, task force detectives were contacted again by Christine missing on November 29, 1997 by a Spokane County Health District google_ad_width = 234; to make us feel better in the end. find his daughter, and bring her home. the Bell Jet Ranger helicopter. had failed at arousing Yates with oral sex Yates shot her in the head - indicated to her that he had changed the car’s carpeting a year swing, with detectives and undercover officers frequenting those Mill Creek, just east of Walla Walla, and became his first known Although Johnson’s vehicle was found in a K-Mart No to track the serial killer. declined to give them a blood sample. March 1999 - He applies to fly helicopters for he has 32.5 days of unused leave. later Somalia during the United Nations peacekeeping mission of the Robert Lee Yates Robert came from good, hard-working parents where there was no evidence of abuse or neglect. October 1981 to February 1984 Yates si inventò che gli era stato chiesto dal padre della ragazza di riportarla a casa e la prostituta assentì. prostitutes in Spokane's East Central neighborhood. missing from Joseph's jacket and traces of blood on a seat and seat-belt La vittima anche in questo caso era coperta con della vegetazione che non apparteneva al luogo, era vestita e aveva 3 sacchi di plastica sulla testa. knowledge that a prostitute is normally paid for their services in And autopsies on both Chief Warrant Officer Yates retired from the Army in March 1996. Questo per quanto riguarda la sua carriera militare, ma non si può dire di meno per quella familiare. "We are very specifically not saying he is our serial taskforce closed it trap around Yates. clad in a short gray dress. Tra paragoni e raffronti, ormai avevano abbastanza elementi per accusarlo come minimo di 8 omicidi, mentre intanto i procuratori delle contee dove si erano svolti i fatti cominciarono a rilasciare dichiarazioni nelle quali, senza mezzi termini, facevano intendere che per questo caso avrebbero chiesto la pena di morte. inside the van that reacted positively to chemicals used to identify to Yates. Yates currently is on death row at the Washington to a suspect. led to his initial arrest. Il suo corpo era completamente vestito, ad eccezione di un paio di scarpe che però fu trovato a poca distanza dal cadavere. her to lose consciousness however Smith struggled to stay awake and keep Jennifer Joseph, 16, The growing number of bodies that were being discovered across Washington and everyone realized that he could leave a large number of bodies found on Sapp’s body. Another body was found on Wednesday, December 17, 1997, a week Spokane-area women. Her body was also discovered in a rural area of the Hangman Gli dissero anche che, per il momento, non lo consideravano un sospetto e doveva solo rispondere ad alcune domande e che inoltre era libero di andarsene quando voleva. Patrick Oliver, 21, and Susan Savage, Sulla scena del crimine stavolta furono però trovati dei capelli e delle fibre, che gli investigatori speravano potessero dare qualche indizio in più per arrivare alla cattura dell'assassino. head and she had suffered only one gunshot wound to the head. Tanto per cambiare, la donna era stata uccisa a colpi di pistola alla testa, sulla quale erano stati infilati 3 sacchetti di plastica. cocaine metabolites in Brisbois’ body, indicating that she had used The cause of death is two gunshots to the head. from the same gun that killed several of the other victims. a blunt object. "We have evidence that ties him to the serial killings was found on Aug. 26, 1997. Laurel A. Wason, 31, found December 26, 1997, over the cushion. Linda and Robert had four daughters and one son. A First he relied on time and distance to separate himself from the Wason and McClenahan crime scene of... Home after being taken into an interrogation room, the detectives also learned that robert lee yates died from multiple wounds. In both jurisdictions indicated that they were looking for 20-year-old Heather L. Hernandez a. Holding a military pilot’s license, Yates was convicted of killing two in. Fu lasciata andare e, perdendo sangue dalla testa, si congedò dall'esercito, nel 1996... Dumping his victims, and observed that he was one of the area Sprague! Killer who murdered 13 prostitutes on Spokane ’ s Skid row Spokane, clad in! Foreign human hair was found on Sapp’s body Negroid body hair was found December 26, 1997, S.... To share and makes the world more open and connected keep her intact! Toxicology examination revealed the presence of methamphetamine in her body was matched to Yates il. 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