nicaragua news bbc

Exactly 100 years after writing those words, to the very month, Amtrak's flagship high-speed rail line, the Acela Express, opened between Boston and Washington, DC. BBC Country Profiles: instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries and territories, and background on key institutions. 2003 May - Congress votes to send troops to Iraq, making Honduras the first Central American country to authorise a deployment. 1783 - Britain accepts loss of colonies by virtue of Treaty of Paris.. 1787 - Founding Fathers draw up new constitution for United States of America. 2014 May - In the first extradition of a Honduran to the United States, Honduras hands over a wanted suspected drug lord Carlos Arnoldo Lobo. But a much longer forecast made in 1900 by a relatively unknown engineer has been recirculating in the past few days. Learn how to speak Spanish with lessons, courses, audio, video and games, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, activities and tests. Lorry boss apologises over Taiwan train crash. Although coloured lights and electric currents did not take off, they were probably experimented with. 1995 April - Compulsory military service abolished. 2009 November - Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo Sosa of the conservative National Party wins presidential election. This was obviously wrong, says Patrick Tucker of the World Future Society, but also remarkable in the way that it hints at the possible effects of mass communication on communication itself. Nicaragua legislators agree to new Kuwait loan for hospital Business News Americas 19:39 17-Mar-21 Russia to hand over 250 buses to Nicaragua in 2021 TASS 18:23 17-Mar-21 More than 3,000 people deceased with covid-19 symptoms in Nicaragua Confidencial 18:22 17-Mar-21 Amazon admits some drivers do urinate in bottles, 'We found a baby on the subway - now he's our son', French tycoon Bernard Tapie attacked in home, 'I was blamed for blocking the Suez Canal', Dublin women charged for refusing hotel quarantine. If the US population had grown by the same rate it did between 1800 and 1900, it would have exceeded 1 billion in 2000. Read about our approach to external linking. 2015 April - Congress passes a law offering special protection to journalists, human rights activists and judicial workers with the establishment of a panel under the justice to investigate threats. 2009 September - Mr Zelaya makes a surprise return to Honduras, taking refuge in the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa. 2016 March - Former President Rafael Callejas pleads guilty to two counts of bribery and fraud related to the FIFA corruption scandal. 2002 January - Honduras re-establishes diplomatic ties with Cuba which it severed in 1961 when Cuba was expelled from Organisation of American States. "Mosquitoes, house-flies and roaches will have been exterminated.". Honduras and neighbouring El Salvador inaugurate their newly-defined border. Some 50 people died in Friday's crash, which was caused by a vehicle slipping onto the tracks. 1986 - Another Liberal Party man, Jose Azcona del Hoyo, elected president after the law was changed to stipulate a maximum one-term presidency. Beijing [China], February 11 (ANI): The National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) of China has barred the broadcasting of BBC World News on the mainland claiming that it has done a "slew of falsified" reporting on issues such as human rights violations in Xinjiang based on interviews of victims surviving "re-education camps. It was another 15 years before the first call was made, by Alexander Bell, even from one coast of the US to the other. 1969 - Brief but costly war with El Salvador over heavy immigration and disputed border. The idea of wireless telephony was truly revolutionary. Download a Schedule From 1982 - US-backed Nicaraguan counter-revolutionaries, or Contras, launch operations to bring down Nicaragua's Sandinista government from Honduran territory. High-speed rail in other parts of the world, even in 2000, was considerably faster. Lorry boss apologises over Taiwan train crash. Late 19th-early 20th century - US becomes economically involved in Honduras, with the United Fruit Company controlling two-thirds of banana exports by 1913. "Trains will run two miles a minute normally. Indonesia flash floods and landslides kill 50, State of emergency over Florida toxic water leak, Adopting in the age of opioids. However, many cities do have pedestrian zones in their historic centres. 2012 April - Rural workers take part in coordinated land invasions across the country. Rays of coloured light will hasten the growth of many plants. 1998 May - Control of police transferred from military to civilian authorities, but reports of rights abuses continue. The proliferation of ready meals in supermarkets and takeaway shops in High Streets suggests that Watkins was right, although he envisaged the meals would be delivered on plates which would be returned to the cooking establishments to be washed. Constitution comes into effect in 1788. A husband in the middle of the Atlantic will be able to converse with his wife sitting in her boudoir in Chicago. 1997 - Carlos Flores of the Liberal Party elected president; pledges to restructure armed forces. President Manuel Zelaya says a lack of international support to tackle chronic poverty forced him to seek aid from Venezuela. 1999 December - Honduras and Nicaragua agree to halt ground troop deployments and pull out naval forces from the Caribbean sea pending resolution of a border dispute. 2010 January - Mr Zelaya goes into exile in the Dominican Republic. 2016 February - An international mission aimed at tackling widespread corruption in Honduras is installed with a four-year mandate. 2005 December - Liberal Party's Manuel Zelaya is declared the winner of presidential elections after his ruling party rival concedes defeat. US Peace Corps says it is withdrawing its volunteers due to rising insecurity. "Huge forts on wheels will dash across open spaces at the speed of express trains of today.". If there be a battle in China a hundred years hence, snapshots of its most striking events will be published in the newspapers an hour later.... photographs will reproduce all of nature's colours.". 2000 June - Supreme Court rules that atrocities committed during 1980s are not covered by amnesty of 1987. 2015 April - The Supreme Court nullifies a law that prohibited presidents from serving more than one term. This upsets Nicaragua, which claims some of the area as its own. 17th century - Northern coast falls to British buccaneers; British protectorate established over the coast until 1860 while the Spanish concentrate on the inland area. 2006 April - Free trade deal with the US comes into effect. When Watkins was making his predictions, it would have taken a week for a picture of something happening in China to make its way into Western papers. 1789 - George Washington elected first president of USA.. 1791 - Bill of Rights guarantees individual freedom.. 1803 - France sells Louisiana territories to USA.. 1808 - Atlantic slave trade abolished. "'Photographs will be telegraphed' reads strikingly like how we access information from the web," says Mr Tucker. This showed major foresight, says Mr Nilsson. Leonardo da Vinci had talked about this, says Nilsson, but Watkins was taking it further. 2003 December - Honduras - along with Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua - agrees on a free trade agreement with the US. People thought photography itself was a miracle, and colour photography was very experimental, he says. Express trains one hundred and fifty miles per hour.". 2004 December - Suspected gang members massacre 28 bus passengers in the northern city of Chamalecon. © 2021 BBC. ", "Man will see around the world. "All hurry traffic will be below or above ground when brought within city limits.". VideoAdopting in the age of opioids, Waiting for the tourists to come back to Greece, Famous Indian music gurus accused of sexual assault, The woman who refuses to be defeated by Covid, The Myanmar beauty queen standing up to the military. Watkins foresaw cameras and screens linked by electric circuits, a vision practically realised in the 20th Century by live international television and latterly by webcams. The extravagant privacy requirements of the super-rich, Cuba's rap battle with dissidents. 2016 March - Indigenous leader and respected environmental rights activist Berta Caceres is killed by gunmen at her home in Esperanza, some 200 km from the capital Tegucigalpa. Hundreds of juvenile gangs - or maras - operate in Honduras. Non è possibile visualizzare una descrizione perché il sito non lo consente. 1984 - General Alvarez is deposed amid anti-American demonstrations in Tegucigalpa. 2002 January - Ricardo Maduro inaugurated as president. But armed forces chief General Gustavo Alvarez retains considerable power and Honduras becomes embroiled in various regional conflicts. 2010 November - International Criminal Court investigates allegations of human rights abuses during the 2009 coup. 1992 - International Court of Justice gives ruling establishing new boundaries between Honduras and El Salvador. Patrick Tucker from the World Future Society, based in Maryland in the US, thinks Watkins might even be hinting at a much bigger future breakthrough. Watkins did not, of course, use the word "digital" or spell out precisely how digital cameras and computers would work, but he accurately predicted how people would come to use new photographic technology. There weren't many people that far-sighted. VideoCuba's rap battle with dissidents, Amazon admits some drivers do urinate in bottles1, 'We found a baby on the subway - now he's our son'2, French tycoon Bernard Tapie attacked in home3, Famous Indian music gurus accused of sexual assault5, Lorry boss apologises over Taiwan train crash6, State of emergency over Florida toxic water leak7, 'I was blamed for blocking the Suez Canal'8, The Myanmar beauty queen standing up to the military9, Dublin women charged for refusing hotel quarantine10. Watkins was a writer for the Journal's sister magazine, the Saturday Evening Post, based in Indianapolis. 1975 - Colonel Juan Alberto Melgar Castro take power. The countries fought over the disputed frontier in 1969. Watkins was getting ahead of himself here. Now please either ‘Download a Schedule’ or ‘View a Daily Schedule’ below. Lots of larger varieties of fruit have been developed in the past century, but Watkins was over-optimistic with regard to strawberries. 1821 - Honduras gains independence from Spain but becomes part of Mexico. Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador are to receive millions of dollars to combat gang violence and help citizens repatriated from the US. In December of that year, at the start of the 20th Century, John Elfreth Watkins wrote a piece published on page eight of an American women's magazine, Ladies' Home Journal, entitled What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years. 2007 October - The International Court of Justice in the Hague settles a long-running territorial dispute between Honduras and Nicaragua. In 1900, an American civil engineer called John Elfreth Watkins made a number of predictions about what the world would be like in 2000. © 2021 BBC. 1982-83 - General Alvarez responds to increasing political unrest by ordering the detention of trade union activists and left-wing sympathisers. Read about our approach to external linking. 2010 May - "Truth commission" begins investigating Mr Zelaya's removal from office in 2009, and concludes it was a coup. The L.A. Times is a leading source of breaking news, entertainment, sports, politics, and more for Southern California and the world. "Americans will be taller by from one to two inches.". The Honduran Congress approved the Central American Free Trade Agreement (Cafta) in March 2005. 1989 January - General Alvarez is assassinated by left-wing guerrillas in Tegucigalpa. International phone calls were unheard of in Watkins' day. "Vegetables will be bathed in powerful electric light, serving, like sunlight, to hasten their growth. 2001 January - Honduran Committee for the Defence of Human Rights says more than 1,000 street children were murdered in 2000 by death squads backed by the police. 1932-49 - Honduras under right-wing National Party of Honduras (PNH) dictatorship led by General Tiburcio Carias Andino. "Instead, it grew just 360%, reaching 280m at the start of the new century.". 2009 June - President Manuel Zelaya is removed by the military and forced into exile. US-run training camps for Salvadoran counter-revolutionaries are shut down, but the government continues to cooperate with the US administration's anti-Sandinista activities in return for substantial economic aid. US-run camps for training Salvadorans in counterinsurgency are set up on Honduran territory. 2014 June - The US boosts aid and speeds up deportations to cope with the growing number of migrants from Central America. Maybe the end of the mosquito and the house fly is something to look forward to in 2100? Electric currents applied to the soil will make valuable plants to grow larger and faster, and will kill troublesome weeds. 2011 December - Congress votes to allow troops to take on police duties in a bid to tackle the high murder rate. Large gardens under glass were already a reality, says Philip Norman of the Garden Museum in London, but he was correct to predict the use of electricity. 2009 December - Congress rejects proposal that Mr Zelaya be allowed to return to office. Electricity applied to garden seeds will make them sprout and develop unusually early.". VideoAdopting in the age of opioids, Waiting for the tourists to come back to Greece, Famous Indian music gurus accused of sexual assault, The woman who refuses to be defeated by Covid, The Myanmar beauty queen standing up to the military. It was picked up and caused some excitement on Twitter. Can celebrities control their image online? And he correctly forecast elevated roads and subways. Amazon admits some drivers do urinate in bottles, 'We found a baby on the subway - now he's our son', French tycoon Bernard Tapie attacked in home, 'I was blamed for blocking the Suez Canal', Dublin women charged for refusing hotel quarantine. Incumbent Juan Orlando Hernandez is declared winner. 2014 January - Juan Orlando Hernandez takes over as president. 1989 February - Summit of Central American presidents in El Salvador reaches agreement on demobilisation of Nicaraguan Contras based in Honduras. 1990 June - Last Nicaraguan Contras leave Honduras. Some 50 people died in Friday's crash, which was caused by a vehicle slipping onto the tracks. All the latest news about Honduras from the BBC. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The Post brought this article to a modern audience last week when its history editor Jeff Nilsson wrote a feature praising Watkins' accuracy. 1963 - Colonel Osvaldo Lopez Arellano takes power after leading a coup. As is customary at the start of a new year, the media have been full of predictions about what may happen in the months ahead. "Strawberries as large as apples will be eaten by our great-great-grandchildren.". 1995 July - First military officers charged with human rights abuses. Reina pledges to reform judicial system and limit power of armed forces. 1525 - Spain begins conquest of Honduras, which is accomplished only in 1539 after bitter struggles with the native population and rivals representing Spanish power centres in Mexico, Panama and Hispaniola. "The idea of having cameras gathering information from opposite ends of the world and transmitting them - he wasn't just taking a present technology and then looking to the next step, it was far beyond what anyone was saying at the time.". "Photographs will be telegraphed from any distance. The two countries recently agreed their maritime boundaries after a long-running dispute. 2001 August - UN calls on government to prevent extrajudicial killings of hundreds of children and teenagers, some at the hands of police officers. Persons and things of all kinds will be brought within focus of cameras connected electrically with screens at opposite ends of circuits, thousands of miles at a span.". 1840 - Honduras becomes fully independent. 1974 - Lopez resigns after allegedly accepting a bribe from a US company. 2012 May - Thousands march to protest wave of violence against journalists - more than 20 of whom have been killed in the past three years. "There will probably be from 350,000,000 to 500,000,000 people in America [the US].". Read about our approach to external linking. Declaration is greeted with dismay at home and abroad. So what did Watkins get right - and wrong? Supreme Court dismisses charges against six military commanders who expelled Mr Zelaya from the country in June 2009. The category four storm makes landfall in Nicaragua… He says armed forces will play greater role in fighting crime. 1988 February - An Amnesty International report alleges an increase in human rights violations by armed forces and right-wing death squads. How did he do? It reaches top speeds of 150mph, although the average speed is considerably less than that. Noticias de última hora de Nicaragua y el mundo: política, deportes, economía, opinión, espectáculo, salud, tecnología Watkins had unerring accuracy here, says Mr Nilsson - the average American man in 1900 was about 66-67ins (1.68-1.70m) tall and by 2000, the average was 69ins (1.75m). "Electricity certainly features in plant propagation. But the earliest item we have is a 1953 booklet Electricity in Your Garden detailing electrically warmed frames, hotbeds and cloches and electrically heated greenhouses, issued by the British Electrical Development Association. Can celebrities control their image online? VideoCuba's rap battle with dissidents, Amazon admits some drivers do urinate in bottles1, 'We found a baby on the subway - now he's our son'2, French tycoon Bernard Tapie attacked in home3, Famous Indian music gurus accused of sexual assault5, Lorry boss apologises over Taiwan train crash6, State of emergency over Florida toxic water leak7, 'I was blamed for blocking the Suez Canal'8, The Myanmar beauty queen standing up to the military9, Dublin women charged for refusing hotel quarantine10. 2014 October - The Red Cross says more than half a million people in Honduras have been affected by a severe drought, and launches an appeal for funds to assist them. 1993 March - Government sets up commission to investigate alleged human rights violations by military. 2005 November - Tropical Storm Gamma kills more than 30 people and forces tens of thousands from their homes. 2007 May - President Zelaya orders all the country's radio and TV stations to carry government propaganda for two hours a day for 10 days to counteract what he says is a campaign of misinformation. Winter will be turned into summer and night into day by the farmer, said Watkins, with electric wires under the soil and large gardens under glass. 1998 October - Hurricane Mitch devastates Honduras. They will be abandoned because unnecessary.". "Ready-cooked meals will be bought from establishment similar to our bakeries of today.". President Manuel Zelaya visits Cuba, the first official trip by a Honduran president to the island in 46 years. We will be able to telephone to China quite as readily as we now talk from New York to Brooklyn.". Indeed the bed bug is making a huge comeback in the US and some other countries. 1988 August - Inter-American Court of Human Rights finds Honduran government guilty of "disappearances" of Honduran citizens between 1981 and 1984. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. "This presents a rather generous view of future humanity but doesn't seem to consider the popularity and convenience of the very transportation breakthroughs [moving sidewalks, express trains, coaches] forecast elsewhere in the article," says Mr Tucker. 2004 May - Prison fire at San Pedro Sula kills more than 100 inmates, many of them gang members. 2017 November - Disputed presidential election. Plus Spanish slang and Spanish TV. "Wireless telephone and telegraph circuits will span the world. 1999 November - Congress ratifies 1986 maritime agreement with Colombia settling claims over the Caribbean Sea. 2008 August - Longtime US ally Honduras joins the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), an alliance of leftist leaders in Latin America headed by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a staunch US foe. In 1900, a civil engineer called John Elfreth Watkins made a number of predictions about what the world would be like in 2000. "We have a 1956 soil heater, used in soil to assist early germination of seeds in your greenhouse. 2003 December - Honduras - along with Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua - agrees on a free trade agreement with the US. 2012 February - Fire in the overcrowded Comayagua prison kills 358. 1980 - General Paz signs peace treaty with El Salvador. The figure is too high, says Nilsson, but at least Watkins was guessing in the right direction. Read about our approach to external linking. 1981 - Roberto Suazo Cordova of the centrist Liberal Party of Honduras (PLH) is elected president, leading the first civilian government in more than a century. "There will be no C, X or Q in our everyday alphabet. 2015 June - Tens of thousands of Hondurans march in the capital, demanding the resignation of President Juan Orlando Hernandez over opposition claims he received millions of dollars from the country's public health system for his 2013 election campaign. 1987 - Amnesty granted both to military and left-wing guerrillas for abuses committed during early 1980s. 2010 March - US resumes aid programme suspended after the coup, saying President Porfirio Lobo was democratically elected. Coup is widely condemned. 1999 - Armed forces placed under civilian control. Indonesia flash floods and landslides kill 50, State of emergency over Florida toxic water leak, Adopting in the age of opioids. 1502 - Christopher Columbus lands in Honduras. Death squads are allegedly used to eliminate subversive elements. All the latest news about Honduras from the BBC. Today, it's 69.5ins (1.76m) for men and 64ins (1.63m) for women. He began the article with the words: "These prophecies will seem strange, almost impossible," explaining that he had consulted the country's "greatest institutions of science and learning" for their opinions on 29 topics. 1823 - Honduras joins the United Provinces of Central America, which also include Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. 1978 - Melgar ousted in coup led by General Policarpo Paz Garcia. 1990 January - Rafael Callejas sworn in as president; proceeds to introduce neo-liberal economic reforms and austerity measures. Organisation of American States (OAS) suspends Honduras. The extravagant privacy requirements of the super-rich, Cuba's rap battle with dissidents. 2010 December - Mexico, Honduras agree to work together to prevent attacks on illegal migrants from Honduras, many of whom are kidnapped on their way to the US. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. 1993 November - Liberal Party candidate and veteran rights activist Carlos Reina elected president. 2010 February - Government says it has restored diplomatic ties with 29 countries following its isolation after the coup. The two most notorious street gangs in Honduras - the Mara Salvatrucha and the Mara Dieciocho - agree a truce, promising to end the violence which has claimed tens of thousands of lives. Honduras becomes embroiled in various regional conflicts sunlight, to hasten their.... On Twitter telephone and telegraph circuits will span the world, even in,. The northern city of Chamalecon similar to our bakeries of today. `` Lobo was elected... Will have been exterminated. `` the Post brought this article to a modern last... Non lo consente guerrillas for abuses committed during early 1980s forward to in 2100 Tucker. Cuba which it severed in 1961 when Cuba was expelled from Organisation of American States ( )... 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