le notti bianche letterboxd

The lighting, the dancing. Block this member This member is blocked; Report this review; bogart_on_gin is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Mobile site. Share this page. Mario Marcello Mastroianni) is lonely for social reasons; he is a stranger and a newcomer to town. It seems safer to convince yourself you're madly in love with someone who will never love you back, who is too stupid to love you back, than cope with the fact that you're alone and unwanted. Username or Email Niente. Watched by Manuel Chávez Orione. This list is the Letterboxd version of The Oxford History of World Cinema. (As of01/17/21) Sort list by last added for latest additions (there…. Questo film, riadattamento del libro, è dedicato a chi si rifugia nei sogni tenendo distante la realtà. Directed by Luchino Visconti. Un giorno tu ti sveglierai e vedrai una bella giornata. À quelques moments, c'est dur comme film. Natalia ist eine junge Frau voller Gegensätze, mal himmelhoch jauchzend, mal zu Tode betrübt. Amazing Marcello Mastroianni. Le Notti Bianche 1957. Block or Report. Just lonely-looking city streets with people walking, and a nearby canal. Just lonely-looking city streets with people walking, and a … She fell in love with a handsome drifter who stayed for a while with her and her grandma as a lodger. Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★★★½ . Le travail des équipes de Mario Garbuglia sur les décors et de Giuseppe Rotunno sur la photo constitue un sommet. Watched by willsss. A very good film and an amazing dance sequence. Nobody dances quite like Marcello, I mean for that reason alone this film is worth seeing. There are no cars or horses. Elle s’éloigne de lui en courant et criant. Mais pourquoi pleure-t-elle ? 29, Le 1er Visconti que j’ai appréciée du début à la fin, notamment pour : - Avoir été touchée par l’ambiance, mais aussi par les thématiques de ce film qui sont : la nostalgie, l’amour perdu, la rêverie (car comme dirait Marcello Mastroianni dans ce film : « J’aime…. Review by Jimmy Beaulieu Pro. A humble clerk courts a woman who night after night awaits for the return of her lover. juliodogpit 1,001 films 12,950 557 Edit, UPDATE--------------------------------------------------------------------------, Check out also: The 100 Greatest Documentaries, ranked as objectively as possible The 100 Greatest Directors The 100 Greatest…, 1) Films missing are mainly hardcore porn and TV shows (Hitchcock mysteries namely). There's a number of…, Jayce Fryman 18,680 films 3,514 115 Edit, This list collects every film from the Starting List that became They Shoot Pictures Don't They's 1000 Greatest Films. Recs welcome! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Elle a ce côté à la fois angélique qu’elle mêle divinement bien avec un aspect plus triste, plus fragile. Add a review? Todos sabem que o Dostoiévski inventou o romance policial em Crime e castigo, mas poucos perceberam que ele inventou também o "ghosting" e a "friendzone" em Noites Brancas. Five reasons to watch Visconti's lightest and most tender romance movie: 1) Fyodor Dostoyevsky.2) Nino Rota's mysterious score.2) The most dream-like and romantic use of snow in a black-and-white feature.4) Maria Schell's laugh.5) Marcello Mastroianni's dance move improvisation. Block this member This member is blocked; Report this review; AmazingGorilla liked this review. Mon réalisateur italien préféré (c’est officiel) qui met en scène dans un sublime noir et blanc (l’incroyable) Mastroianni qui erre la nuit dans les rues de Livourne pour tomber sur elle... l’immense Maria Schell. MovieManMark’s review published on Letterboxd: Le Notti Bianche, translated into English as "White Nights," is Luchino Visconti's magical romantic character study set in an Italian city almost entirely at night. Leur relation est tellement bien écrite , chaque dialogue est plus beau que le précédent et les 2 ont une alchimie rarement atteinte devant une caméra. Share this page. Directed by Luchino Visconti. There is no review for this diary entry. Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★½ . schellf. Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★★★½ . Chef d’oeuvre. Siamo in due. dance scenel. I think I WOULD have really liked this movie. 1,350 likes. The performances and scenery are warm and about as beautifully-shot as a black and white film can be. © Letterboxd Limited. Watched Mar 12, 2018. buster1895’s review published on Letterboxd: I think I WOULD have really liked this movie. The book celebrates and chronicles over one…, this list turned out much more unhinged than i was intending, apologies in advance, UNDER CONSTRUCTION This is a lot of work - and will take a lot of time - because I need…, My next major movie goal is to work through the Criterion Collection list. mastroiannim. Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★★★ Mar 03, 2021. We don't have answers but we are…, Hey I’ve found the before trilogy where love is a delusion but life is what you make it but also love is futile..this reminds me that however naive I think I used to be, I still am. Dès le début on sait que…. Kyle Faulkner’s review published on Letterboxd: First rewatch in 20yrs and yeah nah, my immune system has built up too much resistance to 50s. I enjoyed this film more than I ever expected to. Da 5 Bloods. Watched Oct 18, 2020. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. Un film di Luchino Visconti,tratto da ''Le Notti Bianche'' di Fëdor Dostoevskij.Marcello Mastroianni, Maria Schell, Jean Marais, Corrado Pani In più avere come protagonista Marcello Mastroianni, uno dei miei attori preferiti, è stata un’emozione. 3. Ascolta "Inverno 3310" ️ Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★★★ Watched Feb 13, 2020. bogart_on_gin’s review published on Letterboxd: well then. Libreria indipendente: 5 gruppi di lettura,corsi,presentazioni ed eventi. 367 were here. I used the word magical earlier because there is no other way to describe the atmosphere, which is something that needs to be seen and experienced since words simply cannot do it justice. (Le sourire de Maria Schell est tellement contagieux), Love it, I hugely recommend to read the book, it’s so good and also short ;), Le film commence dans une petite ville d’Italie dans une nuit sombre, où, on rencontre Mario qui erre dans les rues, il vagabonde, marche et voit une jeune fille blonde qui pleure. 1,510 films 8,179 134 Edit. Il s’approche d’elle, lui demande si tout va bien et le pourquoi de ses pleurs …. Il est intrigué par cette femme qui erre debout sur un pont. Non ci credi? Watched Libreria indipendente: 5 gruppi di lettura,corsi,presentazioni ed eventi. Mobile site. Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★★★½ Watched Jun 15 , 2020 Valeria’s review published on Letterboxd: Likes for Le Notti Bianche. Despite his jealousy and frustration, he is essentially a gentleman, and they experience some beautifully romantic scenes together at night in a way that only Visconti and the great DP Giuseppe Rotunno can depict. There is no review for this diary entry. But it’s Mario (Marcello Mastroianni) she meets there. Join here. willsss’s films. Io sono sicuro. dostoievski Disclosure. It's the second radical film interpretation of a Fyodor Dostoyevsky story (in this case his short work White Nights) from the '50's, equal in quality to Akira Kurosawa's tremendous version of The Idiot (1951). Rien que sur le papier je savais déjà que j’allais aimer mais là c’est vraiment trop. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. It's entirely studio-bound with one of the most gorgeous, elaborate and claustrophobic sets you could ever wish to see, recreating a typical '50's Italian street complete with gas stations, shops, bars and restaurants and neon signs, creating a deliberately artificial setting. much of this film is tentative and delicate, with all the unrequited emotionality struggling to come to the surface, so when the ending comes, it's irrepressible. It is truly something special and should not be missed. A humble clerk courts a woman who night after night awaits for the return of her lover. Anything with more than 1,000 views on Letterboxd that’s longer…, Updated: March 19, 2021 Created: January 13, 2013 View More Lists Follow Me, ——————————————————————— CRITERION CHALLENGE 2021 ➔ ———————————————————————, gabriel guimarães? Took me a year to work through…. Le Notti Bianche. Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★★★ 27 May, 2020 AmazingGorilla’s review published on Letterboxd: Dostoevsky would be proud. In deep trouble at the time, he must leave abruptly, but he vows that in one year he will return to Natalia. Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★★★★ Watched Feb 24 , 2021 geovanna’s review published on Letterboxd: Ostende. Le Notti Bianche 1957 ★★★½ . With Maria Schell, Marcello Mastroianni, Jean Marais, Marcella Rovena. White Nights (Italian: Le notti bianche) is a 1957 Italian film directed by Italian neorealist Luchino Visconti. Ma, per citare una frase del libro ed anche del film: Io vorrei farti dormire, ma come i personaggi delle favole, che dormono per svegliarsi solo il giorno in cui saranno felici. Convincing yourself you’re in love is safer than accepting you’re alone, and what seems so happy and real and perfect can quickly be left in the past. But Natalia is ever-so-stubborn and pines for this absent older man on a nightly basis, waiting for this memory from her past to keep his word and finally show up. C’est beau, dramatique, tragique et pleins d’autres adjectifs mélioratifs. Add a review? 10 Reasons why I adore Luchino Visconti's Le Notti Bianche: 1. Block or Report. Handlung. Film data from TMDb. There are no cars or horses. MovieManMark is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. © Letterboxd Limited. Visconti's film isn't a tragic love story. Weiße Nächte (Originaltitel: Le notti bianche) ist ein italienischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahre 1957. Leggendo questo romanzo ho immaginato  proprio queste atmosfere: una città immersa nella nebbia, cosparsa di ponti e lampioni. Unabashedly romantic, this melodrama isn’t as lavish as others I’ve seen from Visconti, but it could be the one that touched me the most -- And I might have missed it all together had I not being going through Maria Schell’s early filmography. Plot. In questo momento storico più che mai, la voglia di restare nel mondo onirico è forte. Siamo nuovi in città.www.lenottibianchemusica.it Le Notti Bianche. This list is for scripts or source material written or co-written by women. Share this review. Review by buster1895. Le Notti Bianche. Comment chanter au bonheur et à la beauté de la première neige pendant que des sans-abris dorment dans les rues sombres en essayant de se réchauffer avec un petit feu? IMDb Manuel liked this review. Ci sarà il sole, e tutto sarà nuovo, cambiato, limpido. Film data from TMDb. Jun 16, 2020. If you can't do those two things, stay out of the theater. But she is swept off her feet in a sudden romance with their lodger (Jean Marais) who just as suddenly is forced to leave to attend to or escape some trouble. Senso . A lonely young man, Mario, meets a lonely young woman, Natalia. TMDb Despite having a CV littered with such masterpieces as Ossessione, La Terra Trema, Senso, Rocco And His Brothers and The Leopard, none of them contains the romantic longing of this picture. Le Notti Bianche, translated into English as "White Nights," is Luchino Visconti's magical romantic character study set in an Italian city almost entirely at night. Jimmy Beaulieu’s review published on Letterboxd: Sans doute un des plus ravissants et émouvants films que j’aie vu. Le Notti Bianche. Jan It's the second radical film interpretation of a Fyodor Dostoyevsky story (in this case his short work White Nights) from the '50's, equal in quality to Akira Kurosawa's tremendous version of The Idiot (1951). - Now, I too can say I've been dancing.+ Now, I too can say I've been happy. Will Natalia's knight show up as promised, or will she finally give in to the equally-handsome and charming Mario, who wears his heart on his sleeve? i prefer the dostoevsky short story but marcello mastroianni’s awkward dancing alone makes this well worth a watch . 1957 When you're lonely it's a simple thing to project all of your desires onto a person — perhaps a beautiful person you run into on a bridge — and call that love. "god bless you for the moment of happiness you gave me. Join here. Le Notti Bianche, Avellino. A lonely city transplant, and a sheltered girl haunted by a lover’s promise, meet by chance on a canal bridge and begin a tentative romance that quickly entangles them in a web of longing and self-delusion. And also die, thanks. Report this film. viscontim. willsss is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Not only Mastroianni who is so hopeful and fragile that it's devastating but Schell whose eyes shine and who adheres to life with such intensity that she becomes embodiment of Viscontinian character who builds castles in the clouds without caring whether they crumble (we know what will follow if they do) and then there's Marais whose dark character, presence of experienced and self-conscious, is so perfect balance to the lightness of youth that shines through these others, young actors. 2021. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. ), White Nights, Бели нощи, Hvide nætter, Valkeat yöt, Tetri Gameebi, Lefkes nyhtes, Fehér éjszakák, Um Rosto na Noite, 101 mins   Comment suivre son coeur malgré tout en sachant bien que l'on finira par souffrir d'amour? Directed by Luchino Visconti. The two central characters are the rather shy Mario (Marcello Mastroianni), who has been recently transferred here, and Natalia (Maria Schell), whose backstory we learn about. Review by AmazingGorilla. I would love to see this on a big ol’ movie theater screen. Watched Apr 20, 2020. Review by bogart_on_gin. Maybe the most emotional dancing scene I've seen. Lists that include Le Notti Bianche. Join here. Rather, it's a film about the comfort we find in our delusions and obsessions. Likely story, as Mario points out to her repeatedly. Name Rating Like Review; nafir Activity for film ★★★★ Eventually, if you're smart — and Marcello Mastroianni's Mario is too far gone — you realize that your obsessiveness, your ceaseless desire to connect with someone who is incapable of connecting back, hurts even more than being stuck with yourself. Unfortunately, the theater was full of solipsistic millennial fuckbags, who could not get over the apparently hilarious fact that human beings existed before them, and that context exists beyond their entitled bubbles. Reviewed by trolleyfreak ★★★★★ Manuel is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. The 1001 Greatest Films, ranked as objectively as possible, The 100 Greatest Documentaries, ranked as objectively as possible, Every Film Available on The Criterion Channel, marcello mastroianni movies ranked by how much i want to have a catholic guilt ridden affair with him, Déjà Vu : A Chronological History of French Cinema Since Time Began - Une vitrine chronologique du cinéma français depuis la nuit des temps. Le Notti Bianche. Der Film entstand nach dem gleichnamigen Kurzroman von Fjodor Dostojewski. Il film di Castellitto nella mia top 50 è durato meno di Belfodil nell'Inter di Stramaccioni, I’m sick of sorting through concerts, series, and other non-movies. Quello che prima ti sembrava impossibile diventerà semplice, normale. That was a year ago and he promised to return in a year’s time and so each night she escapes to wait on the bridge for him, not knowing if he will come back. Luchino Visconti’s LE NOTTI BIANCHE, an exquisite adaptation of Dostoyevsky’s “White Nights,” translates this romantic, shattering tale of two restless souls into a ravishing black-and-white dream. J’adore cette actrice. Anche a Napoli fa freddo. Le Notti Bianche. 2. Manuel’s films. Join here. Gerade diese Gegensätze ziehen Mario magisch an. Pas l'amour comme quelque chose de physique, d'apparent ou qui relève d'avoir quelqu'un ou d'être en couple, mais l'amour tout court que l'on porte en soi et qui nous permet de croire que, à quelque part, son prochain est bon, ou encore, qu'il suffisait d'y croire pour que l'autre puisse y retrouver ce qu'il y avait déjà de bon en lui, mais qu'il a préféré enfouir au fond de lui, très loin au fil du temps. Ma succederà così anche a te. No one gives a radioactive tit what you have to say during a movie, so SHUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE OFF AND SHUT YOUR GOB. Nathan’s review published on Letterboxd: Impossibly beautiful two-hander with a couple of lonely people connecting on a neon-lit street over the course of a few emotionally charged evenings. even a moment's worth can last a lifetime. Maria Schell Marcello Mastroianni Jean Marais Marcella Rovena Maria Zanoli Elena Fancera Pietro Ceccarelli Angelo Galassi Renato Terra Corrado Pani Dirk Sanders Clara Calamai Giorgio Albertazzi Lys Assia Enzo Doria Carla Foscari Ferdinando Gerra Leonilde Montesi Sandro Moretti Mimmo Palmara, Luchino Visconti Suso Cecchi d'Amico Fyodor Dostoevsky, Rank Film Vides Cinematografica Cinematografica Associati (CI.AS. He’s lonely too.…. But damn me if I'd forget to mention about its settings and lightning, the expression of its actors...! The movie takes its title and basic plot from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 1848 short story White Nights. Thanks for this little reality check visconti I’m gonna go cry. Letterboxd — Your life in film. Natalia just wants to be friends, while Mario wants much more. Meanwhile, Mario falls deeply in love with the intoxicatingly charming Natalia, and as the film progresses, we get to know and like these two. This…, Everything on the brand new Criterion Channel Streaming service. When loneliness and dreaming work together it can easily result in denial. 10 Reasons why I adore Luchino Visconti's Le Notti Bianche: 1. ", thank you luchino visconti i'm a sobbing mess who no longer believes in love, Visconti’s tale of patient longing: two lonely souls separated by a canal, meet on the interconnecting bridge and strike up a tentative friendship, and maybe romance. bogart_on_gin’s films. Natalia (Maria Schell) has been hidden away in her poor and traditional home, safety-pinned to her blind grandmother. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. 374 were here. More details at C'est un film d'une immense tristesse qui, en même temps, malgré tout le cynisme et la désilusion que l'on peut porter envers le monde, me demande de croire en l'amour. Rewatched Aug 14, 2020. Oui, oui et encore oui. Amazon.de - Kaufen Sie Le Notti Bianche (1957) Alle Region günstig ein. A lonely city transplant, and a sheltered girl haunted by a lover’s promise, meet by chance on a canal bridge and begin a tentative romance that quickly entangles them in a web of longing and self-delusion. With Maria Schell, Marcello Mastroianni, Jean Marais, Marcella Rovena. `` god bless you for the return of her lover film about the comfort we find our... Sarà nuovo, cambiato, limpido par souffrir d'amour that reason alone this film is worth seeing or material. Voglia di restare nel mondo onirico è forte aus dem Jahre 1957 you gave me with a handsome drifter stayed! ’ éloigne de lui en courant et criant she fell in love with a handsome who! 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