how did the farmer poison his wife existence

The poet deliberately uses the simile which compares the orphaned children to worm-eaten cotton pod because it was in cotton-growing areas that the highest number of farmers committed suicide. They are instruments of instructions to the government to follow specific polices. A constitution which is written down in one or several documents is called written constitution. Freedom is necessary for the participation of the people in their administrative affairs. Since he earned very little, he slept the whole day and woke up at four in the evening so as to avoid the expenses of morning tea and noon lunch. Question 13. Answer: He gives the narrator no chance at all. A constitution details the path to be followed by a state in accomplishing its objectives thereby living up to the aims and objectives of its people. To cure him of the boils on his body, Krishna was told by a Malayali Sadhu to crush the bark of a particular tree with duck’s eggs and eat. In ‘Money Madness’, D.H. Lawrence shows how, in the modern world, man’s only worth seems to spring from the wealth he possesses. Answer the following in about 200 words: Question 1. He wanted to teach these children who were prepared to walk for miles to learn. Answer: The constitution as a whole came into force with effect from January 26, 1950. Collective madness for money affects the individuals also. Describe the sacrifices made by Mara to build and to save the lake. Her tresses are wild, her eyes gleam with a strange light, her forehead is splashed with vermilion and she carries a sword. Article 15 prohibits any discrimination by the state towards its citizens on grounds of race, religion, caste, gender, and place of birth. 5. 5. Question 16. Who believed that education is man’s true religion? Article 46 provides that the state shall take special care of the economic and educational interest of the weaker sections particularly of SC’s and ST’s and protect them from social injustice and exploitation. The Goddess commanded Mara to tell the king to build a tank to the river Veda in that village. He is quite aware that it is only because of his father’s reasonable income and interest in educating his son that he is able to get a formal education. When the white man opened the bandage and removed the leaf, there was no sign of any wound. The constitution has laid down a federal form of government; with a Union of the states. Two or more provinces, after surrendering the sovereignty, on agreement agree to work within the union with a certain degree of autonomy under a single sovereignty. National Liberty: Answer: According to K.C. The Goddess told him that she was in a destructive mood, Veda was her plaything and she liked to splash away its waters. Question 8. Question 12. The important general duties of a citizen are : 1. Answer: The meal and tea cost him eleven annas. Answer: What is Natural Equality? Answer: In this system, cabinet is responsible to the parliament for all their actions. This doesn’t exist in modern social life. (a) coat Even women were not lagging behind in lending a helping hand. 1. Mara’s stories were not limited to the miraculous medicinal creeper. How was Krishna cured of his illness? 3. Answer: The constitution, in a unitary government, may be written or unwritten as there is one single central authority wielding power all over the state without any other centres of power. Every state is sovereign it is accordingly permanent. (b) four annas Answer: His dread is being at the receiving end of charity that would divest him of all dignity. “Nobody is allowed in to see Aleksei Navalny, or to see his medical records,” Dr. Vasiliyeva, who flew to Tomsk with the opposition leader’s wife, Yulia, wrote in a Twitter post. Answer: He received a good kick. 1. Question 3. What is secular state? How does the ‘collective madness’ for money affect human behaviour? Question 2. In a parliamentary government, all ministers belong to the same party or alliance having common policies, programmes, values and beliefs and work under a common minimum programme (CMP). The best examples for a federal form of government are the USA, India, Switzerland, Australia and Canada. Why did the king install Mara’s statue in the temple along with the Goddess’s statue? Leaders should be able, efficient, intelligent, active and honest. However, he still didn’t know which diseases it could cure. The United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, and Iran are some of the examples of a unitary state. Answer: Question 26. The Goddess offers no explanation for her fury. How did Mara manage to draw the attention of the king? Thus the speaker makes it clear that instead of being born as a human being in a society which practices discrimination, it is better to be born as a tree or any other creature in nature, as in nature there is no discrimination. <> Bhima. OR (il, dis, un, im, mis, in) Question 13. But he showed no such courage and left his family behind in dire straits to fend for themselves. 22 (5) the person who has been arrested and detained in custody shall be informed of the ground of his arrest. It is in this context that man has to regain his sanity. Veda was thundering down the mountain, and the wind shook the earth. Otherwise, we will kill one another in the name of money and man’s collective madness will lead him to collective self-destruction. In one of the fable's alternative versions, the farmer takes the snake home to revive it and is bitten there. Question 2. Explain the political rights. The second time, it is the same Goddess, furious that her plaything Veda has been imprisoned in the man-made bank. In totalitarian state’s individual personality is suppressed and all aspects of an individual are regimented and brought under the control of the state. Answer: As soon as he heard what Mara told him, the king was very happy to learn about the command of the Goddess. He broke a stick from a nearby plant and brushed his teeth a couple of times. The speaker juxtaposes the world of nature with the human world so as to accuse human beings of practising untouchability and being meaner than the world of nature. 4. Answer: (b) Failure of constitutional machinery in the state: Question 4. However, in her lamentation, it is clear that more than mourning over the death of her husband, she expresses her grief over the hopelessness of the situation. The farmer’s wife. So constitution safeguards the interests of the people by protecting them from all the outside aggression. What does the farmer’s wife decide at the end of the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’? National Law: The teachers are also different. Describe the circumstances that prompted Mara to meet the king on a stormy night. Even if we take it as Mara’s compulsive lying, we should remember that he comes up with the stories only when questioned and doesn’t try to defend his stories passionately. The people in the restaurant looked like hungry ______ OR A. glad Answer: What is Republic? A) his friend B) his children C) his parents D) his wife . Question 3. Answer: Farmer suicides in India refers to the national catastrophe of farmers committing suicide since the 1970s, often by drinking pesticides, due to their inability to repay loans mostly taken from private landlords and banks. A parliamentary government is directly responsible to the legislature and stays in office as long as it enjoys the confidence of the lower house. Liberty means the absence of restraint on freedom of thought speech and action. Her husband has committed suicide because he was unable to face the creditors. It means political freedom as opposed to political slavery. Answer: Mara and his friend wrapped the meat of the barking deer in some leaves. Question 6. If so, what accounts for his behaviour? (c) drink iron decoction to become strong like Bhima. There are certain provisions in which both states and centre shall share power, under the Concurrent list consisting of 52 subjects such as marriage, divorce, contracts etc. What is described by the poet as ‘that is all wrong’, as a result of a money-mad society? Substantiate. Explain the salient features of the Indian constitution. In democracy, there is order, peace and progress. Answer: Mara went on his knees and prayed to the Goddess of the river. According to Lord Bryce “Democracy is the form of government where the ruling power of the state is legally vested not in any particular class but in members of community as a whole. Whenever she has itching sensation, the sacred cow would scrape her body onto the bark. Question 14. All individuals, associations come under the absolute power of the state. Answer: Grildrig. First of all, he gives Mara no hearing at all. Who would not ask the caste of the tree before building its nest in ‘If I was a Tree’? The National Crime Records Bureau of India reported that a total 296,438 Indian farmers had committed suicide since 1995. Political liberty means to be active in the affairs of the state. Answer: What did the narrator name ‘the man’ who returned his wallet? C. kind What happened when milk was mixed with the juice of the creeper’s leaves? In the place of the Sanjeevini, a stream arose and it flowed past the spot where the king stood. Babar Ali. What did Bhima’s mother give him to become strong? His farm is about 1400 acres in size, an average size farm for the plains. Who asks with one voice, “How much is he worth?” in the poem ‘Money Madness’? Distinguish between federation and confederation. The swelling in the author’s right heel disappeared after he had eaten a piece of the root dug up by Krishna. Question 7. How much time has been taken by the constituent assembly to make the Indian constitution? Question 11. Eight hundred. OR Question 22. When Mara is brought to him, he admonishes (scolds) Mara for distracting the workers and reminds him that he had repeatedly asked Mara to keep away from the workers for the present and the king when he passed that way. Who initially supported Babar Ali’s venture with his own income? Define parliamentary government. 2. Answer: Mara reminded his son that he had to be the watchman of the lake after his death. If anyone wanted to take water from the lake he had to seek Mara’s permission. Direct Democracy functions through constitutional devices like referendum, initiative, and recall. The constituent assembly accepts the draft of the Indian constitution on 26th November 1949. 4. Every individual has the right to marriage, to bring up children and to continue his generation. Answer: The rights enable every citizens to earn their livelihood. Mankind does not let such a man die of starvation. Question 2. Instead of the meat, there was a live wild buck. Mara tells the king that if the water overflowed, then the whole kingdom would be destroyed. Question 33. Explain its features. III. “India’s native medicinal systems are on the verge of extinction because of the superstitious beliefs of the native doctors”. Question 40. OR Like Tagore’s Shantiniketan, hundreds of children sit in the open, under the blue sky, to learn what other children would spend a fortune on. Question 12. He went into a crowded restaurant and ate a full meal. Eg: England, France, Japan, etc. A man with a red turban and white trousers. Twenty years. What does’his own grain of insanity’ mean? Our notions about people are really vague and in real life, people do not behave as they appear to be. Question Question 7. To foster respect for international law and treaty obligations. Answer: On knowing from Sanna that there were many of these creepers in the forest, the writer along with Mara and Sanna went to the forest out of curiosity. Question 8. Answer: Liberty is essential for every individual to be at his best self, subject, to legal limitations. 8. The speaker, on his part, hopes that God would help the stranger. OR A constitution which cannot be amended easily is called rigid constitution. Answer: Question 6. Answer: In a federal government, there will be two sets of government. But the poor know that along with bread they have to eat the mud of humiliation. Secretaries are neither responsible to congress nor to the people but to the president. 22 (2) the person arrested shall be produced before the nearest magistrate within 24 hours of his arrest. Although he is still not sure of what medicinal quality the creeper might have had, he is certain that the creeper has certain unusual qualities. But he also knows that along with bread, people will make him eat dirt. Answer: Respect for individuals: It has legal right to govern. Answer: 6. The 86th amendment act of 2002 provides an opportunity to get free and compulsory education to all the children from the age 6 to 14 years. Accepted by the state was established, these customs received recognition and a! His people from outside control than that of the constitution can leave for his cure and gave him gift! – he wanted to write an address in English, Spanish and Hebrew of instructions Mara. And treaty obligations a certain level of detachment in Mara ’ s native medicine is better/safer than allopathic medicine he. ) Krishna ( c ) trees are not made but has grown during various centuries is decentralization. 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