hope amidst uncertainty

When we entrust ourselves in complete confidence to Jesus Christ, we place our faith and our hope in Him alone. Rather, my point and my sincere hope is that we see this as an opportunity to understand the confidence we have in looking to the One who completely redeems us. Fear, panic and uncertainty are at an all time high. As we trust ourselves in God’s hands, we should also take measures to protect those around us that are most vulnerable to COVID-19. For example, do I really need to watch every COVID briefing, or is it just making me feel overwhelmed and helpless? Many of us are utterly petrified right now. The promise of Jesus Christ in John 3:16 does not recuse us from the devastation of the coronavirus. Incredibly in these difficult days we have seen an outpouring of charity and giving in unprecedented ways. Delivery of medications provides hope amidst fear and uncertainty. Hope in the Midst of Uncertainty: How our Blessed Mother Guides Us to the Light of Christ May 26, 2020 Two months into this dreadful pandemic, it is easy to have thoughts of worry, dread, anxiety, and hopelessness. a number of countries (Mexico, Japan, Germany and China) have also been singled out by the US president. Hope within uncertainty It is in this unique context that we held this year's Mission Leadership Summit at Riverlands on July 28. Our daily news feeds are filled with death tolls, rising infection numbers, and little good news. John 3:16 is a passage filled with present and future hope. Simply put: this world is full of uncertainty! As often quoted, touted, and well known as this passage is, many times, it is brushed away as merely a token saying; its context wholly ignored or misunderstood. “‘All things are lawful’, but not all things are helpful. Preventing further spreading of the coronavirus is at the pinnacle of humanity’s collective list of priorities. “Uncertainty” is a great word to describe the happenings of 2020. During times of uncertainty and fear, we must resist the temptation to become impatient or forsake our reliance and dependence upon God. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®. Please do not confuse faith for prudence and good hygiene. Most people, even nonbelievers, can recite it word for word. Hope and Uncertainty The last several months have been extremely challenging for my family: Dementia/Alzheimer’s, misunderstandings, mental hospitals, police, cancer, homelessness, helplessness, guilt, anger, sadness … and lots of love. A Vision of Hope. 雅米 (Simplified Chinese) When one is surrounded by so much uncertainty, it can be hard to find hope, a sense of joy or even belief in what life has to offer. I am the mounted serpent lifted up. The true power of hope lies in uncovering and choosing it when the presenting conditions suggest doing otherwise — when chronic uncertainty feels like the “new normal” for the world. Industry insight: Hope dawns amidst virus uncertainty Bob Cunneen. Moses, faithful to God’s command, constructs a bronze serpent and so that all who look upon it are healed and will live (21:9). For some, it is a new word with an old concept or an old word with a new concept. I’ve found that when I’m at a loss of what to say to God that I can start with acknowledging how what is happening is making me feel. We must look to Him as our eternal hope, even in times of uncertainty and trial. It’s fair to say that 2020 was a bit of a monster year. Author admin; Saad Gul. Maybe I could just catch up with the important briefings or read a summary. So I decided not to post my outings on social media. It is important to note that the healing power of the serpent had nothing to do with the people’s ability to do anything—it was about belief joined by faith. December 21, 2010. Jesus says that those who believe in Him will have eternal life (John 3:15). Here, Paul is writing to the Corinthian church about their attitudes to one another. When our hearts fail within us because we cannot stand against what is coming at us—be it loneliness, illness, or loss—Jesus says, “Don’t lose heart, I have overcome the world.”. All of Scripture points to our Savior and proclaims His name. Not only did these serpents bite, but their poisonous bite led to death for many of those in Israel (21:6). Hear me clearly. We can choose instead to look at the good things that we have and give thanks to God for them. Both the global economy and global trade look likely to outperform expectations in 2017. I have learned that there is no such thing as coincidences with God. DTS Voice offers biblically-centered articles, stories, podcasts, and points of view from the DTS family designed to encourage and equip the church for gospel transformation. David and his wife, Caroline (MACE, 2019), currently live in Waco, Texas. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. My feelings about COVID and the resulting restrictions are valid. But I’ve discovered the hard way that this isn’t healthy, a headache is sure to follow, and I’m slowly accepting that I need to find a better way to respond. God commanded Moses to make a fiery serpent of his own and to mount it on a pole amidst the panic and mortally wounded people of Israel (21:8). Hope amidst uncertainty: How to maintain a hopeful outlook We are more than ever surrounded by so much uncertainty that it is becoming increasingly easy to lose focus, feel lost and even fearful. This verse is densely packed with theology and ripe for exploration. Hope Amidst the Uncertainty. Ruth Jarman; Oct 13th, 2020; How do we find hope in a time of collapsing certainties and surging crises? I hope we can ensure access to quality health care services no … His promise is greater than a global pandemic. “Re-imagining the Promised Land” – Green Christian’s Online Festival celebrates hope amidst uncertainty Green Christian Press Release 24 September 2020: For immediate release Contact: Ruth Jarman, 07970 907784 ruthjarman@greenchristian.org.uk : It is the hope we need when times are uncertain, and the hope we often forget or lay aside when times are more “sure.”. Jesus said the bronze serpent lifted up in the wilderness is like the Son of Man being lifted up (John 3:14). Israel’s recognition of their sin and longing for redemption is marked by their belief that God can save them (Num 21:7). His going away means that the Holy Spirit can come and help the disciples. COVID-19 is a devastating disease that, up to this point, can only be treated rather than cured. 9,063 Likes, 47 Comments - URVASHI (@urvashidholakia) on Instagram: “Hope amidst uncertainty . Jun 2, 2020 – 9.10am. It … For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, uncertainty about returning to the classroom in the fall, and an extremely difficult year of teaching, teachers find hope by making jokes about their experiences . Joshua Rona is no stranger to terrorism. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Our all-sufficient Father is still on His throne. The rules of the game, even the game itself, seems allusive these days. David A. Winkler (MACE, 2019) is a PhD student in the Higher Education Studies and Leadership doctoral program at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. While it is good to recognise that bad things happen and that feeling sad about them is natural, we can also choose to look for the good that God has given us. Required fields are marked *. I do not give to you as the world gives. “Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or faint-hearted.” (Hebrews 12:3). All Content © 2021 Dallas Theological Seminary. I need to work out what things are good for me and which ones are actually doing me harm. We long for something better and greater because we were created for something better and greater. My aim is to shift my focus from all the things that I think God should have done but hasn’t, to the blessings He has given me and the future blessings He has promised. POSTED September 21, 2020. When our hearts fail within us because we cannot stand against what is coming at us—be it loneliness, illness, or loss—Jesus says, “Don’t lose heart, I have overcome the world.”. Used by permission of Biblica, Inc. ® All rights reserved worldwide. The people God rescued out of captivity and slavery at the hands of the Egyptians were complaining about God’s provision for them. With it, commerce, sports, education, cultural events, political duty, and religious life have all been deeply affected by the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus. https://ymi.today/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/3-Verses-that-Give-Me-Hope-Amidst-Uncertainty.jpg, https://ymi.today/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ymi-logo-black-3.png, 3 Verses that Give Me Hope Amidst Uncertainty. As I’ve tried to change my habits, I’ve been encouraged at how I’m noticing things to be thankful for, or answers to prayer, and my outlook has become more positive. Updated: 2:18 pm. He is the bringer and sustainer of hope. Yet, we must socially distance ourselves from one another. Before Standard Oil became the world’s first multinational corporation by the end of 19th century, John Rockefeller began with a vision. Globally, millions of people have felt the effects of COVID, whether it’s from getting the virus itself or being impacted by restrictions that have been brought in to stop the spread. Download Hope amidst uncertainty PwC TT Budget Memorandum 2020 We cannot miss or overemphasize the matter at stake here. While it is good to recognise that bad things happen and that feeling sad about them is natural, we can also choose to look for the good that God has given us. Hope Amidst Uncertainty. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 is a response to something Jesus has said previously, marked by his use of “for.” In His exchange regarding rebirth and new life with the curious Pharisee, Nicodemus, Jesus returns to a peculiar Old Testament passage. Countries are crumbling, wars and signs of war seem closer and closer to … In fact, I’m so bad at handling unexpected situations that I pretend that they’re not happening and try to carry on as normal. James says as much in his discourse on suffering and faithful prayer (Jam 5). Even if COVID hadn’t happened, we would still have had bad days—delays, cancelled plans, losses, pain and sadness. Life has not withdrawn. . What if I used my time to take my concerns and worries to God rather than picking up extra cares watching the news bulletin? Even in the darkest of times, they’ve never stopped hoping for – and working towards – a better future for us all. Looking at the serpent brought physical healing (Num 21:8-9), yet faith in the Son of Man brings eternal life (John 3:15). YMI (which stands for Why Am I? Bad things happen to us as part of life, and as Christians, we’re told to expect suffering and persecution. He tells His disciples that He will go away but come again so that they can have lasting joy. It is important to note that, although the case here is God’s response to a sinful nation, not all pandemics, illnesses, or catastrophes are direct results of singular persons’ or nations’ sins. Just because I’m not nervous about these things doesn’t mean that others aren’t, and I try my best to respect that. Finding hope amidst the pandemic; You are in an offline mode. I am not suggesting COVID-19 is God’s angry response to our sinful action. Your email address will not be published. And ultimately, the consequence of Him dying in our place is that we can be reconciled to God. The promise of Jesus Christ in John 3:16 does not recuse us from the devastation of the coronavirus. As all of the chaos, the hysteria and the fear looms dominant in our spheres of influence, and mindfulness gives way to absent reaction, it gives us a great perspective on humanity's disconnect from the Earth, from community, from love, compassion, and sensibility. The problem is that if you put your “trust” or hope in your situation, then you are going to drive yourself to insanity! And then I give thanks to God for them. While it may be unusual for so many people to be facing the same kind of adversity, there was something about 2020 that wasn’t unusual—the fact that it was full of adversity. The pandemic presence of venomous serpents was the direct result of the unbelief, lack of faith, and grumbling exhibited by the people of Israel. He is the bringer and sustainer of hope. In fact, the Israelites continued to complain about the lack of food and water throughout their journey in the wilderness with Moses (Exod 15:22–17:7; Num 11; 14; 20:1–13; 21:4-5). The pandemic has been a … Re-imagining the Promised Land - Green Christian's Online Festival celebrates hope amidst uncertainty. Just as the people of Israel could do nothing to save their own lives, we are powerless to save ourselves from death. For me, it is the latter one. As I reflect on how I handle life in an unpredictable world, I’ve found three verses to be particularly helpful in retuning my heart to God’s peace: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. I might be technically still within the rules to meet someone outside, but what if that adds to someone’s anxiety? We can understand the context of Numbers 21 immediately as one familiar to Moses. Apart from adversity, another thing that is certain in this world is uncertainty. A global pandemic and social unrest has brought a hunger for hope, a hunger for light in the midst of darkness. During times of uncertainty and fear, we must resist the temptation to become impatient or forsake our reliance and dependence upon God. I’ve found that being honest with God helps me to see my situations in a new light—not as hopeless but as a stormy sea that I’m crossing with my compassionate Heavenly Father. Jesus’s death, resurrection, and future reign are the hope of every believing Christian. And that thought brought Him joy. The focal point of Numbers 21 is not the sin that brought the fiery serpent pandemic to Israel, but the response of Israel in faith. Hope amidst uncertainty Easter is typically a time for family, holidays, gathering and celebration and although these events took a different form this year there continued to be a sense of community and connection across our sites. We are increasingly dependent upon one another, unable to trudge through this pandemic health crisis alone. Save. It’s not always easy to tune our minds into seeing His love and blessings but when we do, we find eternal comfort and hope. The purpose of this passage in Numbers is clear: the belief of the people of Israel is an illustration of the future belief John speaks of throughout the opening portions of his Gospel (John 1:7, 11, 50; 2:11, 22, 23; 3:12, 15, 16, 18, 36). Hope Amidst Uncertainty + Our Precautions for COVID-19. Youth Find Hope Amidst Uncertainty During Virtual YAC 2020. But more than that, He also talked about the good things that would come from His death. He has special research interests in university presidential leadership, culture and organization of higher education institutions, and the efficacy of creativity toward deep learning. He was born and raised in Israel, a land where everyday activities such as getting on a bus or shopping in the market carry a certain sense of unease. From the Hebrew use of the verb, saraph, these serpents were renowned for their painful, burning, and venomous bite. He doesn’t tell them that their lives will be easy. even a confidently hopeful step toward career advancement in their home. I often wonder when this is going to be over. Procedures, activities, and social protocols we learned from childhood have been upended. He was about to go through unimaginable suffering, but He still took time to reassure His disciples with words full of compassion and love. Green Christian has been speaking out about the climate crisis and ecological devastation for four decades. And those bad things are real. As humans, we tend to focus on the negative things in front of us. To better understand Jesus’s reference, we must return to the pandemical context of Numbers 21. John 3:14-15 reads: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.” Why is it that Jesus refers to a passage about Moses and a serpent? We are invited to look at Jesus’s life and how He brought us to God, and so be encouraged by this so that we don’t grow weary or fainthearted. ‘All things are lawful’, but not all things build up.” (1 Corinthians 10:23). We are also reminded, in this remote and mystical corner, that the living, breathing world around may hold all the answers we need. ), is a platform for Christian young people all over the world to ask questions about life and discover their true purpose. Hope Amidst Uncertainty There was a ray of light and hope at Pope Saint John XXIII Seminary amidst the darkness and confusion that has been surrounding the world lately. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® One thing that I’ve found good to do at the end of each day is to think of at least three good things that have happened that day. He talked about how sorrowful His heart was. YMI is a part of Our Daily Bread Ministries. Only Christ can atone for our sins and provide for us a way to live eternally with Him. Israel was amid a national pandemic that continually claimed the lives of many of their own. rowth dnamics or Asia in the trend o deglobaliation 2017: A ray of hope amidst uncertainty But China is not alone. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Hope Amidst Uncertainty in Albert Camus’ Novel The Plague Follow the Philosophy! How April Fools’ Day Began And How It’s Changing. Do I need to scroll through my social media feeds and get depressed by how much everyone else has achieved during lockdown (while all I did was eat more junk food and exercise less!)? But we can choose not to make those things the focus of our thoughts. 雅米 (Traditional Chinese) I find Hebrews 12 so exciting and encouraging, because it tells us what Jesus endured for us and why He did it. As I’ve done this, I find that often I have far more than just three things to be thankful for. John 3:16 is one of the most recognizable passages of Scripture in the entire world. This miracle of healing in the wilderness displayed God’s love and graciousness toward his people, but it also acts as an illustration of a later reality. Moses prayed on behalf of his people and, upon Moses’ intercession, God responded in a peculiar way. Which gets to the leader’s second step toward building hope and confidence amidst uncertainty: MORE FOR YOU. Yet the birds still chirp, and the rain still falls. WarungSaTeKaMu (Bahasa Indonesia) I have been blessed by the above three verses and I have felt encouraged to feed my soul more, Your email address will not be published. April 10, 2020 Resolute. And save them He plans to do. Delivery of medications provides hope amidst fear and uncertainty. This isn’t a nice feeling for me. The sun breaks through the branches of the live oak trees, and the tulips on campus begin to bloom. Still, His promise can bring comfort to us—one that highlights our present and future hope amidst uncertainty. Adversity and uncertainty are part of everyone’s life. Mustard Seed (Thai), Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible,New International Version® NIV® Hope amidst uncertainty: PwC TT Budget Memorandum 2020 We are pleased to present our 26th annual Post-Budget Memorandum “ Hope amidst uncertainty ” in response to the 2019/2020 National Budget presented by the Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance, on 7 October 2019. He is not a distant God who doesn’t know what it feels like to lose a best friend or be betrayed. In this time of uncertainty and perceived hopelessness, we should take solace in one of the most significant promises of Scripture: Jesus Christ as our hope. In fact, He says that they (and we) will have tribulation. Review the recommendations often, and please take action in protecting our communities from the transmission of this disease. Gratitude Amidst Uncertainty 2020 with all its uncertainty and profound challenges has given us a new meaning of thanksgiving. Where God has placed us—whether time and place—is all according to His will and He provides when we least expect it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Jesus is the friend who not only walks beside us, but also the one who has felt what we feel. The serpent on the staff brought life to those bitten. My final verse is more of a timely reminder. Youth Find Hope Amidst Uncertainty During Virtual YAC 2020. From pandemic tragedy to restored life with God. When I’m shopping in supermarkets, I try to give others more space. We are a community with different talents but the same desire to make sense of God’s life-changing word in our everyday lives. Faith is belief in action. It is a promise illustrating our present reality of already and not yet. I need to work out what things are good for me and which ones are actually doing me harm. Adversity and uncertainty are part of everyone’s life. Nevertheless, we have reason to hope because Jesus tells us to “take heart”. WESTON, MA—There was a ray of light and hope at Pope Saint John XXIII Seminary amidst the darkness and confusion that has been surrounding the world lately. 3 Truths to Navigate a Season of Uncertainty. In righteous anger, God scattered “fiery serpents” among the people (21:6). #IndiaAgainstCorona #9Baje9Minute #Coronavirus #LetsFightCorona…” Jesus points back to this episode with the serpents to say, “Look at me! But the healing Christ brings through his crucifixion and resurrection is not merely physical in nature. Communities and nations across the globe are in an unexpected, unimaginable, and unparalleled situation in which we lack preparedness and control. Not blind, ecstatic, hope, but real confidence that as one life fades away another, possibly better, version of ourselves is possible. I like to be in control and predict outcomes. Hope Amidst Uncertainty! There is a glimmer of hope. There was a very real and palpable delight in seeing each other face-to-face, a luxury by Victorian standards, but we … Children Believe supports growing number of internally displaced people in Burkina Faso who need assistance. No one knows what is coming tomorrow, just as we didn’t know last January what 2020 would turn into. Vision holds a different meaning to everyone. With Jesus by our side, we can stand firm as the waves of suffering wash over us. This is a similar reality for us. Worry is allowing the cares of this world to cloud our vision of God's care for us. The verse also made me think about the things I’m doing that might not actually be helpful, even if there’s nothing wrong with these things in themselves. Remembering the graciousness and goodness of Jesus Christ is what builds and encourages our faith in times like this. When Jesus references Scripture, He does so for a reason. During the time and leadership of Moses, the Israelites were marked by their frequent impatience and non-reliance upon God and His goodness. Last year, while studying the gospel of John, I was struck by the conversations Jesus had with His disciples in the hours leading up to his arrest and crucifixion. In John 16, Jesus is telling his disciples about the uncertainty and tribulation that they will soon be facing. Right now the restrictions are tight so it’s not much of a concern, but when things were more relaxed, I had to think hard about how my actions impacted those around me. However, young people around the world have continued to show resilience amidst uncertainty. Not just for my mental wellbeing but also for my walk with God. I don’t like to be taken by surprise. I write this from my shared desk in the graduate school of the university I attend. COVID-19—the coronavirus—has rattled the very foundation of humanity to its core. It’s a passage familiar to many. Never can we become too familiar with any passage of Scripture, especially ones that speak so candidly to us and to our time. He reminds them that although they are no longer bound by the Jewish food laws, exercising that freedom to do whatever they want may not be the best thing for them or their brothers and sisters in Christ. Bad things happen because we live in a world that is not as it is supposed to be. As a Christian organisation and as Christian individuals, we must choose to hold on to the peace of Christ over and above any fear, uncertainty or selfishness. May we share in the hope we have in Him. In the world you will have tribulation. He came down and lived in our world and experienced life with all its joy and pain. We can choose instead to look at the good things that we have and give thanks to God for them. The world has come to a grinding halt. Would the time spent scrolling through social media be better spent scrolling through God’s Word and absorbing His life-giving truth? It’s not always easy to tune our minds into seeing His love and blessings but when we do, we find eternal comfort and hope. Although the faiths of the two passages are certainly different in substance and result, this episode with the serpents in Numbers 21 illustrates centuries later what Jesus would do for all humanity. Absent are the sounds of students traveling to and from classes. Mexico has taken the brunt of US criticism so far resulting in the peso plunging by 16% since the US elections. The very Provider of manna and quail (11:18-20) became the target of their disdain and grumbling. The usual hum of college life has vanished, leaving empty classrooms and dormitories in its wake. Published: March 20, 2020 11:00 am. Merely by reading and rereading this passage of Scripture, we understand that Jesus’s words are within the midst of a more extended conversation. I am here to save. Robots bringing hope amidst COVID-19 uncertainty Thursday 4 June 2020 - 10:46am Nexmed Healthcare Solutions is the strategic partner to UV … March 30, 2020 Renee Stamatis Latest News No Comments. As I thought about the way Jesus approached going to the cross, one thing I noticed was that He didn’t downplay what He was about to go through. We should take comfort and rest in this hope. In large part, these past and present realities are due to the fallen world in which we dwell (Rom 5:12)—an imperfect world longing for the restoration and recreation our King promises (Rev 21:1-5). W ith the levels of uncertainty and stress that so many Americans are facing in this moment, the status of your financial picture can be something that either compounds or alleviates that stress and worry. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). It persists even in adversity. There is no one better to understand what we are going through, because He himself has gone through it before us. Not only did the Israelites grumble, but they blamed Moses and God for their present circumstance in the wilderness (21:5). March 15, 2020 0 Comments. Yet, we often let our circumstances dictate our relationships with others and with God. DE GRUYTER Hope amidst uncertainty 89. rather than conceptualizing their move to Japan as pursuit of knowledge or. I am the bringer and sustainer of hope!” Jesus provides the hope and healing we need. Anyone bitten by the fiery serpents should look upon the mounted serpent for healing (21:8). Sometimes when we’re going through uncertain times, our emotions—whether that’s fear, anxiety, or confusion—can overwhelm us and make it hard to pray. The CDC frequently updates its website regarding COVID-19 and other diseases, including recommendations for protecting yourself from infection. Hope Amidst Chaos and Uncertainty. 2017: A ray of hope amidst uncertainty The latest trade data show China's imports and exports have rebounded strongly and the trade surplus remains high, proof of the economy's resilience. Every day, hundreds of thousands of professionals use Fishbowl, a … We must choose love, generosity and hope. July 22, 2020 EOC News. It is communal suffering dealt with in isolation. Likes, 47 Comments - URVASHI ( @ urvashidholakia ) on Instagram: “ hope amidst.... 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Collective list of priorities more extended conversation Renee Stamatis Latest news no Comments building hope and healing we.. Afraid. ) on Instagram: “ hope amidst uncertainty during Virtual YAC 2020 the. And global trade look likely to outperform expectations in 2017 Paul is writing the., hope amidst uncertainty, and social protocols we learned from childhood have been.. Ripe for exploration in supermarkets, I find Hebrews 12 so exciting and encouraging, it! Faith in times of uncertainty and hope amidst uncertainty with present and future hope amidst:... Let our circumstances dictate our relationships with others and with God God has placed us—whether time and Leadership Moses... For my mental wellbeing but also for my walk with God or read a summary especially ones speak. Take my concerns and worries to God for them meeting friends or going and! Moses and God for them the promise of Jesus Christ is what and... Much in His discourse on suffering and faithful prayer ( Jam 5.... 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