economic importance of maize weevil

For instance, if weevil infestations are naturally low, the trial result on efficacy of the plant material is meaningless. Further field trials showed Image courtesy lucid key server The rice weevil has fully developed wings beneath its wing covers and can fly readily. norms: the creation of social capital in agricultural economics in Ghana. in the tropical storage environment. 0.4 g of plant powder in 20 g weight of maize grain). It is clear that a lot of, the plant material (important for other purposes) will go into con-. Furthermore, it has been documented that the south locus of the flat side of a maize grain (Figure 1b) was preferred by S. zeamais adults during feeding possibly because of its soft nature and proximity to the nutrient-rich embryo and this has implications for seed viability (Nwosu et al., 2015b). In this study, the insecticidal property of methanol, ethanol, and ethyl acetate extracts of Lantana camara leaf oil and powder for controlling maize weevils, Sitophilus zeamais, was studied. It is fairly well-documented that the use of, synthetic chemicals in the preservation of food and food products, causes loss of life and has negative impact on human health (, cides for the management of storage pests is reportedly of global, concern due to associated environmental hazards, development of. Acheck maize variety or cultivar is standard, maize employed as a model for effective comparison of the perfor-, mance of the test varieties or cultivars in order to achieve the desired, check based on the fact that what one is working on are elite varie-, ties. Figure 3. This creates the need for grain conditioning before storage. A check maize variety or cultivar is standard maize employed as a model for effective comparison of the performance of the test varieties or cultivars in order to achieve the desired effect (Nwosu, 2014). There was a drastic reduction in the biological activities of the insects and this was attributed to the deleterious effects of the plant powders on the normal physiology of the insects. However, in experiments, it is not acclimatization that will restrict moisture content of maize grains to a narrow range (E. O. Ogunwolu, personal communication, 2012). Infestations can start in the field, but most damage occurs in storage. New scale used to determine the resistance weighted average scores/resistance status of maize varieties at F 1 generation. need to x a terminal date for each generation, but this is not sac, rosanct given the inuence of the environment (, formulae have been test-run using data from several biological, reasonable doubt, some experimental data (biased by variety or, environment) are not compatible with logarithm base 10, in terms, of susceptibility indices (sometimes, producing negative values/, gures) and how can a negative value of susceptibility index be, interpreted. It is known that plant and animal powders are not readily changed by chemical or biochemical reactions and can easily be sieved out before food use. (, Nwosu, L. C., Adedire, C. O., Ogunwolu, E. O., Ashamo, M. O. (. The failure to subject effective plant materials to toxicological and histopathological tests to reveal their safety to man and the environment is another concern (Nwosu et al., 2017). The lowest mortality rate was observed in ethyl acetate extract (26%) at 2% (w/w) concentration. However, breeding maize crop to improve resistance against the maize weevil is associated with some technical limitations. Most studies on transition have dealt with flight … Relative susceptibility of 20 elite maize varieties to infestation and damage by the maize weevil, Resistance status of fifteen elite maize varieties and influence of grain morpho- physical characters to infestation and damage by, Toxicological and histopathological effects of, Comparative study of storage methods of maize grains in South Western Nigeria, Effect of particle size on insecticidal activity of dusts of. Economic importance: Both species of Sitophilus are major pests of several cereal crops, including barley, maize, oats, rye and wheat, as well as peas, cassava and fruits, like apples in storage. In the review, insects were identified as one of the perpetrators of the global food crises and their activities culminate in substantial economic losses. Maize Weevil This is a pest that destroys stored maize, dried cassava, yams, sorghum and wheat. In as much as the economics in the, tion is appreciated, what is logical is to screen a plant material, tak-, ing a range of concentrations targeted at determining the minimum, effective dose and recommending the minimum effective dose even, These days screening of plant materials either as extract or powder, for weevil control in stored maize constitute a reasonable proportion, of entomological publications. The article summarizes research dynamics on maize weevil postharvest association with maize grain and addressed grain quality and safety after pest-control process. Biological control of the pest is still not very, resistance and biopesticides. The median lethal dose (LD50) was estimated using revised up and down procedure. The major biological purpose of an untreated control is to confirm the occurrence of adequate pest infestation and to confirm that there is no natural decline in number during the trial (FAO, 2006). , Motsch. It should be noted that there are variations among plant species in the minimum dose necessary to achieve desired effect against the target pest. accurate is to use middle of oviposition of F, developed suitable formulae as follows: 1.Index of susceptibility at, The published and recommended formulae are logical and approx, imate computation of the Dobie median development time for F. progeny (mid-point of oviposition to mid-point of emergence). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In some published experiments on the efficacy of plant powders in the control of S. zeamais infesting stored maize, powder concentrations such as 10%, 15%, and 25% w/w were tested. Therefore, breeding maize grains with tougher texture is suggested in the postharvest control of maize weevil. In sub-Sahara Africa, for instance, about 50 per cent of the population depends on maize for food (FAO, 2002). Recently, concerns about the effects of these conventional synthetic chemicals on human health and ecosystem have been on the increase. The most frequently encountered insect pests on stored maize include: • The Grain weevil (Sitophilus zeamais), which can fly and the Granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius), which cannot fly. insect exuviae, excreta, and cadavers taints the grains, and inadvertently affects grain quality adversely (, Flat side of maize grain showing its surface loci in Nwosu, South locus = position of the germ in the grain, D = Dent or concave depression on maize gain, cadavers can easily be sieved out before the grain is used. This is because most of the plant and, animal materials tested for insecticidal activities lack quick action, and residuals effects. The LD50 for D. tripetala seed extract was 5785 mg/kg and this evoked paralysis in rats for 4 days coupled with discharge from the eyes and eventual death. Dobie’s 1974 formula of varietal susceptibility index is given as follows: The median development period is the time (in days) from the middle of the oviposition period to the emergence of 50 per cent of the F1 progeny (Abebe et al., 2009). For commercial re-use, please contact, Department of Crop and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt, P. Correspondence to: Luke Chinaru Nwosu. The scale is receiving increased, attention and applied to rate maize varieties for resistance to the, Planting resistant varieties/cultivars is one of the most effective, eco-, nomical, and safe options to minimize dependence on pesticides in, tant information that will be considered during maize breeding pro-, new ndings that will assist the successful breeding of resistant cul-, grain has been identied in a recent study by, Even though there is dearth of information on the issue, the at side, it was suggested that breeders could manipulate the maize grain to, reduce surface area and size as well in order to help to cope with. To that effect, Nwosu et al. The rice weevil is a small snout beetle which varies in size, but it averages about three thirty-seconds inch in length. Toxicity of three plant extracts against bean weevil, International Journal of Current Research, Potentials of hybrid maize varieties for small-holder farmers in Kenya: a review based on swot analysis, African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Integrated Management of Insects in Stored Products, Effects of deterioration parameters on storage of maize, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Conference Proceedings and Presentations, Differential resistance of maize varieties to maize weevil (. Otherwise, health hazards (such as food poisoning) associated with chemical, insecticides could surprisingly occur after pest-control process with, The quality properties of a grain are affected by the type and, includes a range of properties denable in terms of physical, sanitary. The weevils thrive well in the tropics because of the benevolent weather which favours their biological activity. The increased public aware-, ness and concern for environmental safety has compelled reorienta-, tion of research focus to the development of alternative management. D, Dent or concave depression on maize grain. The difference in temperature, with the exception of 1 and 2 mg kg⁻¹ dosages, had no effect on reducing the progeny. Nwosu, L. C., Adedire, C. O., Ogunwolu, E. O., Ashamo, M. O., Nwosu, L. C., Zakka, U., Lawal, I. The rationale for choice of such con-. These functional responsibilities will help to control insect pest attacks and reduce hunger by increasing agricultural productivity. Exposing grains to, tropical ambient sun or air-temperature and relative humidity for, 2–4 weeks (drying or acclimatization) conditions maize grains for, storage in order to check weevil infestation. (2015b). Since the use of chemicals in grain protection is inseparably associated with a number of demerits (Nwosu, 2016) and resistance or tolerance is absent in the local maize varieties, concerned bodies have been working and improving the genetic resistance of maize varieties to storage pests since 1956 (Iken and Amusa, 2004). Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. centration levels is economically questionable. A number of limitations hinder major advances on the postharvest control of S. zeamais infesting maize grains and these include lack of inter-specific cross-compatibility, methodological constraints, biotic variation, undesirable genetic linkages, and limited knowledge of genetic bases of resistance. Adult male rats weighing 0.158–0.168 kg housed in standard cages with free access to food and water were used for the experiments. Table 3 presents the new scale developed by Nwosu et al. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Laboratory assessment of the susceptibility of some varieties of zeamais infested with Sitophilus zeamais Motsch (Coleoptera: Culcleonidea), Effect of some plant powders in the control of Sitophilus zeamais Motsch (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) infestation on Maize grains, Resistance of maize varieties to the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.) J. of Life Sciences, Vol. The main objective of grain storage is to maintain quality of the produce for a long period of time and the basic requirements of every grain storage structure or systems are to protect the grains from insects, rodents and prevent deterioration of the grains by the activities of microorganisms. It was suggested that routine analysis of plant species is particularly important to cope with the problem of resistance to synthetic insecticides in weevil control. Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important grain crop in South Africa and is produced throughout the country under diverse environments. We found an inverse relationship between the susceptibility index and percent mortality and median developmental time; however, the numbers of F1 progeny, percent seed damage and seed weight loss were positively related with the susceptibility index. Sitophilus zeamais (maize weevil) is a field and storage pest of maize of economic importance in several parts of Africa. World entomologists have key roles to play in order to make global impact in the fight against hunger and the roles include developing methods for preventing the importation and spread of destructive insects, embarking on extensive studies on the role of insects in agriculture, forestry, human and environmental health, designing and implementing pest management programmes for both urban and agricultural locations, coordinating public awareness and education programmes targeted at reducing hunger, discovering and cataloguing new species and classifying and preparing publications that help to identify different insect species, and being actively involved in pest control services and extension programmes. The important factors explaining the low adoption rates are lack of awareness of new releases, lack of confidence in seed quality, poor access to extension-retailers, high cost of seed, cultural issues, and lack of adaptability on the field to the respective agro-ecology (Schroeder et al., 2013). Economic analysis of sorghum production in Michika Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. For instance, genetically improved maize varieties released by concerned bodies, are not adopted by local farmers. The advances and innovations in the use of varietal resistance and botanical insecticides to manage the maize weevil infestation in stored maize in particular have been highlighted in this paper. Complete mortality was achieved at ≥ 2 mg kg⁻¹ at 30 °C, and at ≥ 5 mg kg⁻¹ at 20 and 25 °C after 28 d exposures. Frequent monitoring for the presence of rose weevils is important and regular hand-picking of the adults and removal of damaged buds and spent blossoms helps prevent future damage. constraints in maize production, are insect pests in the field and in storage. Syzygium aromaticum (clove) inflorescence and Dennettia tripetala (pepper fruit) seed either as powder or extract (1.5% w/w or 1.5 ml/20 g maize) have been found effective against damage by S. zeamais (Nwosu, 2014). Even though maize breeders have suc, ceeded in developing varieties with resistance to the maize weevil, it is, difcult to say that these efforts have reached their targeted peaks part, of the reason being that some improved varieties of maize are broken, down by weevil under storage conditions. Although the effect of botanicals on the viability of maize grains and other intrinsic quality characteristics has largely been untested, most undamaged grains protected with botanicals often germinate when planted (laboratory and field experience). tion against stored product pests to remain economically justied, it should not exceed 2.0% w/w (e.g. maize; postharvest; resistant varieties; technical guides; reorientation. Therefore, the suggestion by Lale (2002) is not sacrosanct, given the influence of species differences. TTN‐SC may be used as an alternative for E. scrobiculatus management with less or no insecticide. Already used containers can be properly disinfested, remain viable in containers after experiments, and unfortunately, some insects’ eggs (including eggs of the maize weevil) are not vis-, ible to the naked eyes. However, as indicated, a shortcoming to be acknowledged is the need to fix a terminal date for each generation, but this is not sacrosanct given the influence of the environment (Nwosu, 2014). This effective and environmentally friendly management alternative has not been sustainably explored, harnessed, and applied, as storage pests such as S. zeamais still invade and cause varying degrees of damage to the so-called genetically improved maize varieties. However, be interesting to breed maize varieties that will maintain tolerance to, weevil infestation in storage. In addition, identifying and synthesizing the, active ingredients into commercially available insecticides have been, Since the use of chemicals in grain protection is inseparably, ance or tolerance is absent in the local maize varieties, concerned, bodies have been working and improving the genetic resistance of, maize varieties to storage pests since 1956 (, Since then, new maize varieties and cultivars that confer some level, of resistance to weevils and constitute eco-friendly option have been, released and conrmed. In developed countries, it is changing from food to a high-value economic crop. During the last decade, dramatic. The variety, ‘BHQP-542’, had the least index of susceptibility and was regarded as resistant. The main storage pests Due to safety issues, the use of synthetic insecticides is being discouraged to favour the use of natural materials in insect pest control (Olotuah, 2013). As a primary pest of stored maize, S. zeamais is capable of penetrating and infesting intact kernels of grain, in which immature stages develop (Haines, 1991; Lale and Ofuya, 2001) leaving the maize emptied of its nutritional and seed values, culminating in outright loss of visual appeal at the local and international markets. A model of pest control decisionmaking is generalized to permit choice of materials, timing, number of applications, and dosage rates. Controlling of the pest by Controlling of the pest by use of synthetic pesticides is raising serious concern on the environmental safety and consumer health hazards. biotic variation, undesirable genetic linkages, and limited knowledge of genetic bases of resistance. The current state of affairs shows that hunger is prevalent in countries of the world marked by violence and internal discord and in countries compromised agriculturally, technologically, economically and politically. High levels of insect debris can result in maize grain that is unfit for food use (Yallappa et al., 2012). The sanitary quality characteristics include fungi and mycotoxin count, insects and insect fragments, pest excreta, poisoned seeds, pesticide residue, odour, and dust (Suleiman et al., 2013; Befikadu, 2014). but only some are of economic importance. Researchers conducting experiments with storage containers or dishes should use new, clean, or sterilized containers to eliminate possibility of biasing the experiment with residual eggs. Motshulsky infestation on seven varieties of maize. planted (laboratory and eld experience). This means protecting it from weather, molds and other microorganisms , addition of moisture, destructively high temperatures, insects, rodents, and birds, objectionable odors and contamination, and from un authorized distribution. a narrow range (E. O.Ogunwolu, personal communication, One is better off determining the moisture content of grain batch, before experiment and moisture content batch of grain after experi-, It is necessary to maintain good sanitary measures to reduce wee-, vil infestation in storage. D, Dent or concave depression on maize grain. The leaves were pulverized after allowing them to dry naturally on the laboratory tables. Repellency effect was also conducted at 6, 12, and 24 h. The number of weevil death increased significantly as exposed time was increased. holder farmers in Kenya: a review based on swot analysis. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. This is because most of the plant and animal materials tested for insecticidal activities lack quick action and residuals effects. For instance, Table 1 shows some genetically improved maize varieties broken down in storage by weevil pest, S. zeamais. In response to market pressures, IPM programs for native pecans have shifted from questions of 'when should I spray?' Therefore, an experimenter screening maize varieties or cultivars for resistance to the insect pest, but fails to stabilize moisture content at about 12%–13%, most likely introduces bias to the experiment by predisposing the grains to susceptibility. © The Author(s) 2018. Our results revealed that the TTN‐SC is clearly effective for capturing E. scrobiculatus. Maize weevil is a serious pest of economic importance in stored products [6] [9] [10]. The botanical insecticide, D. tripetala, is safer than the conventional synthetic insecticide, permethrin, on account of the latter showing evidence of kidney damage. Therefore, farmers, traders, and households are well-advised to adopt proper hygienic practices. This is sometimes rationalized by Ln (Nwosu, 2014 biological data). Use of resistant varieties is the best approach, to overcoming the problems of synthetic insecticides in weevil control. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Zhejiang University Press. Use of varietal resistance and plant-derived, insecticides as tactics in the postharvest control of weevil infesting, maize grain is economically justied and socially acceptable which are, parts of the major bases for the adoption of any postharvest manage, variety of stored maize is immune against the maize weevil infestation, as each has an element of susceptibility in it depending on the exposure, period and other interacting environmental factors. Among these species, the maize and the rice weevils (Sitophilus zeamais and Sitophilus oryzae, respectively) are particularly important in warmer climates.These two weevils exhibit closely morphological and ecological resemblance making difficult … (2006). (, Danjumma, B. J., Majeed, Q., Manga, S. B., Yabaya, A., Dike, M. C., Bamaiyi, L. (, Gillespie, D. R., Mason, P. G., Dosdall, L. M., Bouchard, P., Gibson, G. A. P. (, (accessed, Mikami, A. Y., Carpentieri-Pipolo, V., Ventura, M. U. Nature and Science, 12 ( 11 ): 184-190, 2014. of susceptibility and was as. The chief weapon in the postharvest control of maize grain hazards ( such as poisoning... Summarizes research dynamics on maize grain showing its surface loci in Nwosu et al be known! Susceptibility study has become an indispensable component of integrated pest management strategy should part... Insect cadavers can easily be sieved out before food use ( Yallappa al.. W/W, ) resource in Africa terms of production among cereals, ahead of wheat paddy... Still not very, resistance and biopesticides naturally low, the plant and, ) species.. Corn production ( 2015c ) developed suitable formulae as follows: 1 increasing agricultural productivity to these. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work, 2014. susceptibility! 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