do catfish bite during spawn

During the spawning period, the bite can be fast and furious, so artificial lures can save on bait for those looking to catch lots of fish over multiple days. Well, the climate plus I’m not a professional guide or pro cat fisherman like he is either, so he would probably run circles around me regardless of the climate and geographic location. Not that you can’t catch catfish without knowledge but the few fundamentals to be deadly with catfishing will go way further than you think if you take the time to learn them. Blue catfish can be caught year-round in the tailwater. My ultimate guide to catfish fishing details the fishing based on the season, but that still doesn’t really answer the question where I believe you would be satisfied with the answer so let me explain. Thinking back to metabolism of a channel catfish the metabolism and foot requirement needs increase by as much as 100 percent between 40 and 50 degrees. The cooler temperatures during the night seem to cause the fish to be much more aggressive and willing to strike. The best time to go catfishing is during the spawning season and early spring when they are hungry because of the long winter. Their preferred water temperature is during these seasons when the water reaches between 70 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit. The best fishing often is in tributary streams instead because, as the water temperature warms, catfish migrate upstream into tributaries to spawn. In all honesty, even in the colder states, it’s still possible to catch catfish year-round but from what I have seen, experienced or been told through fellow angler stories, winter in the warmer states can be incredible for catfishing. Catfish spawn a little later than crappie. It is not that catfish will not eat while they are spawning, but they have things other than finding and capturing food on their mind. Which is why our gear has to be as tough and durable as possible in order to withstand the harsh conditions. As far as flatheads and blues, the spawn time isn’t nearly as lucrative for landing catfish after catfish. The depth of water can be critical. Catfish Spawning . From this perspective, it is also possible to land more catfish just before the winter; this is a time when they fish sense the weather getting cold and try to eat as much as they can before going into hibernation. What does water temperature have to do with catfish biting? Catfish are more active in warmer weather; this means the water at that time will be warm and comfortable for the fish. Look for a large area of rock and there will be more catfish in the area during the spawn. The time of year that the catfish spawn will depend on your location also. But overall, key tip #1. We won’t break down the full spawning habits of catfish in this article because you can always see my ultimate guide for that but the important to take away is that most fish species follow pretty predictable patterns throughout the year. In the spring spawning period, they will … Usually carp spawn shallow in PA and often pick mud/marsh. Catfish will still bite. I caught this northern pike in central Wisconsin while targeting walleye one Spring. There is no worst feeling out there than putting in the time, effort, proper catfish gear preparation and still come up short all because of some silly water temperature issues. As you’ll see, this is a common trend with catfish. You may need to apply some creative fishing techniques to get more bites in cold water or wait till the water gets warmer. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Channel The blue catfish are spawning, and many are on their catfish beds or nest as some call them. Catfish spawn in the warmer spring and summer months. The best fishing often is in tributary streams instead because, as the water temperature warms, catfish migrate upstream into tributaries to spawn. An absolute beast. 5026, Weighing the Pros and Cons of the Best Fishing Scales in 2021. In winter and summer, catfish hold in the deepest water that has enough oxygen to support them, searching for temperatures in the mid-70s. Catfish bites all year long but catfish really starts biting during the summer from pre-spawn until the water temperature starts to drop. Worms are classic catfish … You should always be actively trying to snag some last catfish of the year if your one of the anglers that like to hang up the gear for the winter right around the September, October and November timelines. This creates a great overlap for the multi-species angler. Where you live, the body of water your fishing and whether your targeting channel, flathead, or blue catfish can also make a difference in the overall biting tendencies. "If you are catching more channel catfish than blues, it means the blue bite is just not very good. Trust me, it’s worth it. Outside of the Summer and Winter Catfishing, you still have the fall and spring to consider. It’s even better in the warmer states. Tributary mouths are key locations, because catfish ready to spawn use it as a staging area. These can be equally good times to catfish, but you do hit some dips in timing and a few weeks out of these seasons where it can begin getting frustrating locating the catfish. For example, if you normally fish in the main portion of a lake, you may find that catfish bites are rare during the spawning period if you continue fishing your flat-water hotspots. sometimes bites can be territorial. For more information, see disclosure here. Channel Catfish, Blue Catfish and Flathead Catfish. I hope that it can help at least one of you get on the road to landing more catfish. The primary goal you should have from the get-go it fine-tuning your skills and zoning in one species of catfish. Catfish River Rigs: How To Leverage Bobbers. Spots where they may be located in the lake in the morning or evening are not where they are located when its hot in the middle of the day. It’s actually quite useful that as one type of catfish stops biting another one will start biting. The catfish are getting ready to spawn. With an… A big channel catfish will usually go about 6 to 8 pounds, but most are in the 2- … The catfish spawn plagues fishermen each May and June, making the catfish bite very difficult and slow for catfish anglers. Some have said that every 3 days seems to be the answer and other say flatheads, channel and blues only eat every 5 days or so. All your waiting for is the water temperatures to stabilize to kickstart the actual biting and to get things moving again. Generally, catfish spawn during summer and spring. They will even use their mouths to remove stubborn obstacles. Even in a colder state like Illinois or anywhere in the Midwest. And that they do. Quick Facts about Catfish Spawning. Unsubscribe at any time. As an angler, (not a professional by any means) I’m always looking for and open to new suggestions and ways to catch more fish. Every angler dreams of landing a monster fish. Using the correct fishing gear and having the fundamentals ready to go so that you’re prepared to strike when the biting gets hot and ready for action. If you haven’t done so already be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter to get the latest recommendations and hottest new fishing gear. The 9 Best Wading Boots for Saltwater Fishing (A Buyer's Guide 2021), We all know that fishing in saltwater poses its own unique challenges. This was merely just to show when good catfishing times may be and when your luck will be increased over other times to catch large amounts of catfish. It seems there doesn’t happen to be the perfect answer, but it’s believed that depending on the species of catfish they eat every few days but once they are ready to eat, they go overboard and are prepared for a full-blown buffet. The statistics show that live baits remarkably can significantly attract catfish when compared to artificial lures. For example, if you normally fish in the main portion of a lake, you may find that catfish bites are rare during the spawning period if you continue fishing your flat-water hotspots. However, it is what it is, and it’s just how it goes during these seasons of the year trying to locate catfish. Others believe that it’s anytime, all day and every day. This behavior can be peculiar to your region for many reasons. Channel catfish spawn, depending on the latitude, during the months of April through July, when temperatures reach 27 or 28 degrees Celsius (80‐82 degrees Fahrenheit). The females busy dropping eggs and the male is busy fertilizing and protecting those eggs for a short amount of time. It’s the rapid drops and changes in the water temperatures that are causing the issue. Something that’s almost from another planet. Not all of them spawn at the same time, but it varies, so you can expect some females spawning in one day, and the next “batch” in another week or month. Terminal tackle is an important consideration when setting out after \"old whiskers.\" The sinker and hook is the most important part of the terminal tackle. Find out when catfish are most active in your region. You probably wouldn’t even be googling the questions of when catfish bite or when catfish start biting if you were already following these guidelines. When does it end? If you are not getting bites, you can try fishing when they are most active. When Catfish Start Biting and Won’t Bite? Always use the lightest weight needed and a slip sinker. The downtime during this catfishing drought is short lived and won’t last long. If you live in the warmer states of the United States or the areas that at least don’t go through frigid winters as Illinois does, you may have some of your best luck targeting catfish in the winter. Learning these patterns can be the keys to the kingdom. Especially here in Illinois. If you can get a decent rain that gets the natural foods and water flowing around again and wait about 48 hours post rain, you should notice your fortunes beginning to change for all three of the main species, blue channel and flathead catfish. My opinion and my answer to the question would be, it depends. Climate and Weather will Always make a big difference on your ability to catch catfish. If you are at a point where there are no bites, even when you have confirmed the presence of catfish in the river, it may be time to try using some live bait. When do catfish bite is probably the topic of many debates among anglers as well. Best Baits for Eater Catfish Worms. Post spawn blue catfishing also offers some excellent angling opportunities as well. Of course, this is assuming you are using well-chosen baits, the correct gear and have some background knowledge on catfishing in general. If the water is colder in Michigan, but warm in Arizona during April, you will find catfish spawning in April’s warm Arizona water, but not until later in May or even June to spawn. The author of this post is Bob Hoffmann. It is essential to keep in mind that the winters I go through in Illinois and the overall catch rate I’m going to have from October through February are entirely different then the catch rate than Chad Ferguson from Catfish Edge is going to have down in Texas. Another factor not mentioned that can make cats stop biting for a while is the spawn. Whether your experienced or not, I applaud you for trying to up your game and actively find more proactive ways to catching more catfish. Been there and done that. I’m interested in knowing what all of you think about this as well. They leverage this knowledge to get more bites and land catfish all through the year. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. catfish tend to form large schools because of the cold water. So here are a few things you can do to attract catfish and get more bites regardless of the season or time. Your turn… Anything to add? Catfish use a vigorous fanning motion with their tails to clear away debris down to a sand or gravel bottom. It doesn’t matter if it’s the day before Christmas or raining in September. I wanted them all and didn’t want to invest any time in additional learning unless it was by casting and waiting for the next fish. Anglers have studied catfish patterns and behavior in their areas. The best time to go catfishing is during the spawning season and early spring when they are hungry because of the long winter. Don't Miss Out On Interesting Catfish Videos! Some believe that night fishing is the only way to go. If you notice that catfish have started biting your lures more often, you have discovered what works. If you realize that you are not getting bites when you set your rigs in position, it may be best to try trolling the catfish. The channel catfish bite usually stays good most of the summer and flathead action is especially good also. Really good. The fish finders can be used to estimate depth and other features in the depths of the river. As temperatures begin to rise, catfish move from deeper waters to shallows prior to spawning. neither fish feeds while spawning, but fish do not always attack a bite because of hunger. spawning. What bait is best for catfish? It depends on many things. I wish I had a better answer for you, but I’m not very confident myself but found it to be interesting to discuss to see if a conversation may spark below about it, so if you have any conflicting theories on how often catfish bite, be sure to leave a comment below. The key is pinpointing the catfish your targeting. However, if you have enough patience, you can still catch plenty of catfish during the day. In winter, catfish tend to form large schools because of the cold water. In warmer weather climates, in my opinion, plus the polls from various forums and other sources, it seems that the biting for channels really picks up about the same time that the water temperature begins picking up as well. Feel free to leave a comment below. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When is the best month to go catfishing? When I zeroed in my efforts on channel catfish only and actively began pursuing methods to increase my likelihood of being successful and learning the craft, the fishing got good. Channel and Blue catfish spawn between 70° and 84° Fahrenheit, white Flatheads prefer 66° to 75°. This is also an area of popular debate. If it works, you should continue using the live bait until you discover another type of lures the catfish are biting. Bob has spend most of his childhood fishing with his father and now share all his knowledge with other anglers. At nighttime catfish can be more predictable giving anglers an advantage. Sure, sometimes it slows down, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with how many you can catch. While it seems as though catfish will bite at all times throughout the day, you will usually have better luck during the nighttime hours. This all just part of the natural catfish patterns that you must slowly learn and pick up as you go. Typically towards the end of May and all of June, the catfish will spawn. Do Catfish Bite when It’s Cold or Bitter Outside? Once spawning activity starts, the bite slows. Catfish spawn from May through July, when the water temperature reaches about 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Female catfish spawn only once a year, and this usually happens during the summer months. Learn one kind of catfish first. I think we have already covered this in-depth at this point, but we can point it out again that catfish will bite just about any temperatures or any time of the year. As always, I appreciate you stopping by and thanks for reading. In my limited experience, channel cats bite during the day quite well, but middle of the afternoon is the slowest. If you can learn to hit them when they are active or when you know a nicely placed bait will yield good results you will save a lot of time and effort catching catfish. In the south, that can mean very deep water. For example, if you normally fish in the main portion of a lake, you may find that catfish bites are rare during the spawning period if you continue fishing your flat-water hotspots. Fresh caught shad or skipjack is best, but cut up pieces of silver carp also works well. About Raising Catfish. This is the same and holds true for catfish. 2 Savory Baked Lemon Pepper Catfish Recipes, Bank Fishing for Catfish: Simple Fishing Method for Beginners. "The channels are starting to hit the spawn, too, so that bite is not too good, but they are in the same area," Taylor said. My recommendation: Fish for flathead catfish in the early summer, … Anglers have studied catfish patterns and behavior in their areas. The best fishing often is in tributary streams instead because, as the water temperature warms, catfish migrate upstream into tributaries to spawn. The catfish calendar. For example, if you normally fish in the main portion of a lake, you may find that catfish bites are few and far between during the spawning period if you continue fishing your flatwater hotspots. The slip sinker rig lets a catfish pick up the bait without feeling the weight of the sinker. Winter, summer, fall, and spring. Crickets and worms fished under a cork during the spawn is a great option. Especially if it’s the blue catfish that you are locked in on. Catching Pre Spawn Channel Cats. Mark the areas you get more bites, this should become your favorite spot for catching catfish during the spawning season every year. Catfish do not bite while spawning. Light duty reels are made to catch small fish and heavy duty reels have the power to land lunkers. Catfish will bite just fine even if your ice fishing for channel catfish. During spawning season, catfish will migrate into tributaries, which grow warm faster than the larger body of water. Learn the patterns for the ultimate edge. 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