creatures in the susquehanna river

“And the problem is not because of what we’re doing for the water. (A similar algae bloom in Lake Erie has now imperiled drinking water in Toledo, Ohio). Tread carefully next time you paddle your way through this section of the Greenway. Parking and trailheads are at the Wesley United Methodist Church in Marysville, a small town about 2 miles north of Harrisburg on the west shore of the Susquehanna River. In 2013 nearly half of all smallmouth bass in the river showed signs of disease, the highest percentage yet. Did you know the swamps of northern Clinton County once contained quicksand? On Wednesday, Smith finished the latest census of smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna and found numbers still low and many fish covered with sores and lesions. You may not get the fortune you hoped for! Listings denote any known occurrence. Since that fateful day, she would appear over the swamp in a glowing orb. Seen as recently as the 2000s, the Susquehanna’s Mystery Thing was publicized by outdoor guide and writer Ken Maurer of Sunbury’s The Daily Item. While the numbers of dairy cows fell, the overall number of cattle grew in Pennsylvania counties located within the Susquehanna River basin. In Pennsylvania’s Susquehanna River, one of the longest in the northeast, male smallmouth bass are sprouting female egg cells in their testes. The Susquehanna River delivers half the fresh water in the Chesapeake Bay and about 40 percent of the nitrogen pollution, 20 percent of the phosphorus pollution1, and a heavy load of the sediment pollution. A creature with many names, this elusive legend has been said to lurk in the waters of the Susquehanna River near Lock Haven in Clinton County. The only account of a person catching a Squonk comes from the book Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, a fantasy field guide published in 1910 by William T. Cox. As Halloween approaches, now’s the time to brush up on your Greenway ghouls and legends. “It’s frustrating.”. The algae feed on phosphates and nitrates, two nutrients in industrial fertilizers. Paul Nevin examines remains of a crib dam built around 1840 so canal boats using a canal on the Conestoga River could be towed by mule across the Susquehanna to the Susquehanna … When the algae proliferate, at times stretching bank to bank, biologists say, they suck oxygen from the water and leave little for fish. According to Henry Shoemaker’s Susquehanna Legends, “They say, that is the old mountaineers, that the Water Witch was an Indian girl who suddenly changed her mind towards her lover. The northern reaches of the Greenway overlap with Squonk territory. (I am not talking about the petroglyphs of birds and animals left by the Native Americans, such as those on Big Indian Rock and Little Indian Rock just below Safe Harbor dam, although they are certainly worth a … Also, no facilities have been upgraded to specifically remove estrogen. About the Refuge. Susquehannock Indians reportedly painted images that match the description of these creatures on their war shields, and the Algonquin also told of small hairy hominid creatures, which they called Megumoowesoos. It has known security flaws and a limited feature set. Houses were made of bark and clothing from the skins of animals. According to a United States Geological Survey report released in June, these intersex fish appear in water — both in this river and two others in the state — that has become saturated with estrogenic compounds, natural and artificial hormones in animal manure and, to a smaller degree, sewage. This can include synthetic estrogens from contraceptive and hormone replacement pills, which take longer to break down, scientists say. One thing is for sure, the Susquehanna Mystery Thing would be a spooky sight to see from a kayak in the Greenway waters of Northumberland County. In July 2005, thousands of sick, dead fish clogged the river, most of them young smallmouth bass with lesions on their skin, and the outbreaks continue.Â. The browser or device you are using is out of date. Is the Kettle Creek Monster / West Branch Dugong / Susquehanna Seal really gone? The climate and land were different: colder with small stands of evergreens and open countryside, and no hardwood forests. “I don’t want to be director when the last bass is caught out of the Susquehanna River.”. It’s because of what we’re doing for the land.”. Garry Minium, 56, of Mount Pleasant Mills, is one angler who does know and regularly pursues these creatures. Critics say this is not enough. Sea lion, shark, whale, or some prehistoric dinosaur –the true identity of the creature remains a mystery. Our next Greenway legend is another Clinton County native, and even holds the title as the “Official Monster of Clinton County.”. But Arway, of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, said state and federal leaders must write a cleanup plan specifically for the Susquehanna River, for which news of intersex fish is only the latest in a litany of problems. EN - Endangered TH - Threatened C - Candidate EN - Believed extirpated (watershed indications are historical occurrences) In the Susquehanna and Delaware rivers, biologists also found white sucker fish with stem cells in their blood that could potentially turn into egg cells, but these and other fish were otherwise healthy. Researchers have discovered intersex fish in this river and have said there is a correlation between unhealthy fish and intensifying agricultural practices. According to legend, escaped slaves captured a Native American brave and maiden, and killed the man. In June 2004, zebra mussels were collected in Goodyear Lake, the first major impoundment of the Susquehanna River, near Cooperstown, New York. The story of this strange creature is thought to have its roots in Pennsylvania’s lumber history. Kettle Creek Monster/ West Branch Dugong/ Susquehanna Seal (Lock Haven, Clinton County). © 2016 Al Jazeera America, LLC. But the proportion of estrogen in waterways that results from agricultural pollution is generally more than 90 percent, while the proportion from human waste is less than 10 percent, said Tracey Woodruff, a reproductive-science professor at the University of California, San Francisco, who co-authored a 2010 report on estrogen pollution. This map is just in time for spooky season and is perfect for those who want to learn more about things that go bump in the night in the Susquehanna … Instead of front paws, it had bird claws, and instead of back feet, it had horse hooves, which confused trackers trying to follow it. Dating back as many as 1,000 years, the petroglyphs serve as a link to an ancient culture. “And that disease is having an effect on the population.”, Smallmouth bass, oval shaped and olive colored, are an immensely popular game fish that draws more than 100,000 anglers each year to the Susquehanna River, officials say, and anchor a statewide sportfishing industry with annual revenues of $3.4 billion. 5 cars and trailers. Along the West Branch of the Susquehanna River lived the Susquehannock people. Ian Sterling for WITF Household chemicals that harm fish were found in Susquehanna River. But Vicki Blazer, the lead author on the study, says the spike in livestock is significant. The Delaware River, with a smaller percentage of its basin used for agriculture, has fewer intersex fish. Over the next year or two, I saw it several times and it always sank out of sight before it got close enough to be seen clearly.”. Upon opening the sack, he finds nothing left but a wet spot. Just to list a few of them there are Whitetail Deer, Otters, beavers, squirrels, muskrats, and rabbits. Scientists say bass are also a sensitive species whose health reflects the general state of a watershed as a whole. The most famous account of the Swamp Angel originates with a man named Isaac Gaines, aka “Loop Hill Ike,” a real-life folk hero and legendary witch and monster hunter during his era. All that the Susquehanna bears flows to the Chesapeake Bay. Has the Susquehanna Seal of Clinton County relocated to new waters? The account received mixed reactions, some questioning the reporter’s encounters, others coming forward with similar sightings in the area. The 444 miles of the Susquehanna drain 27,500 square miles covering large parts of New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland before emptying into the Chesapeake Bay. susquehanna river and market street bridge, harrisburg, pennsylvania - panorama - susquehanna river stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. There are fewer still in the Ohio River, which has the fewest number of acres devoted to agriculture in its basin, the report says. ), The Environmental Protection Agency has taken broad steps to improve the water quality in the Chesapeake Bay and, by association the Susquehanna River, including raising standards for water-treatment facilities and limiting the amount of sediment that may be sloughed off from municipal storm-water systems and from agricultural operations, across the Chesapeake Bay drainage basin. Send us an email with your story: The woman was able to flee, but, stricken by grief, drowned herself in the quicksand. Dine in your car while enjoying our … Susquehanna’s Mystery Thing (Northumberland County). Clinton, Sanders spar over specifics in Iowa, Yoga used to help kids cope with violence in Chicago, Seeking charges against a Chicago officer, Filipina ‘comfort women’ seek official apology from Japan. Disease in fish so young suggests that their immune systems are being hurt early, scientists say. Hard surface ramp. “Loop Hill Ike” isn’t around to be the hero these days! She emerges as if dreamlike to reveal that destiny, but beware; her prophecies are often mocking or even withheld completely, leaving the witness wanting and dispirited. Her spirit would even help you if you went to the swamp and asked, and thus it became known as the Swamp Angel. In it, a man captures a Squonk in a sack only to feel the sack becoming lighter and lighter as he carries it home. This 444-mile long river provides critical habitat for many native plants and animals. bridge over river by buildings in city against sky - susquehanna river stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Know of any other Greenway ghouls and legends? It might have been a Squonk! They are “raising more animals in the same space,” she said. The name “Albatwitch” is thought to derive from a Pennsylvania Dutch-English compound word meaning “apple-snitch” after the creature’s habit of stealing apples from picnic baskets or throwing the fruit at people while sitting in trees. This being said, keep your eyes open for the Giwoggle as you explore the trails and communities of the Greenway in Clinton County. The Hemlock forests of northern Pennsylvania are said to be home to a sad mythical creature known as the Squonk. Intersex fish found throughout Susquehanna River Basin. “Cows don’t use toilets, and a lactating pregnant cow, for example, produces a lot of estrogen.”. Pennsylvania’s Water Witch is a lesser known entity with her own unique history and abilities. A list of the most popular browsers can be found below. The Susquehanna River is a major river located in the Northeastern United States and the Mid-Atlantic region. Both of these rivers flow above a huge reserve of natural gas called the Marcellus Shale, which has been tapped by thousands of natural gas wells in the last decade. A creature with many names, this elusive legend has been said to lurk in the waters of the Susquehanna River near Lock Haven in Clinton County. Gregory Martin, a poultry expert who teaches at Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the seat of Lancaster County, is skeptical that there is a connection between estrogen from agricultural pollution and intersex fish. “I just don’t see that happening,” he said. Numbers of crayfish have fluctuated because of that, with some veteran anglers noticing a decline in numbers along the Susquehanna River. This is according to analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s census of agriculture for the 30 Pennsylvania counties that compose most of the Susquehanna River basin. “We’ve been trying to explain that the river is sick,” he said in an interview. On Maurer’s own sighting, he says, “It pushed a wake that made waves that lapped up on the shoreline. With hundreds of tributaries, the river's watershed includes 27,000 square miles in Pennsylvania, New York and Maryland. Crabs and oysters are famous Bay residents, but sadly their numbers are alarmingly low. The first people to live in the Susquehanna River area, about 15,000 years ago, are known as the nomadic hunter Paleo-Indians. Please update your browser. Representatives of the agriculture industry say they have taken steps to reduce overall pollution, as mandated by state and federal laws. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. In 2010 the conservation group American Rivers named the Upper Delaware River the nation’s most endangered for the same reason. Evidence of these mischievous beings has even been found in local Native American culture. In parts of Pennsylvania, there are now more domestic animals than ever on the land, and manure from them is routinely spread on cropland for use as fertilizer. So, grab your monster repellent and get ready to learn all about the spooky specters of the Susquehanna Greenway! (In 2011 the conservation nonprofit organization American Rivers listed the Susquehanna as the most endangered river in the nation, not because of pollution from wastewater or agriculture, but because of the potential for contamination from fracking. Upon being asked during a panel discussion about his most “mysterious sighting” while in the wild, Maurer recalled a large creature that he saw swimming in the Susquehanna River. Here, Walt Bates shows off a 33-pound, 9 … Having influence with the Gods, the deserted one had her made into unchanging water; and in her helpless state, she mocks the petty aspirations of mankind.”, “being the symbol of something ever flowing”. It washes into rivers when it rains, biologists say. From the 1950s to the 1970s, the average annual oyster catch was about 25 million pounds per year, and the blue crab harvest contributed nearly a third of the nation’s catch. Today, the Bay’s oyster population is a mere two percent of its historic level, and reduced amounts of underwater grass habitat, in addition to low summer levels of dissolved oxy… The rudiments of a more complex civilization were at hand in the arts of weaving, pottery and agriculture, although hunting and food-gathering prevailed. Rock Bottom Dam-off Route 363, ½ mile above the confluence of the Susquehanna and Chenango Rivers. Alana Jajko is the director of communications and outreach for the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership. Another marine mystery is said to lurk in Susquehanna waters near the river’s confluence in Northumberland County. The Susquehanna River, a broad waterway with two branches that course through dairy farms and past factories before joining to form the largest tributary to the Chesapeake Bay, has a basin that covers nearly half the state. At about 50 yards, it sank out of sight. “Human waste is at least treated,” she said. With twelve miles of trails and stunning views of the Susquehanna River from the mountaintop, the land also provides habitat for the wildlife Ned Smith immortalized – deer, bear, wild turkey, grouse, fox and many species of smaller animals. The PA Species by Watersheds Table lists most Pennsylvania fishes occurring naturally in or introduced into Pennsylvania’s major watershed systems. It’s said that a strange glowing fireball known as the Swamp Angel still frequents those wetlands. Another local jewel is Montour Preserve. Copyright © Williamsport Sun-Gazette | | 252 W. Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17703 | 570-326-1551 | Ogden Newspapers | The Nutting Company, “not the form or image of anything else on earth”, “It pushed a wake that made waves that lapped up on the shoreline. Animals such as caribou, musk ox and woolly mammoths were hunted by the Paleo-Indians. It was often blamed for the spilling or capsizing of lumber rafts at the time. “Not the least in immune dysfunction.”. Creepy. It is detailed as a “marine animal or sea monster” with the “the bulk of an ox or hippopotamus.” The monster was “not the form or image of anything else on earth” and was said to make a horrible howling and thrashing at night. In the summer of 2000, zebra mussel populations were discovered in Eaton Brook Reservoir and Canadarago Lake, in the upper Susquehanna River watershed of New York. Thought to live mostly in the trees, Albatwitches prefer to keep to the shadows, and are said to make their presence known by a sound like a cracking whip (perhaps branch-breaking). Over the next year or two, I saw it several times and it always sank out of sight before it got close enough to be seen clearly.”, “They say, that is the old mountaineers, that the Water Witch was an Indian girl who suddenly changed her mind towards her lover. Also, they say, the intersex-fish report is far from conclusive. Her work is focused on promoting trails and communities within our vibrant and connected Susquehanna Greenway, Alana can be reached at Next time you find yourself in a pickle, just make your way along the West Branch section of the Greenway to Clinton County, and see if the Swamp Angel can help you out! Between 2002 and 2012, the acres of land fertilized with animal manure grew by nearly 10,000, while the head count of cows rose by almost 30,000 and the number of chickens shot up by more than 13 million. Agriculture “keeps coming up,” said Geoff Smith, Susquehanna River biologist for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. Today you can visit his grave inscribed with his real name “Isaac Gaines” at Furst-McGonigal Cemetery in Clearfield County. At about 50 yards, it sank out of sight. Creepy. Using local resources like authors Rick Fisher and Scott Butcher, the map pinpoints strange happenings, creature sightings, and wild tragedies. A bicyclist and pedestrians travel next to the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg on Aug. 19, 2019. on the Susquehanna River. Â, “We’re focused on improving water quality with the hope that in conjunction with everything else going on that it will have a positive impact on the ecosystem as a whole,” said Tom Wenz, a spokesman for the EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Office. Most of the information comes from an article in the Daily Democrat from February 27, 1897. The slopes of the preserve are a refuge from city life for both creatures and humans, including the threatened Allegheny woodrat and cerulean warbler. “None of these issues is going to be solved through looking at just one aspect.”. The Kettle Creek Monster, West Branch Dugong, or Susquehanna Seal is a marine creature that dates back over a century. Smallmouth bass spawn in the spring, the same season when the most water runs into rivers from ranches and farms because of melting snow and heavy rains. An article in the Daily Democrat from February 27, 1897, describes the travels of a creature that existed before the valley was settled, making its way up the river and settling in the area between present-day Lock Haven and Kettle Creek. “As those numbers increase, obviously the nutrients and estrogens and other hormones they excrete increases as well.”. It is home to 3 million people, and one-fifth to one-half of its land is used for agriculture. At 444 miles (715 km) long, it is the longest river on the East Coast of the United States. The Susquehanna River Basin is the second largest - next to the Ohio River Basin - east of the Mississippi River. Waters at Risk Pollution in the Susquehanna Watershed—Sources and Solutions Then the eggs sit there, and often become coated with a thin layer of silt, which, the report says, contains “higher numbers and concentrations of estrogenic compounds” than the water. 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