caitian star trek

Cardassian Keldon. During this time, the first true village was founded. As their primary function was to nourish offspring during their infancy, the breasts were normally not very sensitive. While the ill effects of alcohol on a Caitian were often observed quite rapidly, in a matter of minutes, prompt use of neutralizing drugs before, during, or immediately after ingestion could mitigate or negate the harmful side effects. This allowed a high degree of visual acuity, enabling the Cait to catch movement and details on their horizontal plane at greater range, and with greater clarity and accuracy than humans. Caitians were already attending Starfleet Academy around the early 2250s, and were present as members of the Federation Council in 2286. Over time, the more effective methods of training and equipping the militia would become a near standard. The chest of this phenotype tended to be somewhat enlarged, with both the heart and lungs enlarged to compensate for the thinner air. The Caitian Aspero-class Support Carrier is a Tier 6 Science Carrier which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. However, small strings of isolated island chains appeared over the surface, each boasting its own unique flora and fauna, and a large landmass formed the southern pole of the planet. Talbards and robes were sometimes worn over these more basic clothing styles, though were usually reserved to show high station or as part of a uniform or ceremonial garb. Because the powerful clans had grown so though defensive postures, they boasted a powerful militia, but little in the way of an actual army as other species would know it. Given the Caitian birth rate was skewed towards female offspring, and prior to the advent of modern medicine, death in childbirth was far more common, it was not uncommon for Caitian males to have two (sometimes more) mates. Caitian limbs were well designed to deliver quick and powerful motions, and offered quite a bit more flexibility and range of motion than most other species. Most Caitians were able to speak at least two languages, and write three. Their bodies are also developing and it is not uncommon for a female cub to experience her first heat around sixteen years of age, though that can vary by a few years. The earliest forms of organized Caitian writing were similar in method of creation, though radically different in form. Caitians created a number of martial arts and fitness systems to this end, and several pieces of Caitian fighting styles found their way into broad application in Starfleet Academy’s fitness program. They also settled on a number of colony worlds and were members of the United Federation of Planets. There were two sexes, male and female. Both partner's stimulated each other during foreplay, eventually resulting in the male inserting his penis into the female's vagina. The Caitians are expanded upon in FASA's Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update, which indicates that the feline humanoids seen in The Voyage Home were intended to be the same species. The planet's climate was inviting to most life forms, and Cait became a popular tourist stop (except during its short rainy season). Gold and other more colorful metals were common, and lighter colors like silver were rare except on the most darkly colored Caitians. The first Caitian … Offering a wooden and dirt palisade, the settlement of Barana became a rallying point for other peaceful clans, and a signal for how they might protect themselves. This triggered the male's penis to ejaculate into the female's body, typical volume during release being several tablespoons or more. Since the 'citizen soldiers' were not a formal force, there was no uniform or specification on weapons. In comparison to the other phenotypes, Mountain Caitians had shorter claws, though comparatively larger hands and feet, which showed a higher level of dexterity. As part of basic education, Caitians were taught to speak both Cait and Federation Standard, but most often at least one additional language. Most Caitians knew both forms, though rarely made use of derrrina fht in anything but informal settings, such as notes between friends or simple notes. Caitians were known to find beauty in nearly any aspect of nature, including such destructive ones as lightning storms. Set in 2409, the computer game Star Trek Online features the Caitians as a playable species of the Federation faction, which also employs ships of unique Caitian design, e.g., the Atrox Carrier, Shikaris Escort, and Stalker Stealth Fighter. As a result of this arraignment, the Caitians were given some latitude in arranging their own defenses. Cait is a planet in the Lynx constellation, the homeworld of Lt. M'Ress. Most common was the use of hair bands or clips to create a ponytail, most often several clips were used if the mane was of significant length. Their cities were notably clean and well kept, as the fastidious Caitians couldn't abide a damaged environment. The most notable external difference was the slightly increased size of the male, though specimens of both genders tended to be lithe for their size due to a higher volume of muscle than most mammals. After eating, most Caitians became mildly lethargic for approximately a half hour, after which their body had broken down the bulk of the meal. Gestation typically lasted around 168 days. Description: Home world: Cait (Ferasa) Body structure/features: Felinoid race with distinct cat-like features. As more advanced warp cores were developed that required a purer crystalline matrix, much of the Caitian trade in dilithium began to taper off. Since the planet was largely geologically stable, despite being rather young, there were next to no mountains except buried deep in t… The most basic attire for a male Caitian was a loincloth and baldric-like arrangement, with pouches for small possessions on both the belt holding up the loincloth and on the baldric. Following the destruction of Cait during a war between the Gorn Hegemony and the Kzinti Patriarchy the Caitians constructed four artificial planetoids around 15 Lyncis to serve as home for the surviving refugees. This time saw the gradual eradication or absorption of the nomadic predatory clans. That also meant they had a series of men in their lives, none of whom were any good as father figures, though when one measures a man by how abusive he i… Other styles included the braiding of the mane into one or more braids with variants coiling or looping the braids to keep them from getting in the way. Once the Caitians realized they were dealing with a species that were omnivores rather than carnivores, efforts were taken to cater to the Humans. Caitians are a sapient feline-humanoid species that hail from planet Cait, located in the Lynx Constellation. With the entire planet united (save for isolated areas that would later be discovered and integrated into the Caitian Clan), there was no real need for a militia force. As with the males barbs, humanoids of the opposite sex have often described these nubs as heightening pleasure during intercourse. Banding and stripes were common on female Caitians, though nearly unheard of on males. This resulted in a higher-than-average body temperature and ability to take quick action; in very rare cases, the metabolism was slow, as slow or slower than a human metabolism. Given free will and range to explore their own identity, they returned to the fold knowing themselves better. Since the planet now enjoyed a more or less peaceful state, with only minor feuds between sub-clans that rarely escalated to the point of fatalities, the arts and sciences flourished. Most often there was an incredible variety in any jewelry store to cater to not only individual tastes, but also the Caitian's own coloration. Most stores remained open for business for as many as 20 of the 27 hour day, needing only two shifts from the shopkeepers. The shipyards of N'Rrrap meanwhile produced Tuffli freighters as fast as possible, modifying them to carry heavier armament and shield systems in an effort to reduce losses. This was intentional, allowing for a more precise speech than many races since it allowed for little in the way of shading of the truth. During this time, Verrel was turned into a mining colony, and while the Caitians working the mines were considered unrepentant and allowed to form their own government, good relations were maintained with the homeworld, ensuring there were no breakaway movements. Caitians (Caiti sapiens) are the native sentient felinoid species of Cait, a class M world that orbits 15 Lyncis. Most Caitian jewelry contained gemstones, with red and blue being the preferred colors. Caitian eyes were geared toward low light levels; as a result, they had slightly less color acuity than non-nocturnals. Originally, the forms were created using actual claw slashes on softer materials, thus early Caitian 'books' were often composed of clay tablets or wooden slats. The lone exception was Ferasa. Concept designer Mauricio Ruiz created a … The original samples of Nepeta Cataria were either a gift or a joke (depending on who was asked) by the crew of the USS Farmingham, a new Armstrong Class vessel. There were no major powers in the Beta Quadrant that the Federation was on good terms with in terms of trade. To deal with the increasing threats of enemies and the tactical advantage they have with their carrier ships, the Federation has called upon their member worlds for assistance. Leather armor, often with beautiful knotwork or depictions of nature, was standard, with those that could afford to do so adding similarly decorated metal plates on the more vulnerable areas. Caitians were very territorial, and they reacted aggressively against any threats to their homes, which in the past led to the development of truly impressive firefighting and repair technologies. Twelve years passed before a strain that had been adapted with plant strains native to Ferasa was discovered. Over the centuries, the written forms became stylized and simplified to an extent, but the highly tradition-minded Caitians resisted a more complete revamp. The felinoid Caitians and the warlike Kzinti share common roots … The irises contracted in a ‘V’ shape, decreasing ocular response time and allowing them to adapt from low-light to bright light conditions quickly. This often led to mild to chronic obesity in those with the genetic disorder. What mining and other ecologically damaging activities of industrialization and modernization were undertaken were never left to sit. Because Caitians inhabited a planet where living was relatively easy, they could set aside concerns about survival and concentrate on the finer things in life. Caitian metabolism was designed to break down protein quickly and effectively, but could handle some carbohydrates and other more slow-burning energy sources. However, in those with black fur, green eyes were observed, and white furred Caitians tended toward light, almost clear-blue eyes. A Cait could see functionally in 20 percent of the light required by a human. The Plains phenotype was most often seen as the standard, and was the one described throughout this document. Plains (or Desert): Most often featured a short pelt of tan, gold, or similar color, this phenotype evolved in a manner similar to lions on Terra, operating in groups to take down prey and making use of fur the color of the local grasses or sand to hide. Made widespread use of stylus and finally pen and pencil analogs would only. Primary responsibility, other members of the opposite direction from the main lines of battle, was... Spaceflight in the universe, they were trained in the Caitian species occurred like... Numbers not seen since the nearest civilization was the center of Caitian life and. Members of the nomadic predatory clans normally began young, around the early 2250s, and furred. Reached levels that had never been seen before ferasan variety was derived from left! Shields were usually fashioned of wood and painted, while similar in shape! 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