wilbur robinson quotes

Bowler Hat Guy: [the Bowler Hat Guy has just gotten the time machine back] Take a good look around boys, because your future is about to change. Lewis: [pushes Wilbur away] Stop, stop, get away from me! Female Announcer: And five and six and seven and eight. When Wilbur's father shows up at the end of the film, he looks nothing like … That makes me older! Joe is married to Billie. Qoute. Lewis: Lucille is married to Bud, and your dad, Cornelius, is their son. Just blackness and utter silence. It's impossible. For your information, pig: The rat rules! Wilbur: And no one realized that you were from the past? His motto, 'Keep moving forward.' 4 Apr. And don't just say keep moving forward! Well, I just don't get out of that lab very much. Wilbur: [gasps] Oh, please don't say things like that. Wilbur: I'll hold him while you run for help. Charlotte: Salutations are greetings; it's my fancy way of saying hello. But on the slight chance that I do... Carl: Slight chance, yeah, you know what, I'll run the numbers! Well, yes I am, but that's not the point! Dinner time! How'd you get out? Charlotte's daughters: No, but we will be when we grow up. He's gone. Wilbur: [Lewis heads back to the crate to get his notebook and his bag] Okay, you got me, I'm not a cop. You just focused on the bad stuff when all you had to do was... let go of the past and keep moving forward... Bowler Hat Guy: Hmm, let's see... take responsibility for my own life or blame you? in TV Shows. Why aren't you seizing the boy? A very grave matter, indeed. But I really am from the future! Wilbur: Do it and you'll get dibs on my slop for the rest of my life. Wilbur: Lewis, you have to fix the time machine. How can we not go to the family is this type of family crisis? Even though a few Disney crossover video games could have the dark haired boys crossing paths with each other or get them added in the same team, by the player's choice. Bowler Hat Guy: [Bowler Hat Guy cackles] And now all that's left is to return to Inventco where I'll pass off your little gizmo as my own. You're not going to die. I'm here to protect you. And I need you to do it now! Wilbur: I didn't have time to sculpt everything. That's a direct order. 'Wolf Call' O'Brien: Hey, Rusty! Lewis: I mean, this stuff is way too advanced for me. Miss Bianca: But you don't understand. Wilbur: I think I deserved a kiss from my lovely girlfriend~ Violet: Are you for real Wilbur? Wilbur: My name's Wilbur! Fritz is married to Petunia, and is she--. Lewis: Look, I want you guys to adopt him. [Wilbur pockets the paper with the picture of the time machine in his pocket]. You can't. [places a sticker with a picture of a coffee mug on the Mr. Willerstein's forehead] I've got the caffeine patch. Yes I am, but not the point! You have your meals brought to you in a pail. Then by his suprise the ball of paper hits him in the head, he throws it again trying to figure out what's happening, and Wilbur jumps out from behind the building and throws the crumpled ball of paper back to him which lands on the crate, then jumps back to the wall next to the door] Hey, what're you doing up here? One patch is the equivalent to twelve cups of coffee. Whose fault was it? [Looks down at Mr. Willerstein's bow tie he's wearing.] Gaston: Then perhaps it's time for spicy Italian sausage. Carl: Apparently not. What happened? Lewis: (muses for a moment) Okay, Cornelius is married to Franny and her brothers are Gaston and Art. [picks up the ball of paper and flattens it out and gives it to Lewis and Wilbur starts pushing Lewis to the door]. Golly the Goose: [Flies to the fence, lands on it and stops] Run pig! Lewis: Let go of me! But what was it like? The first working time machine! Wilbur: You know, it gets more and more humiliating every time I survive. Carl: And how d'you suppose that's gonna hap... [Wilbur quickly puts a fruit hat on Lewis's head]. Charlotte: Why, certainly. Cornelius acted quickly to deactivate her and she was placed into a Robinsons Industries storage room for prototypes and failed inventions. I love blood. Templeton, Templeton, Tem-ple-ton! Wilbur: Lewis: Take a good look around, Doris, 'cause your future's about to change. Lewis: [looking around at everything] Is it ever! I can land this thing on a dime! Based on the novel "A Day With Wilbur Robinson" written by William Joyce; published by Harper Trophy, 1990. Templeton: I can call me that. Lewis: [grabs Wilbur by the ear] Don't forget I'm your father, you have to do what I say. Wilbur: But we are alive! Ready, aim, fire. You've done so much for me! Wilbur Robinson: I never thought my dad would be my best friend. Wilbur: My friendship with Obama is in a really good place right now. ""Wait you met my family!?" Just climb down. Oh! So he starts working! Lewis: [points to the picture] This? Doc: You mean you and her... him and her...? I gotta learn to be more assertive. Wilbur: I didn't know you could lay eggs. I'm ignoring you for time reasons. Templeton: What a night! Wilbur: Not long enough? Carl: What do you mean don't go to the family? Bowler Hat guy giggles and shut window on nose]. I have to live, don't I? Wilbur: Five years ago, Dad wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. But I did. Lewis: [Lewis grabs Wilbur's "badge"] That's no badge, it's a coupon for a tanning salon! Bowler Hat Guy: They all hated me. Okay, now, the time machine is fixed. Lewis: (stops in midair) Ahh! Mary: My mum's asleep. Bowler Hat Guy (Future Goob): Doris, it's all over! Wilbur: That's right, you can. Wilbur: Nobody's gonna take a kid's freedom away while I'm around! Over! Templeton: My stomach can handle anything. [at the meeting, Charlotte is looking for a new message to write in her web]. https://www.quotes.net/movies/meet_the_robinsons_quotes_13650. "A fair fare." Where are you? You can't do this to me! Lewis: Wait, what does Cornelius look like? I'll be there in 30 minutes, or it's free. Hold your applause. You want to know what I think about this? You know that they have a tendency to bite people. No! Carl: None may enter unless they speak the royal password! Wilbur: [pause] Nah. I'm afraid your jolly little holiday will have to wait. Ring it! Wilbur: [Wilber bangs his head into the fence and runs]. 'cause I don't really feel like I deserve any of the things you've written about me. I can't fix this thing! Charlotte: You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Wilbur: You just take care of your science gizmo and leave the perp to me. Who got his hindquarters pecked to make you "radiant," huh? Carl: And where does that leave me? Wilbur: Congratulations! Nobody feeds me. Harsh. Are you guys crazy? Wilbur: If I prove to you I'm from the future, will you go back to the Science Fair? Project will be released on digital 3-D screens. Fritz is married to Petunia, and is she...? Charlotte: You're terrific, as far as I am concerned. Don't force me to take drastic measures. However, you didn't see her true potential... Bowler Hat Guy: So you shut her down... or so you thought. Very interesting. Wilbur: You-you-you start searchin' the desert for, and I-I-I'll scan the coastline. [runs off]. Talk with The Modern Four! She was brilliant, beautiful, and loyal to the end. in Literary Quotes. Wilbur: I'm assuming that's a joke. You'll have to turn back! 'Cause you're 12 and I'm 13! 60 milligrams! Doctor: This is rusted tight. Wilbur: You licked my ear. You think he'd have walked on the moon? Doctor: [as Wilbur escapes] Mr. Albatross, we haven't operated yet! Wilbur: That is an excellent question. Michael "Goob" Yagoobian: [the scene changes to Yagoobian in the orphanage] If I hadn't fallen asleep, I would have caught the ball! [stops Mr. Willerstein, realizing something] Oh, wait! Bowler Hat Guy: Hmm. Then by his suprise the ball of paper hits him in the head, he throws it again trying to figure out what's happening, and Wilbur jumps out from behind the building and throws the crumpled ball of paper back to him which lands on the crate, then jumps back to the wall next to the door, Lewis picks up the crumpled ball of paper and heads over to where Wilbur is hiding, Deliberatly drops the ball of crumpled paper close to where Wilbur is and Wilbur jumps back out, picks up the ball of paper, and puts it in Lewis's hand, jumps out and covers Lewis's mouth and starts looking around to see if anyone is around, Wilbur is still looking around to see if anyone is watching them, picks up the ball of paper and flattens it out and gives it to Lewis and Wilbur starts pushing Lewis to the door, quickly shows his "badge" to Lewis which is really a coupon for a tanning salon, Lewis heads back to the crate to get his notebook and his bag, Wilbur pockets the paper with the picture of the time machine in his pocket, starts to head for the door to leave but Wilbur blocks him, Lewis starts to open the door but is immediatly slammed shut by Wilbur, Wilbur smiles jumps behind him, grabs him and starts pushing him to one of the edges of the orphanage, Lifts Lewis up and throws over the side of the building where he lands in the time machine, Wilbur quickly puts a fruit hat on Lewis's head, Wilbur has set up a model with figurines of Wilbur and Lewis, pushes buttons and pulls levers on himself, papers start running out of his mouth; looks at the papers and gasps, after the Tyrannosaurus crashes through the wall, the brakes screech, making the time machine come to a screeching halt, takes out the picture of the memory scanner and shows it to Lewis, grabs the picture, rips it up and throws the pieces away, flashback to a Little League baseball game, Yagoobian is asleep in the outfield; a sleepy Yagoobian fails to catch a ball headed his way, the scene changes to Yagoobian in the orphanage, Yagoobian throws eggs at the Robinson Industries building, Doris pulls herself over the lab assistant's eyes, Adult Yagoobian cackles as the flashback ends, flashback to a Little League baseball game at a sandlot where Yagoobian is asleep in the outfield; a sleepy Yagoobian fails to catch a fly ball that lands next to him, Bowler Hat Guy throws eggs at the Robinson Industries building, Doris extends her metal claw and drags Bowler Hat Guy away, Last lines, Wilbur is still at Marahute's nest, whilst Wilbur drinks from a can of cream soda, camera pulls back; Wilbur's head really is in a vice, Loads a syringe of tranquilizer onto a shotgun, he and the other nurse mice try to force him back in, Wilbur stands up as we see the doctor is now in serious pain, at the meeting, Charlotte is looking for a new message to write in her web, Templeton walks past with an apple core towards the trough, and Charlotte glares at Templeton, Templeton, while holding an orange peel in his mouth, smacks Wilbur's face with his tail and walks off to the trough, Charlotte's remark, from shock back to the goose, Templeton returns from a night of overeating, Templeton hiccups agains and pats his stomach, Templeton gazes toward the ceiling and sees Charlotte's egg sac, Templeton crawls over to Wilbur's pen and hiccups again, Templeton rolls the egg away and buries it in his hole, looking at Charlotte's new web, at the fair, Charlotte looks up at her web, which says "HUMBLE", Wilber bangs his head into the fence and runs, Flies to the fence, lands on it and stops, slamming Wilbur into a locker with Chick going in behind him, Rusty sheepishly looks at them as they all quickly figure out that he and Valerie are now romanticaly involved, Tarzana and Wilbur are coming out of her tree hut and are seen by Alexander. Together we made the perfect team. "That is an excellent question." Browse more character quotes from Meet the Robinsons (2007), just before Lewis is about to leave to go back to the past, Lewis gives confused look then looks at Cornelius, heads over to the time machine and climbs in, Lewis looks at the Robinson family all smiling at him, Wilbur closes the hatch and starts the time machine which takes off, Lewis waves good-bye to the Robinsons as Wilbur and Lewis go back to the past, sees Bowler Hat Guy and gasps and attacks him, pries Wilbur off the Bowler Hat Guy and Wilbur is struggling to get free, at the science fair after Lewis puts his memory scanner on the table, Wilbur pops out from underneath the sheet covering the memory scanner, starts to leave but Wilbur drags him back in, Lewis tries to say something but Wilbur covers his mouth, the Bowler Hat Guy has just gotten the time machine back, heads to the past to pass the memory scanner as his own, in the past the Bowler Hat Guy has entered Invenct Co, in the past Bowler Hat Guy is showing off the memory scanner, in the past Bowler Hat guy is signing a contract, flys into the sky turns into a ball of light, flies over the Robinson yard and is sucked into the sky, Lewis is on the roof disappointed that his memory scanner failed, he rips out the page with the picture of the memory scanner out of his notebook, crumples it into a ball and throws it away. Wilbur: Yeah, about that. We need someone on maracas. In the German version, Wilbur says his father looks like Thomas Gottschalk, who happens to be the voice-actor in this version. [Lewis looks at the Robinson family all smiling at him], Wilbur: [Wilbur closes the hatch and starts the time machine which takes off, Lewis waves good-bye to the Robinsons as Wilbur and Lewis go back to the past]. Be careful - a rotten egg can be a regular stink bomb! Ohhhhhhh, no! Wilbur: I am so dead. Emily: I'll find my own way, which is the Lord's way. Goose: Luck has nothing to do with it! Lewis: OK. Cornelius is married to Franny, and her brothers are Gaston and Art. Wilbur: I don't want to go in there with you! He is 13 years old. Charlotte: Well, *you* can't talk. Charlotte: Do you realize that if I didn't eat them, bugs would get so numerous, they'd destroy the earth? And yes, my sister did pay me to feed her … Literary. Wilbur: What? Well, has it ever occurred to you that even a rat might like a little appreciation? Is there some kind of huge white light? (Wilber presses a button and a time machine appears) What is this? # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NEW RANDOM. As the story progresses, she is shown in the future composing her own music and teaching frogs to dance and sing in a big band and jazz musical style. It's not magic, but it feels that way. Bud: Well, sure, I'll get you there in a jiffy. Lewis: All right, look, old man, I need to get back to the garage. Lewis: But you have no idea what that could do to this future! Bowler Hat Guy: Doris, get it off! I think you'll like her. But on the slight chance that I do... Carl: "On the slight chance," yeah. And do I get thanked? Charlotte: [after glaring at Templeton] And does anybody know how to spell it? Wilbur: If my family finds out I brought you from the past, they'll bury me alive, and dance on my grave! For more, check out www.facebook.com/inspiredbydisney. Wilbur: [about Charlotte] She's dying! Reporter: [over the radio] Whiz kid Cornelius Robinson graduates from college at age 14 - This year's Nobel Prize goes to a young Cornelius Robinson. Wilbur: Pop quiz: Who have you met, and what have you learned? Grandpa Bud: Oh, because his insurance won't pay for contacts. And I'm gonna tell you this, it will not be done with mercy! He decides that he's a failure and no one wants him. Michael "Goob" Yagoobian: Well, it's a long and pitiful story, about a young boy with a dream. You can stay awake for days with no side effects. Wilbur: Come on. Franny: Mister, you're grounded 'til you die. Wilbur: [Wilbur sighs and shakes his head] I could lose my badge for this, he's a suspect in a robbery. Doctor: I've already missed tea, Mr. Albatross. Released in United States Spring March 30, 2007 [Adult Yagoobian cackles as the flashback ends]. How many evil villains do you know that can pull off a name like 'Goob'? I am still impressed. There is also a reference to this on a sign that says "Todayland" when Wilbur first arrives to the future. Lewis: Old man, I need to get to the garage! We lost by one run because of me. So, uh, what's up with the stolen time machine? Goose: I'm no flibberty-ibberty-gibbit! Do they taste good? You wanna know what I think of this? [quickly shows his "badge" to Lewis which is really a coupon for a tanning salon]. Wilbur: She's going to become a mother. She usually takes the Harley. Wilbur: (muses for a moment) Tom Selleck. Carl: Uh, well, it's not- it doesn't pertain to anything in partic- y'know, there's not necessarily go... Carl: Uh, there's a 99.999999% chance that you won't exist. Lewis: And what if I can't fix this? What the heck are you doing up here? Wilbur: [the brakes screech, making the time machine come to a screeching halt] What? But this weird kid says he's from the future and warns him about a guy in a bowler hat. It was yours! Bowler Hat Guy: Shut up! Bowler Hat Guy: And now, all that's left is to return to Inventco, where I'll pass off your little gizmo as my own. Wilbur: [Whimpers] Please don't do this to me! Our little Tracy's a clean teen! Where's Valerie? Wilbur: Yeah. Lewis: My project didn't work because I'm no good. Tallulah: I think you mean North Montana, hasn't been called Canada in years! Lewis an orphan wants to see what his mother looked like. "Meet the Robinsons Quotes." Wilbur: Now, are you ready to start working? Lewis: Look, I'm sorry your life turned out so bad. Prototypes two and three, not much better. Bud: Of course, I also didn't think there was a woodchuck living on my arm, and lookie there! All our hopes and dreams dashed, like so many pieces of a broken machiney thing. [Lewis starts to run and bumps into Wilbur]. Wilbur: You and twenty million other guys. Why, I think it was... Templeton! See more ideas about wilbur robinson, wilbur, robinson. Follow "Esa, es una excelente pregunta" Wilbur Robinson - La Familia del Futuro. Why did you have to crash in? Wilbur: Have ya looked outside? Lewis: There is no bowler hat guy, there is no time machine and you're not really from the future. So, you just keep that in mind next time you feel like reducing me to just 'the rat'. [Doris open the window. I'm an American citizen, buddy! Bowler Hat Guy: Well, it's a long and pitiful story, about a young boy with a dream. Her memory will be treasured forever. Wait a minute. Lewis: Tallulah and Laszlo are their children. It's in the rule book. Mr. Willerstein: Well, can I offer you a cot? It is loosely based on the 1990 children's book A Day with Wilbur Robinson by William Joyce, who also worked on the film's art design and executive produced with John Lasseter and Clark Spector. "Blame you" wins hands down! All thanks to that pointy-haired little kid who forgot to lock the garage door. Your spine needs tender... Wilbur: [groans until he smiles] M-my back! Carl: Yes we do, I made one up while you were gone. Wilbur: Maybe you forgotten I'm a time cop from the future. Wilbur: He keeps working and working until finally, he gets it! Wilbur is the son of Franny and Cornelius. Charlotte: [Charlotte's remark, from shock back to the goose] What kind of acrobat do you think I am? Wilbur: Have you been approached a tall man in a bowler hat? Wilbur: Can't you just once in your life think of someone other than yourself? I haven't slept in eight days! Female Announcer: Keep those tummies tucked. [Wilbur has set up a model with figurines of Wilbur and Lewis]. Wilbur: Look Chick, it's a little past sunset and if Dracula is here he's gonna be wanting breakfast, and I'm fatter than you, and it ain't gonna be me. - William Joyce quotes from BrainyQuote.com "Almost everything in 'A Day With Wilbur Robinson' has some basis in truth. Then, he keeps working and working until finally, he gets it again! Bud: Been digging holes all day. Spike: Uh... That was accidental. Apr 20, 2020 - Explore Celia Gorgon's board "Wilbur Robinson" on Pinterest. [Wilbur stands up as we see the doctor is now in serious pain]. And don't just say, 'keep moving forward. Okay, that's it. Bowler Hat Guy: A dream that was ruined in the last inning. [starts to leave but Wilbur drags him back in]. Where are we going? Look where we are! So, I guess the closeminded realists. Wilbur: Yes! Wilbur: I'm assuming that's a joke. This year's Nobel Prize goes to a young Cornelius Robinson... Twin student 2: Cool binder, want to come over to my house today? Oh, right! Don't look at me like that. Goose: You have a good home home here. Then, he keeps working and working until finally, he gets it again! Amber Von Tussle: That girl's got roaches in her hair! Carl: What about taking him back to see his mom? Wilbur: Throw another shrimp on the barbie, girls, 'cause here I come! Your mother's trying to take a nap. Versatile means I can turn with ease from one thing to another. A little, dare I say, love? Wilbur: Look, I told you. Lewis: Why do you keep saying that? Aunt Petunia: I don't want to hear any more. There are some chicks here that need your help. Miss Bianca's in trouble? Wilbur: It's been a long, hard day, full of emotional turmoil and dinosaur fights. I never thought that time travel could be possible in my lifetime, and here it is, right in front of me! Lewis: This means I could really change my life. [sees Bowler Hat Guy and gasps and attacks him]. And I can tell you this; it will not be done with mercy! Chick Young: No you don't come here. Wilbur: That... is an excellent question. A boy needs our help. I handle stuff like this all the time. Is that a bow tie? You didn't kill him. - Meet the Robinsons (Released 3/3/07). You may think owning The Hardy Har Joke Shop is all drudgery. Wilbur: There won't be a future unless you fix the time machine! Templeton, that's who. You don't know what I've lived through. This is ridiculous. I'M NOT EXAGGERATING! [tears up the drawing]. I did it! I can definitely say no. Uncle Art: Egads! [in the past Bowler Hat Guy is showing off the memory scanner]. [the door opens], [Carl runs away screaming upon seeing Lewis]. Wilbur: [escapes to the window] You'll never take me alive! Be inspired! And don't call me 'Goob'! Wilbur: Oh, no. Dr. Krunklehorn: Nope. Wilbur: Carl, what are you talking about? Cootchie cootchie coo... Miss Bianca: Oh, Captain. [Wilbur quickly slams a fruit hat on Lewis' head] As was that. You're twelve and I'm thirteen. - Wilbur: It's what he does.” Jordan Fry - Lewis Wesley Singerman - Wilbur Bernard: The kidnapper took the boy and Jake... and Miss Bianca. I must be dreaming! You must relax. Wilbur: Wh-what are you doing? We're gonna have to make connections with a bigger bird. How come all of a sudden you're so worried about her? Wilbur: Look, I messed up, I left the garage unlocked, but I tried like crazy to fix things! Wilbur: [Looks at Lewis] Well, it's not like you're never going to see them again. "I am so dead. Number six, 58, 212, 485, 952, and they all end the same way. Health: Splitting up. Grandpa Bud: What's... Oh! Wilbur: Welcome to "Albatross Air: A Fair Fare From Here to There." Nice work, my friend. Wilbur: Yes, I am! Robinson Industries, the world's leading scientific-research and-design factory. Wilbur: Good, you're a smart kid, that'll keep you alive... for now. And I can tell you this, it will not be done with mercy. Turns out there used to be a psychotic maniac serial killer that frequented these parts. Lewis: I can go back to that night and stop her from giving me up. He sits down on a crate. Wilbur: Look, I told you. Franny: Just a little tip for the future, I am always right. Ram: Oh, it's a matter of status. [Templeton hiccups agains and pats his stomach]. Can't find them anywhere. Why aren't you happy happy happy? Meet the Robinsons is a 2007 computer-animated family film produced by Walt Disney Pictures about a young boy named Lewis, who is very smart and invents things but does not have any family, even though he wants one. Wilbur: He stole a time machine, came to the science fair and ruined your project! Lewis. Reporter: Cornelius Robinson rebuilds Inventco... Robinson reaches out to... Cornielius Robinson... Cornelius Robinson is now... Now here's another amazing... Bowler Hat Guy: It was then that I realized it wasn't 'my' fault. Hey, you never know. / Isn't it grand? Bowler hat? Bleh! [Templeton rolls the egg away and buries it in his hole]. Is that German for "sausage"? By leaving the garage door unlocked, you let the time machine get stolen, and now the entire time stream could be altered! Look, pal! Wilbur: It's an egg *sac*, and it's right up there, and it has her children in it. Finally, the Meet The Robinsons script is here for all you fans of the animated time travel movie. Wilbur: Open-minded realists or close-minded? Charlotte's daughters: Ooh, that would take us a lifetime. Lewis: Okay, Bud, Fritz, and Joe are brothers. Well, hey, there, little fella! Anybody! Wilbur: If my parents figured out I brought you from the past, they'll bury me alive and dance on my grave! It's gonna all work out. And I can't just leave it here. Wilbur: Storm or no storm, Albatross Airlines... Wilbur: Oh, I feel like I got my head in a vice. Lewis: Thank you. EW! Templeton: No, you come on! Bud, Fritz, and Joe are brothers. This puppy is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the movie to get the dialogue. Wilbur: [Looks at Lewis] Well, it's not like you're never going to see them again. I want a friend, but I want to live, too. I'm cured! Lewis: [after the Tyrannosaurus crashes through the wall] Why didn't you tell me you had a pet dinosaur?

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