In “The Dream of Rhonabwy”, the knight Owein battles King Arthur in a dream world assisted by ravens. Although this is not a long list the distribution is far and wide. The connection between the symbol and the tinners may have arisen because the ‘Three Rabbits’ can be found in some of the Dartmoor churches which would have been in mining areas. It must mean something but what? In Celtic mythology and folklore the hare has links to the mysterious Otherworld of the supernatural. If one accepts that the actual symbol shows, Having established what the symbol looks like, the main question to answer is why the hare and what did it represent? Once I realised I was going to be spending three books with magical hares, I began to research the role of hares in traditional tales. Which is six, sixes that together form a seventh object. Three hares most likely stands for the three months or moons in the spring season. But of all the hares, I feel the strongest connection to the shapeshifting Scottish hares of my childhood home and their sister tales in other parts of these islands. They represent spring and fall, night and day. In their book ‘The Leaping Hare’, George Ewart Evans and David Thomson (1972pp. For this reason the Hare, in grateful recollection of its former quality as bird and swift messenger of the Spring-Goddess, is able to lay eggs on her festival at Easter-time (r. Required fields are marked *. The Celtic tale of Oisin tells of the warrior who hunted and wounded a hare in the leg. In Long Melford church the design can be seen in a medieval stained glass window and in Chester cathedral it appears in a floor tile. That image stuck with me for years: a young woman transformed into a hare, not by choice, not as a power, but as a terrifying trap and a dreadful fate (and yet, what a form to be trapped in: the fast, elegant form of a hare!). Yet again this has been plagiarised into the cake becoming the ‘hot cross bun’ and the cross representing the cross of Christ. Is Thor a Celtic god? All items are handmade by archaeologist Ramona McCloskey in Co. Antrim, the north of Ireland. Hare myths come from Asia so going with that you will notice the hare is opposite the rooster in the Chinese Zodiac. The Ostara myth linking eggs to hares for Easter says that a hare transformed or took the place of a bird? There are 2 examples which appear on plaster ceilings of private houses and a modern example of a stained glass window which is located in the door of the tinners bar at the Castle Inn in Lydford. So obviously hares went on roofs just as roosters go on roofs today because they represent characters opposite one another in a zodiac. They simply converted any pagan site, custom or belief into one of the Christian doctrines – this is another subject so had better way leave it there. A fall egg equals a fruitless lay? So when stubble in fields was being burnt, a hare might wait until the last moment, then leap up and through the flames in an attempt to escape. Eostre, too, was a shape-shifter, taking the shape of a hare at each full moon; all hares were sacred to her, and acted as her messengers. Alexander gives an example of how in 1662 a woman named Isobel Gowdie was put on trial for a charge of witchcraft. In Cornwall it is said that girls who died of grief caused by a fickle lover turned into pure white hares and haunted the guilty parties. There is an excellent website on the Three Hares Project which depicts many of the three hares symbols on church bosses. when l had my family ‘Coat of Arms” researched, names of animals were often used as “nicknames” for the knights in the field of battle during the crusades ie:- fleet of foot, and originated from Norman ancestry, and of course the colours were to be able to identify each knight during battle. When I found the amazing (and rather insultingly titled, for anyone who cries themselves a quine) Primitive Beliefs in the Northeast of Scotland by JM McPherson, I discovered stories about witches transforming into hares. We hope you all enjoy and as always, adult content and language is used so please listen at your own discretion! The supernatural harp of Daghda was also renowned in Celtic mythology for the enchantment it cast over those who listened to its beautiful tunes. Celtic Mythology English Folklore European Folktales Festivals Greek Mythology Hungarian Mythology Isle Of Man Folklore News North American Legend Symbols And Words Urban Legends Welsh Folklore World Mythology. 16 talking about this. There are hares as goddesses and the companions of goddesses, hares as messengers, as fertility symbols, and as tricksters. Celtic war goddesses often took the form of a raven. In his book ‘The Sacred Ring’, Michael Howard explains that in Saxon times the Goddess Oestara or Eostre was said to rule over the spring and the dawn. Welcome to Hare and Fern Jewellery Artisan silver jewellery inspired by mythology, archaeology, history and folklore of the Emerald Isle and Europe. We recognize that the Celts were one of the many important indigenous peoples of Europe. July 6, 2017. It was also said that if a hare crossed the path of a wedding procession then the marriage was doomed (2002 p.124). Greeves, T. 1991 Tinners Rabbits, Dartmoor Magazine No.25, Quay Pub. When I found the amazing (and rather insultingly titled, for anyone who cries themselves a quine), Primitive Beliefs in the Northeast of Scotland. Shapeshifting in Irish myth involves a long list of animals, not just the wolf or vampire, as made popular by modern literature. 2002 Folklore, Myths & Customs of Britain, Sutton Pub., Bath. Their ears interlock in the centre – and here is the really clever bit, they actually form an optical illusion in that although they all appear to have two ears in fact only three are actually depicted. In their book ‘The Leaping Hare’, George Ewart Evans and David Thomson (1972pp. Visit our main page to learn about the real world of America's wild horses HERE. Alexander, A. Flora And Fauna By Lari Don. They were linked to darkness and death – especially the death of warriors in battle. The fire connection may have arisen because a hare’s way of dealing with threats is to hunker down and hide, hoping not to be seen, until the very last moment when it leaps up and runs off. This is also possibly where the rooster lays an egg puzzle comes from. The rabbit talks to us about conception, conceiving new ideas and … Though I only scratched the surface, like a hare scratching a form in a field, rather than a rabbit digging a deep burrow, I was amazed at the widespread, varied nature of hare folklore and mythology. Your email address will not be published. March 24, 2016 © #FolkloreThursday 2018 I was brought up in Speyside, in the rural North East of Scotland, and my first memory of a hare was my parents being impressed when our cat dragged home a dead one. As a child, I didn’t think of hares as magical. There’s a pandora’s box type story about hare being sent to Earth by the moon with two bundles – one containing all the bad things, and one containing all the stories with which we are to protect ourselves from the bad things. He shot the animal in the leg, wounding them. As our closest celestial neighbour, it is easy to see why the Moon was thought to be a witness to the creation of Earth. From gods and goddesses to witches and sorcerers, to strange dangerous supernatural entities that haunt the wilds, Celtic mythology and folklore have an abundance of shapeshifters. The hare is master of the quick turn. Greeves, T. 2000 The Three Hares, Dartmoor Magazine, No.61, Quay Pub. In the UK and Ireland, we have only three types of hares: the Brown or Common hare, the Blue or Mountain Hare and the Irish Hare, which by … 11022198. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about celtic mythology? The earliest European examples date to around AD1200 with the English ones at around AD1300. If you’d like to help keep #FolkloreThursday going, do check out our Patreon page to pledge a small monthly amount to tell us you think #FolkloreThursday is great! Some of these links may come from our ancestors’ observations of wild hares. Hares and their sudden leaps have often been associated with dawns, new months, and new beginnings — which is good, because I’ve just finished my shapeshifting. I live a passion for tree, water and landscape folklore. By way of … ), Over time, those connected ideas of witches, hares, transformation, and choice became the heart of my new adventure trilogy for kids: the. In fact the Chinese don’t refer to ‘the man in the moon’, they refer to ‘the hare in the moon’. Now the hare is commonly associated with the Anglo-Saxon goddess Ēostre, and therefore pagan symbols like the Easter Bunny have been appropriated into the Christian tradition. I didn’t recognise the magical story aspect of hares until years later, when I began researching shapeshifters and realised hares had a specific magical connection to my childhood home. The wonderful folks over at DiscoverKelpies have offered a copy of The Beginner’s Guide to Curses (the first book in the Spellchasers trilogy) for one lucky newsletter subscriber this month! If you do track it down, let me know! Just in time for spring festivities, today's episode covers a bit of Ostara and how it influenced Easter as well as the Celtic Hare mythology! Yet again this has been plagiarised into the cake becoming the ‘hot cross bun’ and the cross representing the cross of Christ. This was probably the first serious mention that linked the symbol with the tinners. I was brought up in Speyside, in the rural North East of Scotland, and my first memory of a hare was my parents being impressed when our cat dragged home a dead one. As I hunted for inspiration in traditional tales, I glimpsed many intriguing hares, including: The Algonquin Great Hare from North America, who brought summer to defeat winter; The hare from Ceylon, who threw himself into the fire to feed Buddha and was rewarded by being placed on the moon; The African trickster hare, who become the American trickster Brer Rabbit when he crossed the Atlantic; The famously fast hare from Aesop’s fables; The Indian hare, who tricked a lion into fighting his own reflection (rather than eating the hare!). She related how she and other witches could transform themselves into hares by repeating: “I shall go intill a hare, with sorrow and such meikle care and I shall go in the Devil’s name at while I come home again“. For instance, if you dreamt of a hare you were being warned of an imminent death in the family. Isobel Gowdie of Auldearn, when accused of witchcraft, claimed to become a hare with the words: The dark history of the witch trials and torture associated with these tales reminds us of the nasty reality behind many of the stories we enjoy sharing on #FolkloreThursday. Celtic … Ceridwen is a name of Welsh origin, originally rendered as Kerdwin or Cyrrdven. While digging into my childhood memories for this post, my brother and I recalled how we used to say ‘rabbits’ on the last night of a month and ‘hares’ on the first morning of a new month. Over time, those connected ideas of witches, hares, transformation, and choice became the heart of my new adventure trilogy for kids: the Spellchasers trilogy. Interesting. In some texts, Wenenu is identified as a form of Osiris [who] is depicted with a knife in each hand, although she is seen with the ankh and the scepter (Miller & Taub, pg 169). Horses are an integral part of human mythology in many cultures, including the American West. The cake was then broken up into pieces and buried at the nearest crossroads as an offering. Recent legend tells of how they even had their own symbol or badge in the shape of three rabbits running in a circle. Ok, let’s look at where the three hares can be found, most of the old examples are in churches, in Devon there are 28 in total of which 19 are of a possible medieval origin and of these 12 are on or very near Dartmoor. While digging into my childhood memories for this post, my brother and I recalled how we used to say ‘rabbits’ on the last night of a month and ‘hares’ on the first morning of a new month. Sayer, S. 1987 The Outline of Dartmoor’s Story, Devon Books, Exeter. Her sacred animal was the hare which was also the symbol of the moon. For Celts in close contact with Ancient Rome, such as the Gauls and Celtiberians, their mythology did not survive the Roman Empire, their subsequent conversion to Christianity and the loss of their Celtic languages. It is from Eostre that we get the festival of Easter which originally celebrated the coming of spring. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. It was only when the Christians came along that the festival was bastardised to represent their celebration thus overshadowing the origin pagan concepts. In pagan time special cakes were baked as sacrificial offerings to the moon goddess and were marked with an equal-armed cross to divide the cake into four quarters. The two most abundant kinds are the European Brown Hare and the Snowshoe Hare. This hare in the moon is said to pound the herb of immortality. The idea of the transformation of a human to animal or other form predates the Celts and examples are found in the rock art of ancient people all around the world. Tradition holds that witches could turn themselves into hares as in the story of Bowerman’s Nose. There are lots of hares in the ancient tales of the British Isles, because the hare is native. Well ok, that was a rambling way to ascertain that the hare clearly was a mystic symbol with roots deep into pre-Christian times. Pingback: first research – Honor Addington, Your email address will not be published. Originally the hare seems to have been a bird which the ancient Teutonic goddess Ostara (the Anglo-Saxon Eàstre or Eostre, as Bede calls her) transformed into a quadruped. Eostre, the Celtic version of Ostara, was a goddess also associated with the moon, and with mythic stories of death, redemption, and resurrection during the turning of winter to spring. Three Hares window – Castle Inn, Lydford – Chris Chapman. Hares are widespread geographically, so hare stories are widespread culturally. They are glorious creatures and need to be protected. The stories of hares being injured and those ‘bites and rives and scarts’ showing on human bodies, or of hares shot with crooked sixpences transforming into dying old women. Yet hares take on a surprising variety of roles in folklore, myth and legend. In Cornwall it is said that girls who died of grief caused by a fickle lover turned into pure white hares and haunted the guilty parties. On St.Patricks Day many people enjoy strolling through Celtic lore, a place filled with the spirit of the warrior poet. Whitlock, R. 1979 In Search of Lost Gods, Phaidon Press, Oxford. 33,253 Views. This had something to do with the Moon’s effort to thwart the Sun, who wanted to burn us all. Having established what the symbol looks like, the main question to answer is why the hare and what did it represent? In Celtic mythology Morfin (or Morfran) was a Welsh hero, the son of Ceridwen (Ker-rid-wen), a witch who brewed a potion that gave great wisdom to the bard Taliesin. In Africa, the hare was considered to be part of the Moon. But it’s true that whenever a dog barks, Molly suddenly becomes a small and very fast hare… How long can she keep not believing?’. My favourite Welsh hare is the one Gwion became to escape Ceridwen after he accidentally stole the wisdom she was brewing for her son; My favourite Irish hare is the one Oisin injured, then followed to find an underground hall and an injured woman on a throne; My favourite English hare is the one Boudicca kept inside her tunic before a battle with the Romans, so when she let it run free, the hare’s path was read as an omen for her warriors’ victory. Very interesting are the Hares in churches connected to the Normans or is it linked to Anglo-Saxon? In his book ‘Folklore, myths and customs of Britain’, Marc Alexander gives several examples of how the hare was regarded in legend. For instance, if you dreamt of a hare you were being warned of an imminent death in the family. ‘When Molly finds herself in a curse-lifting workshop with four magical classmates — a kelpie, a dryad, a sphinx and a toad — she’s determined not to believe in it. Howard, M. 1995 The Sacred Ring, Capall Bann Pub., Chieveley. Bit like the werewolf legend. fantastic story! No content from this site may be used elsewhere without the permission of either #FolkloreThursday or the article author. “I realised hares had a specific magical connection to my childhood home” Source. Ceridwen, in i… Looking further a field there are instances of church bosses to be found in Corfe Mullen, Cotehele, Selby Abbey, St. David’s cathedral and Llawhaden. Worldwide it represented the moon and in general life and rebirth and of course the female figure. Believe me, the more you study folklore, myth and custom the more you realise that the early Christians didn’t have an original idea amongst themselves. Daghda played three types of music that caused all those who heard the music to laugh with … It is the connection with witches that has earned the hare its worst association with evil. A page dedicated to Celtic culture and history. They act like a yin and yang. Careful research has revealed that this is untrue and in fact the symbol has much older roots. Hello everyone! Her passion for traditional tales inspires almost all of her fiction. The Snowshoe Hare is strongly linked to the Snowy Owl population, such that when hare populations are down, the owls stop breeding, and even die from starvation. On the run, it evades capture through hairpin jinks, flips and leaps, switching from victim to victor, from here to gone. The Irish hare is native to Ireland and carbon dating of fossils show they were present in Ireland as far back as 28,000BC. The name Morfran means “great raven” and ravens are associated with the battlefield in Celtic mythology. The hare is fast, tricksy and elusive. Hares (in America, they call them jackrabbits) are leporids, which is the scientific name for the family group of rabbits and hares. The connection between the symbol and the tinners may have arisen because the ‘Three Rabbits’ can be found in some of the Dartmoor churches which would have been in mining areas. You guessed it: silver. Seen on a clear night the full Moon might, with a bit of imagination, contain the outline of a hare.Throughout Africa there is a myth that at the start of the world, the Moon was so pleased with the Earth that she wanted to give mankind the gift of immortality. One variant is that the huntsman shot the hare with a silver bullet and then found the old woman with a bullet wound. Your Privacy, Lari Don is an award-winning children’s writer and a storyteller, based in Edinburgh. Hares are widespread geographically, so hare stories are widespread culturally. It is considered dire to harm a Rabbit in Celtic culture as they are considered both sacred and lucky. Her sacred animal was the hare which was also the symbol of the moon. The date of the Christian Easter is determined by the phase of the moon. Ravens figure heavily in Celtic mythology and legend. Fun Facts About the Irish Hare. We hope you all enjoy and as always, adult content and language is used so please listen at your own discretion! The Goddess most closely associated with the Hare is Eostre, or Ostara. As they were never impressed by the numerous rabbits this cat eviscerated on our doorstep, I realised hares must be special and different. Thank you again for listening! Just in time for spring festivities, today's episode covers a bit of Ostara and how it influenced Easter as well as the Celtic Hare mythology! The following two tabs change content below. Coincidentally, the gestation period of a hare is 28 days which is comparable with the moons monthly cycle. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The most common celtic mythology material is metal. Wenenut is the female counterpart of the hare-headed God, Weneu. 79 talking about this. It is mostly through contemporary Roman and Christian sources that their mythology … 58-9). A hare is bigger than a rabbit, has longer ears, and possesses more powerful hind legs. Primitive Beliefs in the Northeast of Scotland, J M Macpherson, 1929, Longmans Green and Co. Its exact meaning is unknown, due to the fact both parts of her name, Cerd and Wen, could have multiple meanings. If a pregnant woman saw a hare then the baby would be born with a ‘hare lip’. In fact the Chinese don’t refer to ‘the man in the moon’, they refer to ‘the hare in the moon’. Celtic is the mythology of Celtic polytheism, the religion of the Iron Age Celts. The most popular color? In Europe there is evidence of a cult of a hare goddess. Scarborough can boast having the design set into a plaster ceiling. The Hare. Tradition holds that witches could turn themselves into hares as in the story of. 16.69k. Thistle and Thyme, Sorche Nic Leodhas, The Bodley Head, 1965. In hare mythology, the hare is a creature with pagan, sacred and mystic associations, by turns benign, cunning, romantic or, most famously, in its March courtship rituals, mad. We also cover the Welsh mythos of the Ellyl! 58-9). (1995 pp. The idea of humans becoming hares fascinated me, but I didn’t know what to do with it (fictionally) until I read an old tale in Sorche Nic Leodhas’s Thistle and Thyme about a woman who was turned into a blue-eyed hare by a witch. Ralph Whitlock, in his book ‘In search of lost gods’, suggests that the hare was an early Celtic form of divination and that when Queen Boudicca was assembling her army prior to kicking the proverbial out of the Romans, a hare shot out from under her cloak and fled in panic, this was a portent meaning the Romans would be put to flight (1979 p.74) It is also interesting to note that once the hare symbol had been Christianised into a fluffy Easter bunny that same religion soon associated the hare with evil. Company registered in England & Wales, no. ut hare stories aren’t all dark. Wenenut (Egyptian) – "Deified rabbit-headed goddess. Learn how your comment data is processed. 15-17) point out that in early Chinese mythology the hare was a symbol for resurrection. The rooster is associated with morning yet represents fall, the hare is associated with night yet represents spring. Mother Nature, her cycles, the mythology that holds hidden meanings to many of life’s nagging questions are all a part of this system. Well you're in luck, because here they come. (1995 pp. Howard goes on to note that the moon hare was supposed to have laid the Cosmic Egg from which emerged all life. The very symbols of the pagan festival were transformed into Christian icons, the ‘hare of Eostre’ became the ‘Easter Bunny’ and the ‘Cosmic Egg’ became the Easter egg. Hare was told not to open the bundles, and of course, did. However, no primary sources support this belief, which seems to be a modern … In his book ‘Folklore, myths and customs of Britain’, Marc Alexander gives several examples of how the hare was regarded in legend. Do check out the other books in the Spellchasers Trilogy: The Shapeshifter’s Guide to Running Away and The Witch’s Guide to Magical Combat. These represented the four lunar quarters. Have laid the Cosmic Egg from which emerged all life, No.61, Pub., Oxford, has inspired copious mythology to hares for Easter hare in celtic mythology that a transformed! Links may come from our ancestors ’ observations of wild hares Celtic culture as they are creatures! An imminent death in the moon is said to pound the herb of immortality going with that you notice. Need to be found form of a hare excellent website on the three hares most stands! … Hello everyone not rabbits then there is evidence of a raven hunt hare! Enjoy and as tricksters, 2016 Flora and Fauna 4 Comments 33,253 Views the. 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