little dog gets attacked by big dog

She died 30 minutes later as we were trying to get to a vet. How long will a broken rib take to heal and should I limit his activity to speed healing? Take him to the vet for a check up. how to stop it ? If the behavior is unacceptable for my Rottweiler, it’s unacceptable for a Shih Tzu, Chihuahua or ANY OTHER DOG. Sorry to hear this. I know she could destroy him if she wanted to. The stray also needs to be quarantined as you do not know its vaccine status and it just bit your dog. And he’s eating well. Is this my dog playing or aggressive behaviour?? It is very hard to tell from your description but these types of injuries often require a fair amount of work and do not resolve quickly. Rhonda, I am so so sorry. He has a punctured wound on top of his head and to on his throat what do I do the vet is closed and my mother is afraid he is gonna die. It sounds like you are in the UK (obviously) and I know there is a good vet school at Cambridge and Edinburgh and presumably neurologist at each or close by. She is running around and acting like she normally does. This sounds like a very sad situation and Animal Control or the police need to be involved as there might be legal and risk consequences. Necrotic (dead) tissue, smelly wounds, falling down are all very bad things and without the proper care the dog might suffer. Dogs like that do better after being trained and properly supervised around other dogs. Never again. Second opinion or more clarity. I think the big dog was going to be unhappy regardless of where you met. Might be just bruising and pain, or something worse. Keep your own safety in mind as you do this—the dog may end up injuring you, too. Good luck! At home he was affectionate to a neighbor and even wagged his tail. Good luck, these surgeries usually go very well. Go to a vet and get it checked out ASAP. Thank you so much for your answer, and we’ll be taking care of him. Now to the dog(s) that attacked her – after coming home we’ve, examined them both. They did surgery on this dog and put drainage tubes in because there was two puncture wounds and wanted to make sure nothing was punctured internally which there wasn’t. Sounds like PTS disorder. A week later I had both dogs outside, they were playing great. Why would he make us euthanize her? My border collie sustained punctured wounds on her neck, belly and hindlegs after being mauled by an unknown dog two days ago. Last night Ghost really wanted the gentle leader off her nose and complained about it all evening. 18 were here. the woman should NOT be walking this is dangerous ! Puling off a scab is never a great idea unless you know what the next part of the plan will be. So I took her home with pain medication and chicken broth as the doctor said. But they were buds doing tag races together otherwise. Mat. I would recommend either keeping him very tightly leashed, warning all near-by dog owners, or get him a basket muzzle to wear when out in public. I took my 19 week old Lab Pit mix to a friend of mines mom’s where I wasn’t informed she wouldn’t be home. I can see that he seems tired after some strenuous activity. I have street puppy named roadio who I feed everyday before going home 1 day back he just disappeared nd came back today afternoon severly injured . My little dog was attacked by a pit bull yesterday .. Please remember the good times and do not blame yourself. For three days we worked with Ghost even forcing a reluctant Aspen to be very close to her. I did not realize this was so common until I found your blog, I literally read almost every story here. The life expectancy of your little girl should not be shortened by this. I was right there and so was the other owner and we had it stopped fast. I was supposed to be able to take her home on the 4th day but the vet told me she is now presenting fever. One had him around the neck but the most serious injury was a laceration in the lower abdomen, with his intestines spilling out. Thank you. Eventually the limp tail will be a problem too with sores and possibly might need amputation (I assume it is already docked which will help.) Well SOMEHOW the big dog wan into the room where the pup was and it just so happened that my mom had just recently walked the pup so she was still outside of her crate. An authorised council officer or police officer may enter the part of a property used solely for residential purposes where the owner consents or by virtue of a search warrant. Is there anything that can relieve her pain until she can be seen? Cat gets attacked by Dog. My big dog just attack my little chihuahua from the back. I would pick up another Kintamani dog for make company to Bali and Cleo, my Yorkshire terrier. I’d like to add that she lets me gently touch the bruise and extend her leg without freaking out on me so I don’t think anything is broken, but I’m not an expert. My concern is my schnauzer seems normal, but should I take him still to the vet. She give him a painkiller injection and told us to make an appointment for the next day (which I did). It seems like she needs to see a vet asap and have a work up. It feels like this all over the right side of his neck near his puncture wound but mostly just below his right ear. little dog stays inside now, except when pee and poo, i take him inside or else if i leave him in the back he stays at the corner of the backyard……. Sorry I cant help more. Well my big dog has never had an issue with other dogs hes always been friendly with them. The owner just watched as I screamed “NO” at his dog. Bring her to a vet! If he goes by his food, he doesn’t mind. Sounds like a terrible situation. Stop The Attack: Before anything else, break up the fight. So sorry. Police can do nothing. Any advice us much appreciated. The jack Russell bit the big dog near the eyelid, and was bitten around the jaw. I feel terrible that this could have happened who knows how many times while I worked long hours. This article will tackle some possible causes for … The lab didn’t ever get a tight hold before I got my Frenchie out and there are no puncture wounds. I don’t think so. The word “surgery” indicates that they placed a tube and did things right. PLEASE GET HELP AND WRITE A RETRACTION AT LEAST. He then starting getting swelling that felt like a sack of fluid. Sorry I can not be more helpful but dog aggression is a very complicated situation and I’m not sure we will ever fully understand it. My Chihuahua looks like he has internal bleeding is that normal after he has broken four ribs and is recovering from a dog bite. If you are handling the pain appropriately with medication and she got fluids to help with shock, she should start to eat soon. Good luck. His tail is down and he is sad and he is trembling. I would trust the vet because I can not see her and can not diagnose her without seeing her. I would see a specialist or a good vet and ask to have a full heart work up. I’m not saying small dogs always start it or vice versa but the majority of owners will say ” it happened without warning ” nope a dog will always give warning just sometimes it’s hard to spot the signs Any of the other symptoms and I would be concerned. Sounds like he needs a splint, a good wound cleaning and shaving the hair around the wound. Muscle damage, tendon damage, spinal damage….. the list goes on. Therefore, he reacts in a way which may seem agressive. Our dog is 12 years old, a medium sized Spitz mix. When I was finally able to separate them she seemed pretty shaken up, laying on the floor not eating to move I breathing rapidly, however after a couple of minutes, she got up and limped into a little corner. I’m guessing it will be fine, but I can never tell without the records and pictures. My pup was still crying after the retriever stopped biting him for a good few seconds. Wow, great story. If your life is currently troublesome it can indicate your unconscious mind is trying to help you understand your own struggles. pitbull bite and locked on To fox terrier did not shake him we got Terrier loose. I need to put him on the other side of a shut gate and feed the other two far and away. I wasn’t there so I don’t know if she was being highly aggressive or if her behavior was normal for a dog in her situation. Small puncture wounds from canine teeth can close over rapidly and can easily be missed. I would try a natural birth but have an emergency vet near by and aware of the situation. Good luck. Probably because it was 14 years old in simply had a hard time with the surgery.The vet bill was $1,300 and then he wanted an additional $260 for The Cremation and Ashes back. It took 3 kennel workers to get the bull terrier off, and he wanted to go back to finish the job. We were about to get in the house then the 2 dogs together with my boy maltese played together. She did x rays and everything looked fine. Her size is much smaller than the male which makes her manageable so we decided to retrain her and integrate her into our family. Quite often smaller dogs can be instigators I find . Marlee was defencless. I would make sure she is acting normally and able to eat and drink and will urinate and defecate if needed. The attack wasn’t described to me so I don’t know what happened exactly. Hard lesson to be learned on my part. I took him out and he peed and pooped, so maybe he just needed to go, but he just seems different. He is on pain medicine and antibiotics. Just wondering if this will change is Temperament permanently? He really really needs to remain calm and not active until this can heal. Are there some signs I should be watching for? Is it possible it is due to pain? I took a step to open the door and that’s when the worst happened. So sorry for your loss. Any insight on this whole situation would be greatly appreciated. We find them to be disgusting and unacceptable because they behave like animals, not a human being. My dog is a pit/lab. He won’t even let my other dog come near him and they play together all the time. I have a 6 year old an a 18 year old and we are all scared to even go outside with the pit now. I would try to speak with a local animal behaviorist and see if there are exercises you can do to improve this. Sorry. I forget the last comments I wrote, but I’m sure severe infection was a concern and I’m glad you are on better antibiotics. Do you have any suggestions on how I can help her? We own a pug and a labradoodle. You can usually help these guys if you catch it fast enough. It only a big fog problem. They were taken to the animal hospital, examined, and released after cleaning of wounds and antibiotics. He can only get rabies if the neighbor’s dog has rabies. It’s just I didn’t like the aggressive eager play of the lab with him. I’m just so scared of what the outcome is going to be tomorrow. They were originally bred to hunt small game. Often small dog owners think their dog’s behavior is “cute,” no matter what, even if they would condemn the same behavior and find it scary in a larger dog. My 4 month old 24 lb. Today I was walking my large dog in a new park. I got Marlee into another room. I can’t really afford a vet but if need be we’ll find a way to get my little man the help he needs! Be careful in the future! They are both female dogs, both from homes with multi dogs and children. In my experience there is often some psychological trauma but it is short lived. He went in for the shot again today and the vet said we should look very closely and carefully at his neck to see if there are any bite marks because obviously she has no time for that… He’s not shaking anymore today, he’s eating normally, but he’s still walking slowly and his neck is still very bad. I replied the last time and the editor chose to repost this biased crap. Not much, it is an infection and swelling. Now, I have another problem (about dog bites): when I was going to the school, my Kintamani dog, Bali, run out of my apartment (don’t ask me was it occurred, because I REALLY don’t know, but I think it was when the maid opened the door) and was bitten by the neighbor dog (I think it was a mini Pincher). As a side note, to avoid BDLD confrontations, it is recommended that you always keep both your large and small dogs on a leash at all times when in public. How dare you say that women ask to get raped! She doesnt live with me but when i see her i just feel so bad .. He was operated upon 16 days ago. Very often these will heal or mostly heal on their own. I guess I’m just needing answers that I’ll probably never get. We are now thinking about what’s next….and that would be compensation. If no drain then we leave the wounds to drain and heal open. Should I apply saline to loosen the scab and get the hair out?? You are very correct in saying that seeing something wrong and not doing anything about it is incorrect. Another thing I should mention is that we plan to do obedience training at the dog park during busy times as a way to socialize her. How serious can an abscess be? While walking my dog (50lb Am. I was thankful I was home and now know to never to take in someone else dog. Sorry to hear. my dog have been attack and his ear is really bothering him. Abby has been rushed too many times by a rather large, energetic Portuguese water dog who, while not dangerous, is somewhat aggressive. So we burried her the same night. A pitbul attacked my Mom’s 4 month old morkie last night and they see a broken rib and puncture in it’s stomach. Sounds like you were both lucky. If you own a PET and find yourself in bad position that you can non longer care for the PET then PLEASE PLEASE ask a friend, family members, if they can adopt the pet feom you, And if they can’t, then you should find it in your heart to relinquish the PET to the SPCA or look online to PET farms who can adopt your pet to the farm or they can Foster Parent the pet until they find a loving/responsible home for the PET. If they decide to attack it can be scary, and it could do serious damage to your dog. See how she looks after another week. Most dog owners know if their dogs are aggressive or dog aggressive and it is their duty to keep those pets away from others. Good luck. If it continues you need to bring him to a local vet to get looked at. She’s had a rough life, been in and out of shelters several times prior to my getting her. Sorry but there is no way I can tell from that description. I will not question the vet who had the dog in front of him. but he looks twice is size. Very sorry to hear this. However, is there any way to remove a large dog from a smaller one without hurting either of them or any person in a situation like this? We knew this would happen, they had to establish the “leader” dog. The dog got a taste of what it was really bred for and it wants more. I took him to the dog park for the first time today. I know their dog healed, and is ok. My problem now is my emotional trauma to the incident. He has been the best most loyal dog and this behaviour has shocked me and i dont know how i feel about him anymore. You also need to be careful around other peoples dogs in the same situations. A lot of people told me to put her down but i just couldnt do something like that i saw my dog and she looked happy she was they same playful dog she was before the accident but now i think to myself i should of done it i shouldve put her down . At first, seeing him from a distance, I thought he was old because he seemed to have trouble walking, just a few pace at a time. He is territorial and will snap if the shih poo touches his toys or the shih poos. Cleo (the Yorkshire terrier – I already told u about her), may be pregnant, and the father is a mid-sized Schinauzer…. Thanks Answer. My friend forgot to shut the door and my bullmastiff ran out and grabbed the dog by the neck and shook her. SOrry I can not help more. I made sure he was separated from other two dogs until 3 days later. He is eating normal, and is still active. There is nothing worse than having a dog charge at you (even one that wants to play) when you have spend lots of time and often lots of money training your own dog to be non reactive on leash. That’s when he started puking with difficulty. Pain would be my first guess. You were lucky. My dog got bit today by a huge dog on the rib will he die???? But persistent/or severe infections can take days to show any improvement. Just you. Talk to your parents please. Thanks, there are three. The small dog got the worst end of it although neither dog needed vet care. But not if there’s a big dog around. We had them here almost a week already with no issues. My poodle mix got bit by 2 pit bulls last friday. PETS are not meant to be treated as “disposable play things”. He used to be the passive one but fight if provoked far enough with my deceased collie, now as the elder he has turned into an aggressor who continues fighting when the fight is over. When I got the jacket off she had multiple puncture wounds around her neck. You also have to be prepared to be contrite and apologetic even when the other owner, who is scared to death, starts yelling at you or perhaps even trying to kick your dog in an effort to keep his own safe. I don’t know what’s happen with the Schnauzer. I would be very concerned that the urine is causing him great pain and reducing his ability to heal. Today is Thursday and his appointment is on Tuesday. It’s not beacause I want to hold my vet accountable. Good luck! I would advise contacting a local trainer or dog behavior vet ASAP. I would question this too. Now I am worried for the shih poo. I really can not say without having seen her, but it sounds like she was VERY injured and maybe a trip to the city might not have even saved her. Otherwise I would be concerned with inter-dog problems and consider a basket muzzle: Remember, if you give this dog away you have another liability issue with a known aggressive dog. My little pup got attacked. It has amazing properties in dog GI tracts. Bring him to another veterinarian as soon as possible. I think it was instant kill. It was traumatic for my poor lil dog. Finally the owner of the pitbull showed up & asked if his dog was okay. BDLD injuries are sometimes compared to an iceberg: The bigger, serious problems often lie below the surface. He could be in shock or have head trauma as well, those might account for the staggering…just thoughts. My family gave her some amoxicillin and i’m not sure it will help either. I would try to get him to a vet asap to have at least a quick exam. I am not an expert on animal behavior. Heheh I’m thinking about pick up other Kintamani. I do not agree with this opinion in its entirety. I would think the small dog had some severe thoracic trauma and possible neck and back damage after the big dog attack. She was 3 months old and absolutly gorgeous. He got home from the hospital last night. I’m not sure saline will do the trick, you can try. When he follows through, it’s your job to reward him with warm praise and delicious treats. So he has a chest or trachea puncture. Need some advise. The skin that was chomped can die and/or become very bruised as time goes on. I’m worried if indeed it was the shepherd that he has the ‘taste of blood’ so to speak and may hurt him again. I am not a certified behaviorist and you might want to seek one out. The have many good uses, but these are not them. The gum puncture and the broken tooth can lead to serious infection. If so, you have even less chance, if not you need to get him vaccinated (Federal Law) as soon as possible anyway. The problem is i love this dog. Ideally a surgeon but a medicine specialist can help too with an ultrasound and evaluation. Thank you, Dr. Stewart! I would NOT suspect any permanent injures to remain if the vet is surgically fixing the problems now and the dog is under the vet care for 48 hours. Just watch for infection. It sounds like she could breath well enough, but maybe she has a damaged throat that continued to swell and cause major problems. Why did that dog attack my dog: Some dogs provoke dogs to not like them. Yes is the short answer I think amputation is a very likely at this point. I also can not give out specific medical advice like drugs or doses. Marlee is VERY sensitive to weather changes and we figured out that is when fights would happen. When dogs get into a fight, it is very often a big dog attacking a smaller dog. My puppy was attacked by a big dog and he can’t move his right front leg. Right after I brought her in and checked her out. You need to see a doctor if you are bitten!!! I have zero faith in their ability to fix an infected bite wound, broken leg and ruptured bladder. For a good maybe almost 10 seconds, both the owner and I both tried hard to pull the 2 dogs apart, and that resulted in the dog biting me multiple times on the hand as well. I would trust the vet for an opinion. These people that read human emotions and motivations into a dog … After 4 days of being hospitalized and on antibiotics, they have a splint on bandaged but the wound is still draining. 6-year-old praised for saving his sister from a dog attack ... Walker said she shared the story "so that it gets as much exposure as it can." Thanks for your support and advice. Dog fights are very serious and this needs veterinary attention soon. The vet took X-rays and couldn’t see anything but said we should go to a big emergency clinic in the next town — the dog would require exploratory surgery to determine if she had internal injuries. 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