kzinti star trek online

Kzinti cubs are tested by the Black Priests. In illegal possession of phasers, the privateers ambushed the shuttle's crew of three Starfleet officers, imprisoning them in a police web and confiscating the unopened box in hopes of finding within it a weapon. The Kzinti are sending a distress call to their homebase, which needs to be cut off, and M'Ress' plan is to recode it to send a distress call from her own crew to a Federation starbase. This was part of the reason that William Riker's home had a security system that allowed them to raise perimeter shields around their residence. The Kzinti government was led by the Highest of Kzin. Place of origin: In the following years, he pitched ideas for Kzinti-involved stories so persistently that Brannon Braga came to refer to them as "Jimmy Diggs' Crazy Cats". Undeterred in his fascination with the Kzinti, Jimmy Diggs later adapted a story idea originated by Neal and Jana Hallford into a teleplay entitled "Kilkenny Cats", which André Bormanis arranged to have Diggs pitch to Manny Coto for the planned fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise. Single-named Kzinti have distinguished themselves in some manner. Wu muses that the Kzin have learned that it would be safer for the young Kzin to eat arsenic than a human being. By the time the Kzinti attained the level of sophistication and foresight needed to win against humans, they no longer had the numbers or the drive to do so. At one point, Louis Wu, while visiting the Kzin homeworld and given access to the Kzinti Patriarch's game preserve, was confronted by a young Kzin and his father. Once the humans had FTL warships, the Kzinti couldn't defeat the humans in space combat. Telepaths are tolerated by the warrior class due to the specialized use of their skill, otherwise they endure a low-caste position in society, just above the status of slaves, with the occasional slave being considered of a higher social status. By the time of the events in Ringworld, Kdaptism has become a minor, if not tolerated, religion. The Ferasan playable species in the Klingon Faction in Star Trek Online are a stand in for the Kzinti in that game. Star Trek Online: The bridge officer power "Torpedo: Spread" causes your launcher to fire four torpedoes each at any targets in a 90 degree cone, while "Torpedo: High Yield" causes photon and quantum torpedo launchers to fire multiple torpedoes at a single target. Also, in a fictional variant of the Star Fleet Universe as represented in the games Star Trek: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War and Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates from Taldren, the Kzinti were renamed and re-interpreted as the more canine Mirak. Adventures Star Trek: 25th Anniversary. [6], Jimmy Diggs with a maquette of a proposed Kzinti redesign, Jimmy Diggs, who contributed a number of stories to both Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager (and was a friend of Larry Niven's), was a long-time proponent of the Kzinti returning to Star Trek. Kzinti females were considered "dumb animals" without intelligence, and Kzinti males were thus predisposed to underestimate females of other species. The Kzinti were also written by Niven into the Star Trek universe, appearing first in Star Trek: The Animated Series, also in Star Fleet Universe, as well as material for Star Trek: Enterprise that was never produced because of the series' cancellation. As a side note, at around 0.7 c the starship will be at Functional Lightspeed.This is because 0.7 c has a gamma of 1.4, and 1/1.4 is about 0.7 (unlike all the other values on the table).Well, actually after playing around on a spreadsheet it looks like it is closer to 0.707 c with a gamma of 1.414. Kzinti are often described as anthropomorphic tigers, but there are significant and visible differences. [11]. Kzinti can accumulate multiple names if they continue to perform valorously. An example of a Kzin's naming transition would be: In several different stories by other authors playing in the universe we see references to a total of five Man-Kzin wars taking place. The crest of the Riit (Royal) family appears to be a bite mark, but is in fact a dentate leaf, with the words "From mercenary to master." Prior to contacting humans, the predatory Kzin had conquered every species they had encountered, but humans—who, at the time of first contact, were believed by the Kzin to be unarmed pacifists—have consistently defeated the Kzinti. There was no sure way to guard one's thoughts from such a telepath, but the experience could be made especially unappealing for the telepath by the subject concentrating intently on images which Kzinti considered distasteful or alien, such as eating a raw vegetable. The Kzinti were incorporated into the Star Fleet Universe where they control a powerful empire known as the Kzinti Hegemony, mortal enemies of that universe's Lyran Star Empire – although it is alluded that the Kzinti and Lyrans share common ancestry, a claim both sides violently reject. Flag Territory The United Federation of Planets is an interstellar state composed of 154 member states, colonies, protectorates, and other planetary governments unified under the goals of universal liberty, justice, equality, trade, exploration, scientific advancement, peace, and mutual protection.The most powerful state in local space, the Federation encompasses 10,000 light … In the fictional variant of the Star Fleet Universe as represented in the games Star Fleet Command II: Empires at War and Star Fleet Command: Orion Pirates from Taldren, the Kzintis were renamed as the Mirak. Their physical attributes made them powerful combatants; Spock estimated his chances of defeating Chuft-Captain in single combat to be no better than sixteen to one. On May 17, 2012, the MMORPG Star Trek Online introduced the Ferasans as a playable race for the in-game Klingon Empire faction. In fact, a fringe faction of the Kzinti known as the Kdaptists, frustrated with the reversals their race had suffered against humanity, went so far as to adopt the human concept that God had created humanity (not Kzinti) in His image, and that He favors and protects humans over other races. Speaker-to-Animals when confronted tells Louis Wu that he was raised by a Kdaptists but that it 'didn't take.'. [citation needed] Males are tested for telepathy; the ones who exhibit telepathic ability are forced into addiction of a drug derived from the lymph of an animal called a sthondat. In the course of these conflicts, some Kzinti fed on Human meat. According to Niven, the Kzinti are not named at birth; they must earn their names through valorous deeds, typically ones that advance the interests of the Patriarchy. Type: Unnamed Kzinti have lower status, and are referred to by the name of their profession, as was Telepath. The Kzinti kept the other for themselves, only to find it empty. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Kzin homepage at (official site), Known-Space/Man-Kzin Wars Series-- Chronological Listing, Volume Listing, Author Listing, & Man-Kzin Wars Title Listing, Urhixidur Font Foundry - includes a Kzinti font, Galactic Civilizations 2 - official Kzinti Empire Forum Thread,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from April 2008, All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction, Articles needing additional references from December 2007, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Blood-of-Chwarambr City, Patriarch's Harem, (Carnivons), Lyrans, WYN, Klingons, Federation, Lyrans (Y48+); Klingons (Y50+); Carnivons (Y55-Y106); Federation (Y88-c.Y160); Romulans (Y173-Y185); Seltorians (Y182-Y185); Andromedans (Y190-Y203), Hydrans (Unk+); Federation (Y160+); Gorn (Y174+); Tholians (Y177-Y185), Birth description: Third-Son of Khral-Hrag, Occupation description: Weapons-Technician, This page was last edited on 15 February 2021, at 08:46. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon"), In 2269, Dr. Keniclius 5 cited the need to subdue the depredations of hostile species including the Kzinti as his justification for planning to create a "master race" consisting of an army of giant Spock clones. The Kzin civilization was at an iron-age technological level when an alien race called the Jotoki landed and made stealthy first contact with a tribe of primitive hunter/gatherer Kzinti. Following Ringworld, Niven gave permission to several friends to write stories taking place in the time following "The Warriors" but before "The Soft Weapon"; these stories (including a handful by Niven) were collected in a number of volumes of The Man-Kzin Wars, which eventually reached fourteen volumes, the first published in June 1988. With the secret support of the Kzinti government, a plan was devised to reacquire the former box from Starfleet's custody, one which would be disavowed by the Highest of Kzin in the event of its failure. Laser weapons, such as the laser pistol, were also used before phasers became the standard-issue weapon in the Starfleet arsenal. The Kzinti made no further on-screen appearances in Star Trek after "The Slaver Weapon", but their homeworld of Kzin was included on a star chart created by Mike Okuda that was displayed at Starfleet Headquarters in TNG: "Conspiracy", and which made occasional appearances thereafter in that series, in Kirk's quarters in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and in the classroom on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, though it was never seen closely. For example, if the Patriarch gets meat from a seller's market stand, the seller gains considerable strakh, which will bring honour to the seller allowing him to get better customers, in turn leading to more strakh, giving the seller a higher status within the community. Kzin society is extremely male dominated. Most Kzin females (s. Kzinrret, pl. One of the reasons humanity is such a dangerous enemy is the psychological blind spot the Kzinti have toward human females. And it's still going with a couple of new additions in development. According to Fontana, the pink coloration of the Kzinti uniforms and ship in the episode was a result of Director Hal Sutherland being colorblind, and thus unable to discern them as anything but shades of gray. From the Kzinti point of view a Manrret's stamina, speed, reflexes, pain tolerance, and reasoning capability (enhanced intuition by virtue of increased interconnectedness between the left and right halves of the human female brain) are far superior to a Man's. The Kzinti were initially introduced in Niven's story "The Warriors" (originally in Worlds of If (1966), collected in Tales of Known Space (1975)) and "The Soft Weapon" (1967), collected in Neutron Star (1968). Star Trek is a long-running science-fiction franchise with nine television series (seven live-action shows and two animated series), and thirteen live-action movies spanning three generations of characters and over six decades of television. The Kdaptists are a religious sect of the Kzin. The Kzinti race in the Star Fleet Universe – which has traits setting them apart from the Kzin of Larry Niven's works – has fought wars with all of their neighbors, the Federation, the Klingon Empire and their perennial nemesis, the Lyran Star Empire. The Kzintis in the SFU - who have traits setting them apart (e.g., no bat ears, sentient females, Kzinti/Kzintis as singular/plural) from the Kzinti of Niven's works - have fought wars with all of their neighbours, the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and their perennial nemesis, the Lyran Star Empire, and are long-standing allies - or more accurately, co-belligerents - of the Hydran Kingdom. They are originally known by their relation to their father when they are kittens. Their hands end in three fingers and an opposable thumb, all with retractable claws. There seem to be exceptions to this, such as the reference made to Kzaargh-Commodore's harem in the novella "Catspaws" by Hal Colebatch (appearing in Man-Kzin Wars XI, 2005) despite his not having yet earned a full name. These appear to earn names upon reaching adulthood. Kzinti also appear in Juggler of Worlds (2008) and Fate of Worlds (2012), novels within the Fleet of Worlds series (cowritten with Edward M. Lerner). (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon"), Unlike the other alien antagonists of Star Trek, the Kzinti species was an original creation developed independently of the television production, well before their appearances in Star Trek: The Animated Series, which were in 1973. Eventually, with Federation assistance, they forced the Coalition forces from their territory, but after the war ended, they were involved in a civil war as a disgruntled faction – which had been opposed to the Hegemony's ruling patriarch, sought refuge, developed a power base in the WYN Cluster, and launched an attempted coup of the Hegemony itself in the WYN War of Return. Their internal anatomy included ribs with vertical bracing and multiple hearts. The artefact is a circular ribbon of matter six hundred million miles long and ninety million miles in radius. The Ferasan playable species in the Klingon Faction in Star Trek Online are a stand in for the Kzinti in that game. According to Who's Who in Star Trek 2, the USS Hood (NCC-1703) stopped a proposed invasion of Federation space by the Kzin. Star Trek: Enterprise, producer Manny Coto, wanted to include the Kzinti in an episode called "Kilkenny Cats" had the series continued beyond its fourth season. Males stood over two meters tall, with broad hunching shoulders and comparatively slender waists and limbs. Kzinti privateers ambush the crew of the Copernicus in the Beta Lyrae system, using illegal phasers. This guide included Diggs' ideas of how Kzinti history and culture should fit within the Star Trek universe. of diggs3.html concept art by Court Jones, Star Trek: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War, Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates, Pocket TOS novel Ishmael, by Barbara Hambly, additionally references the Kzinti. The authors considered publishing the story as a novel or comic book. It has been further described in the novels that a combat-trained human female is a Hero's worst nightmare. In the book, Maria Kellog, the commanding officer of a particular starbase, is established as having served as chief engineer of the USS Republic. She was one of six Human crewmembers aboard that craft; the rest were Orions, Kzinti, and Trisk. The patriarch has a range of privileges including a protected hunting reserve and the authority to assign full names to Kzin who have brought glory or honour to the Kzinti empire. The Kzinti (singular Kzin) are a fictional, very warlike and bloodthirsty race of cat-like aliens in Larry Niven's Known Space series. [9], Following Jimmy Diggs' pitch, Manny Coto promised to fight for the reintroduction of the Kzinti on the show, and was so impressed with a Clint Burgin-sculpted maquette of Diggs' proposed redesign for the species that he kept it in his office. Due to legal issues, the developers could not obtain the rights from Larry Niven to use the species in the game. Orbiting the Star 61 Ursae Majoris is held by the Time of the Copernicus in the novels a. Of the reasons humanity is such a dangerous enemy is the third orbiting... Safer for the Kzinti Patriarch is the third planet orbiting the Star Command. 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