henry vi, part 2 pdf

gracious Henry, comfort! what news, I prithee? But I would have him dead, my Lord of Suffolk. Raising up wicked spirits from under ground. If wind and fuel be brought to feed it with: No more, good York; sweet Somerset, be still: Thy fortune, York, hadst thou been regent there. And greatness of his place be grief to us. How now, fellow! While all is shared and all is borne away. I am but grace. His guilt should be but idly posted over. As I have read, laid claim unto the crown; And, but for Owen Glendower, had been king, Married Richard Earl of Cambridge; who was son. Now, by my sword, well hast thou fought to-day; By the mass, so did we all. But now return we to the false Duke Humphrey. And do not stand on quillets how to slay him: Which mates him first that first intends deceit. O graceless men! Thou shalt have cause to fear before I leave thee. Is to remove proud Somerset from the king. First let my words stab him, as he hath me. That shall I do, my liege. Bewitch your hearts; be wise and circumspect. What, gone, my lord, and bid me not farewell! And choke the herbs for want of husbandry. Proclaim them traitors that are up with Cade; That those which fly before the battle ends. Nay, it shall ne'er be said, while England stands. Gazing on that which seems to dim thy sight? of the Contention is not a source for 2 Henry VI, as Edmund Malone first suggested and J. Dover Wilson (virtually alone among modern editors) maintained, but a text deriving from it.l1 They also depend on a subsequent consensus that The First part of the Contention is not simply a bad report or "piracy" of 2 Henry VI developed exclu- For, as I hear, the king is fled to London. The third Part of Henry the Sixt, from a facsimile copy of the First Folio (1623) (transcription project); The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth, from The Plays of William Shakespeare, in eight volumes, vol. And show'd how well you love your prince and country: And so, with thanks and pardon to you all. Thus war hath given thee peace, for thou art still. Well, so it stands; and thus, I fear, at last. Alas, sir, I am but a poor petitioner of our whole township. Richard shall live to make the Earl of Warwick. And other of your highness' privy-council; As more at large your grace shall understand. Well, seeing gentle words will not prevail. Rather, he says (Oxford Shakespeare, Henry VI Part 2, page 32) that Mirror may have provided a partial source for the lament of Eleanor, the Duchess of Gloucester. Too true; and bought his climbing very dear. What know I how the world may deem of me? The Dukes of Orleans, Calaber, Bretagne and Alencon. For my part, noble lords, I care not which; If York have ill demean'd himself in France. Even to affright thee with the view thereof. Health and all happiness to my lord the king! As place Duke Humphrey for the king's protector? What, hast thou been long blind and now restored? For he hath witness of his servant's malice: This is the law, and this Duke Humphrey's doom. You made in a day, my lord, whole towns to fly. Then what intends these forces thou dost bring? But 'tis my presence that doth trouble ye. Resign to death; it is not worth the enjoying: Let pale-faced fear keep with the mean-born man, Faster than spring-time showers comes thought, My brain more busy than the labouring spider. Where are his talons? How now! Madam, 'tis true; and were't not madness, then. That virtuous prince, the good Duke Humphrey: 'Tis that they seek, and they in seeking that. Let us pursue him ere the writs go forth. Gloucester he is none.'. Is this the government of Britain's isle, I tell thee, Pole, when in the city Tours. Oppose thy steadfast-gazing eyes to mine. Who finds the heifer dead and bleeding fresh. If thou be'st death, I'll give thee England's treasure. Away! Though Suffolk dare him twenty thousand times. Enchased with all the honours of the world? The cardinal's not my better in the field. This breast from harbouring foul deceitful thoughts. Hold, Peter, hold! [Aside] And so says York, for he hath greatest cause. No, my love, I should not mourn, but die for thee. A hundred times and oftener, in my sleep. Now, by God's mother, priest, I'll shave your crown for this. My sword should shed hot blood, mine eyes no tears. Although by his sight his sin be multiplied. In winter's cold and summer's parching heat. I will, my lord; and doubt not so to deal. Ah, Gloucester, teach me to forget myself! But get you to Smithfield, and gather head. Even the commoners, when lured away from Jack Cade, respond more enthusiastically to the name of Henry V than to any other name. Let, them break your backs with burthens, take your, houses over your heads, ravish your wives and, daughters before your faces: for me, I will make, shift for one; and so, God's curse light upon you. My sword make way for me, for here is, no staying. sancta majestas, who would not buy thee dear? Available in PDF, epub, and Kindle ebook. So God help Warwick, as he loves the land. Obscure and lowly swain, King Henry's blood. I see them lay their heads together to, surprise me. Now fetch me a stool hither by and by. Welcome is banishment; welcome were my death. Respecting what a rancorous mind he bears. Help, lords! Beaufort, it is thy sovereign speaks to thee. Take him away, and behead him. And kept asunder. why comest thou in such haste? But can do more in England than the king. Will bring thy head with sorrow to the ground! Within this half-hour, hath received his sight; Now, God be praised, that to believing souls. As to vouchsafe one glance unto the ground. A poor esquire of Kent, that loves his king. Seal up your lips, and give no words but mum: Dame Eleanor gives gold to bring the witch: Gold cannot come amiss, were she a devil. Henry VI, Part 2 presents a kind of story that was popular before Shakespeare began writing, tracing the fall of powerful individuals to their untimely deaths.The first to go is the Duke of Gloucester, Lord Protector of England and the most powerful man in the kingdom, who is … Were by his side; sometime he calls the king. that he was, and that the king was an usurper. But boldly stand and front him to his face. To give his censure: these are no women's matters. For things are often spoke and seldom meant: But that my heart accordeth with my tongue. First 'Prentice Here, Peter, I drink to thee: and be not afraid. hath this lovely face. will you. Up Fish Street! Masters, I am come hither, as it were, upon my man's, instigation, to prove him a knave and myself an, honest man: and touching the Duke of York, I will, take my death, I never meant him any ill, nor the, king, nor the queen: and therefore, Peter, have at. though parting be a fretful corrosive. For I myself must hunt this deer to death. And ban thine enemies, both mine and thine! Convey him hence and on our longboat's side, Ay, kennel, puddle, sink; whose filth and dirt. What, dost thou turn away and hide thy face? True; and yet it is said, labour in thy vocation; which is as much to say as, let the magistrates be, labouring men; and therefore should we be, Thou hast hit it; for there's no better sign of a, I see them! A dreadful oath, sworn with a solemn tongue! Trow'st thou that e'er I'll look upon the world. That he is dead, good Warwick, 'tis too true; Enter his chamber, view his breathless corpse. The armourer and his man, to enter the lists. More like a king, more kingly in my thoughts: But I must make fair weather yet a while, Till Henry be more weak and I more strong,--. My lords, at once: the care you have of us. Why, then, dame Margaret was ne'er thy joy. As lean-faced Envy in her loathsome cave: My tongue should stumble in mine earnest words; Mine eyes should sparkle like the beaten flint; Mine hair be fixed on end, as one distract; Ay, every joint should seem to curse and ban: And even now my burthen'd heart would break. And I should rob the deathsman of his fee. And made me climb, with danger of my life. See additional information regarding PDF format below. Madam, your penance done, throw off this sheet. Sirrah, go fetch the beadle hither straight. Their softest touch as smart as lizards' sting! Great men have reaching hands: oft have I struck. Troubles the silver spring where England drinks. 'Twas men I lack'd and you will give them me: I take it kindly; and yet be well assured. All in this presence are thy betters, Warwick. He hath no eyes, the dust hath blinded them. And with the southern clouds contend in tears. Go, Salisbury, and tell them all from me. I saw not better sport these seven years' day: Yet, by your leave, the wind was very high; And, ten to one, old Joan had not gone out. Whose dismal tune bereft my vital powers; And thinks he that the chirping of a wren. In despite of the devils and hell, have, through the very middest of you? And left behind him Richard, his only son. And, you, base peasants, do ye believe him? They use to write it on the top of letters: 'twill, Let me alone. And dead men's cries do fill the empty air. Believe me, lords, for flying at the brook. Should perish by the sword! Is all things well. I thought ye would never have given out, these arms till you had recovered your ancient. Were it not good your grace could fly to heaven? why dost thou pause? He. Pompey the Great; and Suffolk dies by pirates. The first I warrant thee, if dreams prove true. Dead in his bed, my lord; Gloucester is dead. Well could I curse away a winter's night. Left I the court, to see this quarrel tried. My lords, what to your wisdoms seemeth best. Farewell, my lord: trust not the Kentish rebels. Will make him say I moved him to those arms. Will he conduct you through the heart of France. And there cut off thy most ungracious head; Which I will bear in triumph to the king. Unless you be possess'd with devilish spirits, This tongue hath parley'd unto foreign kings. That lays strong siege unto this wretch's soul. But, soft! And yield to mercy whilst 'tis offer'd you; Who loves the king and will embrace his pardon, Fling up his cap, and say 'God save his majesty!'. Which fear if better reasons can supplant. Stay, Salisbury. [Aside] He need not fear the sword; for his coat is of proof. And twice by awkward wind from England's bank, What boded this, but well forewarning wind. More like a soldier than a man o' the church. Resign it then and leave thine insolence. Let no soldier fly. and what is thy degree? And look thyself be faultless, thou wert best. You do prepare to ride unto Saint Alban's. This news, I think, hath turn'd your weapon's edge; 'Tis like, my lord, you will not keep your hour. Well, he shall be beheaded for it ten times. Unto a dunghill which shall be thy grave. Who married Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March: Roger had issue, Edmund, Anne and Eleanor. no, forsooth: my master said. Enter KING HENRY VI, QUEEN MARGARET, and others. I know, ere they will have me go to ward. Henry VI, Part 3 (often written as 3 Henry VI) is a history play by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1591, and set during the lifetime of King Henry VI … Yea, man and birds are fain of climbing high. Canst thou dispense with heaven for such an oath? That makes him gasp and stare and catch the air. When such strings jar, what hope of harmony? Author: William Shakespeare: Short title: The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth: Conversion program: Google Books PDF Converter (rel 3 12/12/14) Encrypted how think you by that? Why art thou old, and want'st experience? Yet, to recover them, would lose my life. nay, then, a shame take all! Under the wings of our protector's grace. When in the earlier play Richard, Duke of York, steps forward at the close of the first scene to reflect on his treasonous ambition, he focuses almost entirely on external matters of plot. Protector, see to't well, protect yourself. good uncle, hide such malice; No malice, sir; no more than well becomes. Alas, good master, my wife desired some damsons. Look to it, lords! Ambitious churchman, leave to afflict my heart: Sorrow and grief have vanquish'd all my powers; And, vanquish'd as I am, I yield to thee. He is fled, my lord, and all his powers do yield; And humbly thus, with halters on their necks. The ringleader and head of all this rout. And shakes his head and trembling stands aloof. Call Buckingham, and bid him arm himself. Take away his weapon. Master's-Mate And so much shall you give, or off goes yours. Whose beam stands sure, whose rightful cause prevails. My lord protector's hawks do tower so well; They know their master loves to be aloft. Deliver'd strongly through my fixed teeth. I'll give a thousand pound to look upon him. Better ten thousand base-born Cades miscarry. his skin is surely lent him. Brave peers of England, pillars of the state. Come, soldiers, show what cruelty ye can, Murder'd sweet Tully; Brutus' bastard hand. Like to the glorious sun's transparent beams, In Ireland have I seen this stubborn Cade, And fought so long, till that his thighs with darts. Dispatch: this knave's tongue begins to double. What are you made of? Or foul felonious thief that fleeced poor passengers, Murder indeed, that bloody sin, I tortured. Made me collect these dangers in the duke. Is Beaufort term'd a kite? And, in the number, thee that wishest shame! Against this proud protector, with my sword! Give me thy hand. So please your highness to behold the fight. 4 (line 20 - Verse) Page 2 of 2 This file was created by Tee Quillin and distributed through a partnership with Shakespeare’s Monologues (https://www.shakespeare-monologues.org). A day will come when York shall claim his own; And therefore I will take the Nevils' parts. They say, by him the good Duke Humphrey died; They say, in him they fear your highness' death; As being thought to contradict your liking. The ruthless flint doth cut my tender feet, And when I start, the envious people laugh. Hot coals of vengeance! Could send such message to their sovereign: But you, my lord, were glad to be employ'd. And her attainture will be Humphrey's fall: Sort how it will, I shall have gold for all. Follow the knave; and take this drab away. France should have torn and rent my very heart. [Aside] Cold news for me; for I had hope of France. Beat on a crown, the treasure of thy heart; That smooth'st it so with king and commonweal! Brave York, Salisbury, and victorious Warwick. Above the reach or compass of thy thought? Those that I never saw and struck them dead. In presence of the Kings of France and Sicil. Nay, do not fright us with an angry look; We are thy sovereign, Clifford, kneel again; But thou mistakest me much to think I do: To Bedlam with him! Far truer spoke than meant: I lose, indeed; Beshrew the winners, for they play'd me false! why hast thou broken faith with me. nay, fear not, man. Or thou or I, Somerset, will be protector. These Kentish rebels would be soon appeased! Who in contempt shall hiss at thee again: Having neither subject, wealth, nor diadem. Great King of England and my gracious lord. 'Tis to be fear'd they all will follow him. The pressure of York’s army prompts Henry to go into hiding, as all-out war for the throne looms large. What, is't too short? Comfort, my sovereign! https://www.globalgreyebooks.com/king-henry-the-sixth-part-2-ebook.html Sight may, distinguish of colours, but suddenly to nominate them, all, it is impossible. For thou hast given me in this beauteous face. Away even now, or I will drag thee hence: Unworthy though thou art, I'll cope with thee. Can chase away the first-conceived sound? But I was made a king, at nine months old. Available in PDF, epub, and Kindle ebook. Mass, thou lovedst plums well, that wouldst. Were placed the heads of Edmund Duke of Somerset. Tell me, good fellow, camest thou here by chance, God knows, of pure devotion; being call'd. By flattery hath he won the commons' hearts. Hear me but speak, and bear me where you will. GLOUCESTER’S house. if when you make your prayers. Shall one day make the Duke of York a king. Now, sirs, have you dispatch'd this thing? QUEEN MARGARET drops her fan, Enter HORNER, the Armourer, and his man PETER, guarded, Here they do the ceremonies belonging, and make the circle; BOLINGBROKE or SOUTHWELL reads, Conjuro te, & c. It thunders and lightens terribly; then the Spirit riseth, As the Spirit speaks, SOUTHWELL writes the answer, Enter YORK and BUCKINGHAM with their Guard and break in, Exeunt guard with MARGARET JOURDAIN, SOUTHWELL, & c, Enter a Townsman of Saint Alban's, crying 'A miracle! The mortal worm might make the sleep eternal; And therefore do they cry, though you forbid. wherefore should I curse them? Peace to his soul, if God's good pleasure be! O God, seest Thou this, and bearest so long? By means whereof the towns each day revolted. You put sharp weapons in a madman's hands. Was ever feather so lightly blown to and fro as this, multitude? Now, my good Lords of Salisbury and Warwick. because the unconquered soul of Cade is fled. To wring the widow from her custom'd right. Why, Warwick, hath thy knee forgot to bow? Henry VI Part 2 is a play by William Shakespeare that was first published in 1594. The fox barks not when he would steal the lamb. Should make a start o'er seas and vanquish you? Before I would have yielded to this league. For it is known we were but hollow friends: So shall my name with slander's tongue be wounded. Well, I say it. And threefold vengeance tend upon your steps! Tut, these are petty faults to faults unknown. Clifford of Cumberland, 'tis Warwick calls: And if thou dost not hide thee from the bear, Now, when the angry trumpet sounds alarum. Cold news, Lord Somerset: but God's will be done! [Aside] Or rather, of stealing a cade of herrings. That will forsake thee and go home in peace. Holden at Bury the first of this next month. Gall, worse than gall, the daintiest that they taste! Or dare to bring thy force so near the court. can ye not? Here a' comes, methinks, and the queen with him. My gracious lord, entreat him, speak him fair. They say, in care of your most royal person, That if your highness should intend to sleep, And charge that no man should disturb your rest. Hast thou not spirit to curse thine enemy? Ay, night by night, in studying good for England. Nor store of treasons to augment my guilt; The ancient proverb will be well effected: 'A staff is quickly found to beat a dog. Tell me, my friend, art thou the man that slew him? Anjou and Maine! Word Count: 433. The king and all the peers are here at hand. Madam, sit you and fear not: whom we raise. Why, Warwick, who should do the duke to death? 2 pages at 400 words per page) View a FREE sample. Well, I will be there. The Folger Shakespeare Library is pleased to offer free downloadable files of Henry VI, Part 2! Of hinds and peasants, rude and merciless: Sir Humphrey Stafford and h is brother's death. Welcome, Lord Somerset. That you will clear yourself from all suspect: Ah, gracious lord, these days are dangerous: And charity chased hence by rancour's hand; And if my death might make this island happy. Might I but know thee by thy household badge. True, madam, none at all: what call you this? These cheeks are pale for watching for your good. While these do labour for their own preferment, I never saw but Humphrey Duke of Gloucester. It serves you well, my lord, to say so much. That all the court admired him for submission: But meet him now, and, be it in the morn. But who can cease to weep and look on this? King Henry's diadem. now will ye stoop? Alas, my lord, hang me, if ever I spake the words. Or be admitted to your highness' council. Madam, be still; with reverence may I say; Some stern untutor'd churl, and noble stock. With heart-blood of the house of Lancaster; At Beaufort's pride, at Somerset's ambition. As he stood by whilst I, his forlorn duchess. Die, damned wretch, the curse of her that bare thee; And as I thrust thy body in with my sword. Whom have we here? Or blood-consuming sighs recall his life. From thee to die were torture more than death: Away! burying-place to all that do dwell in this house. And can do nought but wail her darling's loss, Even so myself bewails good Gloucester's case, With sad unhelpful tears, and with dimm'd eyes, His fortunes I will weep; and, 'twixt each groan, Say 'Who's a traitor? beadle, whip him till he leap over that same stool. Call hither Clifford! Upon my life, began her devilish practises: Or, if he were not privy to those faults, Did instigate the bedlam brain-sick duchess. you are slow; for shame, away! Do you have questions or feedback for the Folger Shakespeare team? Now thou dost penance too. Why, what tumultuous clamour have we here? Why, Suffolk, England knows thine insolence. Source text is Bartleby’s 1914 Oxford Edition Online. 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